The word of the day: variability... as in climate variability... as in the thing we now say to keep from flipping denialists' lids by saying global warming or climate change.
The South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources, South Dakota Rural Water, and the federal Environmental Protection Agency are hosting a two-day workshop next month on "Water Sector Emergency Response, Extreme Event, and Climate Variability Planning" in Fort Pierre. The workshop's raison d'être:
South Dakota communities, including drinking water and wastewater utilities, have been impacted by multiple natural disasters over the past several years. Physical security also remains a concern. While many utilities have taken steps to improve preparedness and response to extreme events, a new pattern of more frequent and intense extreme events, likely exacerbated by climate variability, is forcing a new approach to short-term and long-term “all hazards” planning [, workshop announcement, downloaded 2014.06.26].
There you go: at least at our DENR, South Dakota state government affirms the notions that the climate is changing, that we are getting more damaging storms than we used to, and that utilities and public agencies need to adapt their practices to repair and protect vital infrastructure amidst such increased threats from volatile Gaia. Real change, real costs.
Eight years ago, Governor Mike Rounds agreed that human activity contributed to global warming. Ask candidate Rounds about climate change, and within 15 seconds, he'll tell you we need to burn more coal.
I wonder: at what point will Republicans crying about the "war on coal" start hearing retorts from local officials asking them to stop wagon war on our water and sewer plants?
The sleeping tyrannosaurus in the tea room of the Black Hills: Wildfire! The next drought will be a bad and long one, say I.
Is wildfire a threat to the water infrastructure in your neighborhood, Stan?
In Texas, we have this
You can bet Rick Perry is keep this news close to his vest.
That right leaning Rapid City paper has decided to take the power company's word for it.
I liked the two comments on there as well from a couple of zeros who have had the same opinion since they started to like one another. The Journal just knows who butters their bread and it ain't us.
randy rassmussen, rcj opinion editor, is pretty red, stubborn, but it would seem if wyo. has to shop their coal overseas, the price goes up, reflecting real cost to the environment. by taking intelligent steps here, the world follows. that is too long-term for the journal. so, they deny climate change. that is all repubs have, big mouth pieces. oh, and all the world assets.
Lead's water system is always susceptible to wildfire, Cory: Intake Gulch and Hanna.
"Climate variability" does not necessarily imply "climate change." There is always variability from year to year, and yearly variability from the 30 year mean. There are also many reasons for variability, including El Nino and La Nina, volcano eruptions, etc. There is, of course, just random variability.
There is also the variability in climate caused by increased and differential heating of the planet due to CO2 and other greenhouse gas loading.
But what's pretty clear is that greenhouse gas loading and the differential heating it causes is affecting all of the other well-established causes of climate variability.
Barrick's water supply
right: barrick owns the water.
Missoula is considering the eminent domain takeover of water owned by the Carlyle Group:
Climate change? Please, spare me! Yall better drink that Kool Aid quick, 'fore yer ice cubes melt!
If its actually happening, why do they have to "adjust" the data and then lie about ?
Another republican flat earther "adjust the data indeed".
Montana has always had a way of poking a stick in the eye of the corporate masters. The Carlyle Group, has some powerful masters at the helm of that ship. I think Bush Sr. is still on the board there along with many others titans of swing. Should be an interesting fight and I think the Grizzlies are up to it though.
cod-hahaha. thx for opportunity to post that noaa says May was highest ave. temp. since recording in 1880 on the globe because of record warm oceans. btw, it took about 2 mins. to google this...:)
Thank you Lord. What did we do before Google, Leslie?
Hole in the ozone, Les. You need to quit selling r12 and start selling r134. So we did and still do. R134 with a smaller molecule that escapes easier and now no more worries about ozone depletion. Cost was billions if not trillions to convert the world. Science at its best. Yes we do affect the climate. Interesting how science awoke one day and suddenly noticed that.
Now we subsidize the rest of the world with our coal.
So, how is the hole in the ozone doing Les? Thanks for changing the gas as we will need it for the tremendous heat we generate. Why would we subsidize coal to the rest of the world when we can use the sun and the wind and the geothermal? Makes more sense. Texas just produced a record amount of wind generation, why can't we do it here in South Dakota. Wait..I googled it and found that we have a bunch of corrupt republicans taking money like wall street bankers from the energy companies to not allow it. Thanks Google you are swell
It is getting better thanks to getting rid of those harmful pesky gasses that were used world wide.
