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Powertech Asks Feds to Rebut Unfavorable Press; NRC Declines

Canadian/Chinese uranium predator Powertech/Azarga can't stand a little criticism. Earlier this month, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued a license to Powertech for its proposed in-situ uranium mining project in the southern Black Hills. The Rapid City Journal called the NRC's issuance a "rush to judgment," given that Powertech still faces two regulatory hearings in South Dakota before it can start despoiling the sacred Paha Sapa.

Powertech VP Richard Blubaugh took offense to the Journal's criticism and complained to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

From: Richard Blubaugh []
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 10:53 AM
To: Burrows, Ronald; Lancaster, Thomas; Yilma, Haimanot
Subject: Informing Public of Process

Ron, Tom and Haimanot,

Please see editorial from Rapid City Journal below. Will NRC respond in order to correct the misunderstanding presented to the public regarding the licensing process? I will follow up with telephone call later today.

Richard Blubaugh

NRC's Thomas Lancaster forwarded Blubaugh this message from the NRC's Office of Public Affairs telling Blubaugh to chill out:

From: McIntyre, David
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2014 8:54 AM
To: Lancaster, Thomas
Subject: RE: Informing Public of Process

Tom -

The Office of Public Affairs does not recommend responding to the Rapid City Journal’s editorial, “NRC’s Rush to Judgment.” The editorial did not mischaracterize our process or regulations, which direct the staff to issue a license once the necessary safety and environmental reviews are complete, even if an adjudicatory hearing is still underway. The editorial disagrees with that process, which is their opinion.


You can read the complete e-mail exchange in this PDF copy.

It's bad enough Powertech and its foreign investors are using big money to spread their pro-industry propaganda in South Dakota. It's worse that they try to get the government to intervene in the media on their behalf. Thankfully, in this case, the government declined, and Powertech must do its own dirty work.


  1. Douglas Wiken 2014.04.24

    Powertech will buy a few ads on TV and full page ad or two in SD dead tree press and they will be FOREVER grateful... just as TransCanada and XL pipeline must be.

  2. Donald Pay 2014.04.24

    Anyone who has ever intervened in an NRC process realizes how backwards and customer unfriendly the agency is. Their process is design to give maximum leverage to the prospective licensee, ie., the nuclear industry, while allowing minimal real input from the public. Yeah, they do perfunctory NEPA documentation, then do their best to ignore public or outside expert comments. It's probably an indication of Powertech's lack of experience in these matters that they tout the issuance of an NRC license as some sort of major accomplishment.

  3. mike from iowa 2014.04.25

    All that bad publicity is gonna drive Powertech stock prices down into cadaver range.

  4. lesliengland 2014.04.25

    nice catch, heidelb

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