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If the Shoe Fits… An Atheist Blogger’s Devotional Response to Annette Bosworth

Last updated on 2014.05.18

Annette Bosworth is hard to satirize. It's hard to make fun of the already ridiculous.

But hey, I'm an atheist South Dakota blogger. I'm an expert at trying the impossible.

15 days until the primary: what more fun could lie ahead?


  1. Rorschach 2014.05.19

    A masterwork! She's gonna be stalking you outside your house filming herself there until you come out. She's gonna bring her bible. You know how to get ahold of her, Cory. You know!

  2. Jim in DC 2014.05.19

    Perfect! Backgound was very Bosworth-like. The laugh at the end was tops. Can't wait to see a response from the Dr.!

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.05.19

    R, I would welcome an opportunity for a face-to-face interview with Annette and Chad.

  4. Doctor not Bricklayer 2014.05.19

    Nice video, but you should have been wearing pearls!

  5. Megan Konz 2014.05.19



  6. WestRiver 2014.05.19

    That was the best video I've watched for a long time! You're right it's hard to make the ridiculous even more so! A video a day to answer her daily one would be fun!! Next time pearls and cleavage and maybe you'll pose on her new campaign managers website!

  7. Dan Van Veldhuizen 2014.05.19

    Love it!! I don't she will get it but every little bit helps. I will surely forward to my brother Paul and his Alphagraphics friends. Not that this will result in any payment being made for unpaid bills but a little humor might ease the pain.

  8. Kal Lis 2014.05.19

    Totally off topic, but what camera and tripod are you using? Apple software or Windows?

  9. Bill Fleming 2014.05.19

    Next time, maybe show a little cleavage, Cory. I'm just sayin'. Right Grudz?

  10. Joe K 2014.05.19

    Nice video! Now, you need to start having daily press conferences... Oh, and posting a bunch of memes to your blog may be a nice touch too!

  11. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.05.19

    Kal Lis, that's just the built-in webcam on my weak-hinged Toshiba laptop.

    Bill, no cleavage to offer, but I could do some posts from on my bike in Spandex....

  12. Dave Baumeister 2014.05.19

    Cory, This is a masterpiece. I need to share there link so others can enjoy it!

  13. kwn 2014.05.19

    Love it! Maybe next time a little more of the martyr role.

  14. Steve Sibson 2014.05.19

    Thanks Cory, one has to have a theology in order to give a "devotional" response.

  15. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.05.19

    You're welcome, Steve. Hmm... can one have an atheology?

  16. larry kurtz 2014.05.19

    thanks sibby, one has to have straw in order to give the Scarecrow an "emotional" response.

  17. Bree S. 2014.05.19

    I'm pretty sure Cory just did a Daily Devotional to Capitalism.

  18. Steve Sibson 2014.05.19

    "can one have an atheology"

    Nope, Marx had Marxism. In other words, your theology comes from In the case of feminists, women-made.

  19. larry kurtz 2014.05.19

    there is far more nothing in the universe than something, sibby.

  20. student 2014.05.19

    Did you see Chanette is now posting at DWC sprinkled with insults...

    Annette Bosworth

    May 19, 2014 at 2:30 pm

    Since the loyal War College comment squad has some time on their hands, I was wondering if you could tell me which voiceover take you like best for our corrected TV ad on Mike Rounds reducing the sentence of killer Jack Ramos?

  21. grainofsalt 2014.05.19

    Like watching SNL spoof Palin. Looks like you're having fun now Cory. Just one slight correction. Haber wasn't on a real mission trip for 3 months while his wife and kids were in the RV during the freezing SD winter. He took the $$$ meant to build the Denten Haber English Immersion school in Haiti and used it for a 3 month vacation at the Kaliko Beach Resort in Haiti. You can read all about it on halfwayish.blogspot. (Read Taylor Allis blog, she tells about the resort, look it up online, it's lovely) Just do it quickly before he makes it go away.

  22. grainofsalt 2014.05.19

    I'm getting an idea from Annette's voiceover tape for Rounds/Killer Jack, could you do something similiar for some of her nutsy claims ( for example; "which voiceover do you like best" "Annette Bosworth claims she can be in 2 places at once, yet she refuses to provide a simple demonstration of this talent. Annette Bosworth, Criminally insane or Insanely criminal, you decide" ) OK, now we're all having fun!

  23. grainofsalt 2014.05.19

    Dave Baumeister, did you say at one time that Chad Haber wasn't welcome in Haiti anymore? What's your understanding of that?

  24. Deb Geelsdottir 2014.05.19

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Hahahaha!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

  25. JeniW 2014.05.19

    I laughed so hard through the whole video that I had tears running down my face!

    Thank you so much for having the captioning, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your doing that.

  26. Dave Baumeister 2014.05.19

    Grain, I said I doubt if he was welcome there. Don't know much for sure, but I do know that some other non-profits actually doing good work there won't have anything to do with him. And I know that when he started the Senate campaign, he never mentioned the word "Haiti" again. In my 8 months with them, I learned that relationships in Haiti had to be carefully cultivated. If those relationships are ignored for a period of time, they go away. So my assessment was based on what I know of their connections in Haiti and how they seemed to be ignored.

  27. Paul B. 2014.05.19

    Yes, hard to satire the ridiculous. Well done!

  28. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.05.20

    If God or Gods are gonna get me, I hope they'll at least have the courtesy to let me know it's them getting me and not random bad luck.

  29. student 2014.05.20

    So I. Checked out her new giveemheckannette website. So really she started yet another blog?? Um, ok she could just read this one.

  30. Rorschach 2014.05.20

    My, my. Dr. Bosworth's latest distraction/gimmick is to change her first name.

    We know she's changed her last name back and forth. She's either Bosworth or Haber or Bosworth-Haber. But to change her first name to HeckAnnette is just over the top.

  31. grainofsalt 2014.05.20

    lol, I wonder if Jackley would be allowed to put up a new website for Bosworth Haber victims, for example, Jail'

  32. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.05.20

    Jail 'Em Jackley! That has such a nice ring to it. Good marketing, Grain!

  33. Doctor not Bricklayer 2014.05.20

    Cory, Annette owes you royalties! I just checked out the Rounds attack ad on her website, and one of the graphics used in the ad is an image of an article about Rounds with your name listed as the poster of the article. The video is right under the other video with the image of her mouth gaping wide open (as usual).

  34. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.05.21

    Thanks, Doc! I'm glad you noticed. I find the idea that Bosworth would now endorse my blog on her website as a reliable source of information hilarious... and possibly damaging to my reputation.

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