You guys should be proud of what you did as it made a difference in this and it shows that the healing process is doing quite well. Slap yourself on the back Les, for a job well done.
Climate change or not, pollution should not be considered acceptable.
Carlyle was Poppi Bushwhack's Haliburton. If memory serves Bush gave them the opportunity to mine gold for almost nothing in return.
Jerry,Black Hills Energy is in my iowa installing wind generators. I assume they are a SoDak company.
Cranky old dude, you better get your poop in a group and your head out of the sand. Some of the top financial minds in the country including two former Secretaries of the Treasury Paulson and Rubin, former NY Mayor, Michael Bloomberg and former Secretary of State George Schultz, 3 of the four Republicans and the 4th was a Republican before he was a Democrat, are in a group that is warning that CLIMATE CHANGE is REAL.
or if you prefer:
And Cranky, I forgot to mention has dire financial consequences for the US.
Mike from Iowa, yes, that is the same company! Good for you and good for your state. There is a lot of money in the state of Iowa as well as incentives to make wind energy real. In other words, there is a functioning government there through both parties. Here in South Dakota, we do not have that. We have a fiefdom that is controlled by a Politburo or one party rule. That party has been corrupted by decades of the one party rule so that companies like ours here, continue to bleed the proletariat just enough to keep them going to help to subsidize building a system like your own. We just have not caught on yet on how we are being manipulated for that. Your prices will probably go down some but their profit margins will increase due to the abundance of wind energy there and the fact they do not have to pay for the freight and handling of the dirty coal. In South Dakota, we have even more wind and opportunities, just corrupt leadership holds us from those jobs and economic development.
Who is this Barrick that owns Lead's water resources?
Cranky, listen to Lanny. The fakers are the deniers.
Not that this will help, but the President is on our side, openly mocking the deniers, which I consider an absolutely wonderful strategy:
"Then, Obama said, there are the people who duck the question. 'They say, hey, I’m not a scientist, which really translates into, I accept that man-made climate change is real, but if I say so out loud, I will be run out of town by a bunch of fringe elements that thinks climate science is a liberal plot so I’m going to just pretend like, I don’t know, I can’t read,' Obama said.
'I mean, I’m not a scientist either, but I’ve got this guy, John Holdren, he’s a scientist,' Obama added to laughter. 'I’ve got a bunch of scientists at NASA and I’ve got a bunch of scientists at EPA.'"
You didn't read what. I said Jer, smaller molecules means lighter and escapes easier hitting the ozone. Darn pesky r134.
It might be really enlightening to know how the science behind global warming is supported by two of the most corrupt, Paulson and Rubin architects of derivative trading which have destroyed and will continue to destroy our financial security, Lanny.
We all know we affect climate change,so let us send our coal to Asia. Doing our part man, doing our part.
Leslie, what you say about Wyoming's coal exports makes me think the two most intelligent steps we can take are (1) keep improving energy efficiency and (2) increase our reliance on local renewable sources of energy that will never be subject to export price pressure, like hydro, solar, and wind.
China has plenty of motivation to follow suit: they don't like smog and acid rain any more than we did before the Clean Air Act, and they can't like a long-term fossil-fuel energy plan that would leave them dangling on our rope the same way we dangled on Saudi Arabia's.
On the contrary Les, I read it very well and I asked you a question that you did not answer. I sent a link that speaks for itself regarding the healing of the ozone hole, thanks to you and your brethren. I still do have the question that remains unanswered though. So, after reading the article, and knowing what you know about the gasses and the ozone hole, is it getting better? Also, it is good to know that you sir, recognize the fact that it is we who are causing the climate change. Hey man, did I ever tell you about putting sheep in a cool barn and what it does to the climate in that barn in short order?
