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Anti-Powertech Rally Planned Outside October 28 Water Permit Hearing in Rapid

Democratic candidate for U.S. House Corinna Robinson wants to campaign on her anti-terrorism credentials. In her first public appearance, Robinson stretched those credentials too far, trying to turn South Dakota Democrats' minimum-wage initiative into a way to fight terrorism.

If Robinson wants to make some serious connections between her area of expertise and South Dakota issues, here's a slam-dunk event for her to attend:

Water Is Life - No Nukes Rally, scheduled to coincide with the Powertech water permit hearing before the Water Management Board, Best Western Ramkota, Rapid City, South Dakota, October 28, 2013

Next Monday, October 28, at 8:30 a.m. MDT at the Best Western Ramkota in Rapid City, the South Dakota Water Management Board will hear Canadian/Chinese miner Powertech's request for a water permit for its proposed uranium mine in the Southern Black Hills. Protesters will gather at 8:00 a.m. to show their support for the dozens of South Dakotans who will march into this hearing as formal interveners.

Robinson could attend this rally to speak on how a uranium mine increases the risk of terrorism in South Dakota. Remember, we're talking about uranium, radioactive material being processed, stored, and transported. Powertech will need to spend a lot of money on security, and right now, Powertech doesn't have enough cash to keep its lights on through Christmas.

Robinson could say, "These people protesting this dangerous mine aren't the terrorists! The terrorists are the bad guys who want to build dirty bombs and will have a new source of lethal radioactive material right here in South Dakota." I'd even allow this stretch: "The terrorists are also the corporate raiders who want to plunder the Black Hills and leave us South Dakotans in fear of higher cancer rates and accidents and poisoned water."

Rick Weiland could drop by, too! He's got some anti-nuclear cred, given his endorsement by the Council for a Livable World. Weiland and Robinson could make useful connections with the active grassroots organizations who have mobilized a sizable campaign against Powertech.

The Powertech water permit hearing offers a chance for Corinna Robinson, Rick Weiland, and other interested parties to talk about terrorism and the environment in the context of a very real South Dakota issue. It's a chance for candidates to show for whom they will fight in Washington: South Dakotans or foreign corporations. Corinna, Rick, be there!