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Posts published in January 2014

HB 1177: Republicans Strip Local Governments of Road Safety Authority

Have we killed the "Republicans support local control" lie yet? If not, see House Bill 1177, in which a herd of Republican legislators attempt to stamp their casual attitude toward highway safety on every local government in South Dakota. HB…

Under God, Christians Should Refuse to Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

South Dakota theologian Anna Madsen reports that when her daughter Else was seven, she refused to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Why? Because she believes in liberty, justice, and God: ...three years ago, on…

Is Sexual Orientation a Protected Status in South Dakota?

Senator Ernie R-Otten withdrew his anti-civil rights Senate Bill 67 under the interpretation that South Dakota law already allows discrimination against same-sex couples. Senator Otten's position hinges on how we read SDCL 20-13-1, the definitions of our state civil rights…

SB 128: South Dakota Secedes: “No Fags! No Feds! No Judicial Autonomy!”

Good grief. Lest you think the withdrawal of lesbian-Lakota-hatin' SB 67 represented a victory for equality, humanity, and the Constitution in the South Dakota Legislature, read Senate Bill 128. This fresh abomination... ...reiterates the First Amendment right to say pretty…

Senator Monroe Determined to Let French Teachers Lecture on Evolution

Senator Monroe, have you considered applying intelligent design to your legislation? First Pierre Republican Senator Jeff Monroe proposes Senate Bill 101, which he thinks pushes his favored fetal-personhood propaganda into public schools but which really opens the door for teachers…

SDGOP Leaders Ignore Platform, Collaborate with Dems to Support Common Core

The South Dakota House of Representatives defeated House Concurrent Resolution 1008 yesterday. After fierce debate, the House voted 35 to 31 against the following statement: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the House of Representatives of the Eighty-Ninth Legislature of…