Nice try,Cory,but wingnuts will find a way to sell all rights to the wind and the sun to the koch bros for a campaign donation.
correct. barrack bought homestake. water rights: the state owns the water, issues a permit to divert which is the water right; who owns the structures-the system-don't remember (prolly barrack)? but homestake bought up everything (the other miners' water rights in the northern hills including northern rapid creek) and has monopolized most or all the municipal rights ever since. DENR has a big ole file on most of this.
those are often spring 1876 water rights, while the tribes still owned the land. someday there will be a reckoning, I reckon. next big drought, I would guess. (last time, rapid city dried up the valley, punched Madison wells and "took over" pactola and Deerfield at great cost for security w/o eminent domain). happy custer city and state park day indeed.
Les, You are right about Paulson and Rubin, but unless you can show me a reason to believe that they have ulterior motives on this issue, I will have to believe that they are finally buying into what scientists have been saying for 20 years.
That does not excuse the State of SD for being 10 years late in jumping on the wind bandwagon. SD's governor and legislature were pushing hard on coal both through expansion of DM&E and Big Stone II at the same time that Minnesota and Iowa, both with much less wind than we have, were pushing hard for the expansion of windpower.
Our governor and legislature left those dependent on Black Hills Power and light to the type of increases that they are and will be seeing on their electric bill because of their dereliction. But of course it is the EPA's fault and the fault of those of us who have accepted the scientists warning about the continued use of fossil fuels. The powers that be could not and cannot see any way to make money off selling wind power, so it must not be a good thing.
Geerston Barrack,Barre Water Co is who Barrick is,mike. Don't you know anything?
getting to the bottom of who owns gold companies is an effort in futility
Paulson and Rubin having ulterior motives to continue stripping US citizens of money and power while rewarding their handlers, Lanny? Was that said in jest?
No excuse for anyone destroying our world. How about we start valuing the life our President continues to take with his war machine and declare it as valuable as a tree or a dog!
I agree with both of your last two posts, Les. I guess I am a little like the politicians in that respect. I guess, I trust them even after they have stuck it to me and believe me, the derivatives of which you speak got me big time. So I am being an idiot to trust them on the next go round. But the handlers that you speak of in the case of Rubin and Paulson are the same handlers of Bush and Obama. Your analogy of the life that those Presidents have taken at the behest of their handlers being at least as valuable as that of a tree or a dog, is well put.
I am now wondering if lignite gasification would make sense in today's economy. Anybody remember what that big test plant just outside Rapid City proved or didn't prove?
If there is an intelligence curve, Republican retrogrades are always on the wrong side of it. If the mouth breathers were on the side of real permanent economic and job growth in South Dakota, they would be pushing for development of solar and wind energy coupled to conversion mechanisms for anhydrous ammonia and alcohol.
The Carlyle group had a general making statements against Clinton when he bombed central Europe during Kosovo War ( ) with wire mesh that shorted out the electric system. Turned out the Carlyle group was heavily invested in that electric system. Once that spilled out, that general was not seen again on public TV.
The only thing it really proved was that Karl Mundt could bring a pork barrel project to Rapid City during the Arab Oil Embargo. It still stands but it was a coal gasification plant I thought anyway.
How would the anhydrous ammonia and alcohol conversion work? Would that be part of a battery storage system?
Wyoming beginning to pyrolyze coal in situ.
I am all for that Les,except wingnut Bush and korporate amerika have created so many more snakes,someone has to scotch them. A relatively stable Middle East is ready to completely explode thanks to a bunch of Israel friendly neo-cons. I can't believe I just used the word neo. Don't anyone show this to you know who.
Mike from Iowa, your post would be completely valid, had you not used the word Bush. The neo cons are the handlers of which Les speaks. They are the ones who are calling the shots on foreign policy, the financial structure of our country, and I would even argue that they are the ones who got the Affordable Care Act passed in its present form.
Do you remember the Public option that President Obama ran on to placate those who were clamoring for Universal Single Payer Healthcare? That public option went by the wayside in an effort to let the insurance industry take the unconscionable amounts of our dollars to promote our healthcare.
Without the public option to compete, there was no need to sharpen their pencil, just as with Senator Tim Johnson's idea to privatize Fannie and Freddie, there will be less need for the banks and home loan industry to compete for home mortgages.
Do a search for "Methanol Economy" and or search for
Solar and wind energy to produce anhydrous ammonia or methanol.
