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Boo! Scared Noem Resorts to Raising Specter of Speaker Pelosi

The Mitchell Daily Republic mocked Kristi Noem last week for her destructive pro-default vote by turning her anti-Nancy Pelosi rhetoric from past campaigns against her.

Scared that Speaker Pelosi is exactly what her kamikaze politics will bring about, Rep. Noem resurrects the Pelosi attacks with a fundraising pitch recycling fears that the Speaker from San Francisco would somehow do more damage to South Dakota, mom, and apple pie than more government shutdowns and the failure of the United States of America to pay its bills on time. Here's her fundraising e-mail, sent this afternoon to Republicans trembling at the prospect of their Cruz-control tactics backfiring:

Nancy Pelosi has her eyes on the Speaker's gavel once more. Scary thought, isn’t it?

We can stop her, but it will take the help of individuals like you. Will you chip in $25 or more today to help me continue fighting for our conservative principles in Congress?

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in Washington are chomping at the bit to get the majority back in the U.S. House. We cannot allow that to happen. The Republican majority is the only thing stopping more wasteful, deficit spending from being pushed through by a runaway Democrat-controlled Congress.

The Democrats know they need reinforcements, and they’re eyeing my seat – and the seats of other committed conservatives, to help win back their majority.

Will you stand with me and help me fight back? Please donate $10, $25, $50, $100 or more today, and let’s stand shoulder to shoulder in protecting and defending our conservative values.

We’re fighting for a clear path to rein in our deficits, reduce our national debt, and get America’s fiscal house in order. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats? They’re fighting to spend more, with less accountability.

We have the better plan, and I need your help today to continue championing our cause.

We can prevent “Speaker Pelosi” from regaining power, but it will take all of our efforts beginning now.

Thank You,

Kristi [Noem, fundraising e-mail, 2013.10.23]

You're right, Michael: Noem is getting nervous. Kristi's got to keep her donors scared, since she herself offers them nothing else for their money. Thanks to her foolish shutdown/default vote, Noem may bring her donors the tricks and we Democrats the treats. Happy Halloween!


  1. owen reitzel 2013.10.23

    when you can't defend your record or explain why you helped shut down the government and voted to almost destroy our economy you have to resort to the Speaker Pelosi ploy

  2. Roger Cornelius 2013.10.23

    "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser". Socrates

  3. DEEANN 2013.10.23

    Noem has been ragging on Pelosi since day one of her campaign. It's the strategy that comes straight out of the RNC. What's really scary is the thought of Noem "representing" SD in DC. Time for all of us who never voted her in in the first place to vote her back to Castlewood or wherever she wants to land.

  4. Douglas Wiken 2013.10.23

    Democrats should get Nancy Pelosi out here to charm and awe the press with her intelligence and knowledge. Weiland should get on it right now. The SD GOP could not keep attacking her with impunity after she hit a bunch of SD media outlets.

  5. Steve 2013.10.23

    Douglas, I hate to burst your bubble, but "charming an awing with intelligence and knowledge" did not work out so well for Herseth when she faced Noem. : ( Noem knows her audience, and fear plays. The hallmark of the entire Tea Party is to churn the fear to justify obstruction of progress. It is basic conservatism.

  6. Douglas Wiken 2013.10.23

    Herseth was painted as another Pelosi, and neither Pelosi or anybody else in South Dakota Democratic organization defended Pelosi. It was a lot easier to paint Pelosi as evil and then attack Democrats as just like Pelosi. It was a very fundamental error to not have Pelosi out here to defend herself and to attack Republicans head on.

    Herseth was trying so hard to out Republican Republicans that she fell victim to the "if the Democrat is just another Republican with a different label, we might as well vote for the real Republican."

    The attack on the wingnut right obstructionists has to be a take no prisoners approach. They view anything else as a sign of weakness and grounds for safe future transgressions.

  7. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.10.23

    Dang, Steve... and I worry that South Dakota may have a higher proportion of fearful voters... folks made fearful by seeing America grow and change from their comfortable Leave It to Beaver memories.

    Well, Douglas, whoever runs against Noem probably won't have worked with Pelosi. I wonder: are the Dems ready to take the brave step you outline and counterattack instead of running from the standard GOP fire?

  8. Jana 2013.10.23

    Maybe farmers should dust off that old Ronald Reagan quote with regards to the Farm Bill.

    "Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?"


    Herseth, Democrat controlled House = Farm Bill
    Noem, Republican controlled House = NO Farm Bill

    I'm sure that Republican farmers will be inspired by Reagan's insight to do the right thing.

  9. jerry 2013.10.23

    "Dust off" I like the implication of having a dust producing company, within city limits, speak to lawmakers at NOem's request and how those two are the same? Ah, the power of moolah.

  10. Erika 2013.10.23

    "when you can't defend your record or explain why you helped shut down the government and voted to almost destroy our economy you have to resort to the Speaker Pelosi ploy"

    It's the typical "Noem ploy". Hmmm...No-employ. There's an ad in there somewhere.

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