WordPress considers links to such sites "spammy" and suggests I post something useful. F*** WordPress.
Lanny-I remember the public option-rest its soul. If memory serves it was the first or second casualty in the wingnut assault on the ACA,right before or right after the truth was sacrificed.
Mike, Do you ever hold a Democrat responsible? Mr Obama was the President, Did you ever hear of the bully pulpit? This was the first item on his agenda as the new President. He had majorities in both the House and the Senate. He didn't even whimper when the insurance industry insisted that the public option had to go. That insistence of course came from insurance industry representatives on the right, but he could have put up a fight and said, no, it has to stay, rather than going to Universal Single Payer.
I gave Clinton hell for caving to wingnuts while he was Potus. I have often accused Obie and Dems of not having spines. Obama has been a serious disappointment,just not impeachably disappointing. I won't vote for Hillary because of her ties to Israel. I won't vote for Dems who vote not to regulate guns,wall street,bankers,etc. Voting is the only way I can hold anyone responsible for anything,short of making them disappear.
Clinton, also had control of both houses. They've all had their run with that control and found no guts amongst themselves to affect change..
Is it possibly because the same handlers are controlling both sides of the aisle Mike? Keep us hating each other and we miss the big picture. Interesting how the intel here hates Sib who is closer to the truth than any who suggest in the face of facts that one party or the other can make the change necessary.
We are so worried, here in SD, about the national picture. when we cannot affect the change necessary to rid ourselves of one party rule here at home. Democracy only works if we have choices. When those choices are limited by the fact that we play by the golden rule, he or she who has the gold rules. The same thing goes on at the national level only with the "handlers" as Les calls them controlling both parties. The only way we will make the changes necessary here in SD is to get a two party system again and then make sure that the parties are answerable to the people.
If the people don't care enough to pay attention to all the GOED corruption of the last twelve years, or to worry about the development of uranium mining at Dewey Burdock or the tiling of land from fence row to fence row, or the draining of our wetlands, and the list goes on and on, then we have no reason to even vote. We get the government we deserve.
national picture is right. koch scientists and "owned" media conclude that climate change is what caused evolution so our ability to adapt is a result of whacky weather like human caused global warming is producing right now. so as somebody else said (prolly bobby farrington)- dont worry be happy. who ever owns the uranium experts, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, accountants...wins! huffpost, nick wang, 6.29.14
Clinton lost both houses of congress in 94,Les and had an extremely hostile bunch of nutjobs investigating every inch of every one of Clinton's zippers for the last six years and beyond of Clinton's presidency.Who hates Sib? He and his neo everything every day is an annoyance,but I don't know anyone that hates him.
We have the head of a SD university on the Monsanto Board and you act like only the Koch family is part of the corrupt science or the other argument, that if it is science it is not debatable, Leslie! Give me a break with pointing the finger at corruption to the right. It is the full circle of corruption that will destroy the planet many of us love
Mr. Wiken, I have been checking out your suggestion, this is fascinating stuff. Sorry it took so long to get back. Thanks
Self-reliance or moral hazard?
"full circle of corruption", smoruption, my arse. yea, let's fix all the problems the repubs created, i suppose you want bipartisanism too, and THEN look at slowing global warming. lets wait till dd changes his Medicaid mind or is unelected but how many of the 30-70 deaths will have occurred in sd? if CO2 input is not reversed, the gulf stream conveyor will stop as early as 35 years from now. i just watched 30 years go by under rapid city's 30 year water supply plan, fast!
""""i just watched 30 years go by under rapid city's 30 year water supply plan, fast!"""" Yes, Chicken Little! Squaaaaawwwk.
I'd guess in a chicken's life, 30 years must feel like 6 million.
so tell me how repubs will respond to global warming in the next 35 years. 97% of climate science is "chicken"? wisdom of age, wow!
Who would like to guess why there is so much flow right now in the Rapid and Spring Creek watersheds?
Your narcissism shows well in your last two posts LE.
No trick question, Lar. Dead pine as with Rich Benda tell no secrets and neither scotch or water support the remnants.
400 square miles of grey trees transpiring no water and the bug marches on: is this a great bioregion or what?
Les, have you seen that now Huron is embracing Agenda 21, too?
Splain it to me, Lar.