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Haber Offers Pizza, Selective Policy Promises, Personal Attacks in Attorney General Bid

After two weeks of hiding behind his paid spokesman from Texas, Chad Haber is finally speaking publicly about his bid for the Libertarian nomination for attorney general. The husband of troubled Sioux Falls doctor and former Senate candidate Annette Bosworth is posting a variety of campaign statements on the South Dakota Libertarian Party convention page on Facebook.

On Wednesday, Haber announced a campaign pizza party:

I'm planning to host an informal Meet-Up for libertarians, potential candidates and other interested parties next weekend in Sioux Falls. That's the weekend before the convention. Probably just a pizza event next Saturday. Who's up for it?
Chad Haber, Facebook post, 2014.07.23

Haber has not yet specified when or where this gathering will take place.

In another post, Haber responds to one of the numerous concerns about his inability to carry out the duties of attorney general, his lack of a law degree, by invoking the Founding Fathers:

The reason there is no requirement that the attorney general has to be an attorney is because our founding fathers wanted to protect against us becoming a legalistic society. We are now a legalistic society. As Attorney General, I'll make sure laws work for the people, not the political class in Pierre.
Chad Haber, Facebook post, 2014.07.24

I offered myself as an alternative AG nominee to spare the Libertarians the humiliation and exploitation that Haber would bring them. Interested citizen Russ Stedman posed the following questions, to which both Haber and I responded:

Russ Stedman, question for possible SDLP AG nominees, 2014.07.24
Russ Stedman, questions for possible SDLP AG nominees, 2014.07.24

CAH responses to Stedman policy questions 20140724Chad Haber reeponses to Stedman policy questions 2014.07.24Haber adopts the Madville Times agenda and says he will use the attorney general's office to stop no-bid contracts and crony-capitalist tax breaks:

Chad Haber on crony capitalism FB 20140724

Haber has not yet followed up on whether his avid consumer protection will also include prosecution of fraudulent raffles or whether he will also go after Medicaid fraud, perjury and false oaths, and employers who withhold paychecks. Haber does, however, respond to charges that his campaign is a ridiculous distraction by shooting this messenger:

Chad Haber, Facebook post, 2014.07.25
Chad Haber, Facebook post, 2014.07.25

For the record, liberal and liberty have the same root. Liberty and I are best friends.

The South Dakota Libertarian Party convenes two weeks from today, on Saturday, August 9, to consider whom if anyone to nominate for attorney general and five other statewide offices.

Update 11:06 CDT: Haber tells KSOO's Dan Peters that his business acumen will help him make the Libertarian Party a viable opposition party. I invite candidate Haber to point to the successful businesses his acumen has built.


  1. Tim 2014.07.26

    Haber sounds like a republican to me. "Acting as a watchdog to protect consumers from crony capitalism". Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't the republican ran state government have to make laws that make crony capitalism illegal before the AG can do anything about it? "Making marijuana law enforcement a low priority", nice non-committal there, wonder how well that will go over with the state police. My opinion, not even looking at what happened with his wife's illegitimate senate attempt, he is just another republican trying to hide in a libertarian costume. Halloween comes early this year.

  2. Tim 2014.07.26

    On the bright side, I've never met a pizza I didn't like. ;-)

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.07.26

    Tim, Chad will sound like whatever he thinks his audience wants him to be.

  4. Lynn 2014.07.26

    I'm surprised candidate Haber didn't say that it is the responsibility and rights of citizens to make their own financial decisions and deal with the consequences if they claim they were scammed. Taxpayers should not have to foot the bill in terms of law enforcement, prosecution via the Attorney General or penalties if a few citizens make unwise choices. Personal liberty and responsibility rule.

  5. Lynn 2014.07.26

    Pizza sounds good to me and I'll drive to Sioux Falls for a pizza and a show. Chad would you please let us know? Anyone else?

  6. Flipper 2014.07.26

    It seems to me that between Cory and Chad, Mr. Heidelberger is the only one who has done something that an attorney general would do. Exposing the fraudulent activities of someone running for U.S. Senate and bilking innocent people out of their hard-earned money through raffles? Cory has my vote!

  7. SDBlue 2014.07.26

    Isn't the Libertarian Party losing their status in South Dakota because they did not nominate a candidate for governor? How does that square with Haber's vow to make them a viable opposition party? Is he planning on saving the party all by himself? The Bosworth/Haber team sure seems to suffer from delusions of grandeur.

  8. JeniW 2014.07.26

    1. The pizza better have a meat from a cow on it to make sure he gets the support of ranchers who raise cattle.

    2. The pizza better not be plain cheese, or be vegetarian, that would be an insult to SD, because ranchers raising cattle are more important than farmers who raise vegetables.

    3. The pizza has to contain gluten, otherwise it will be a slap in the face to farmers who raise wheat.

    4. There is no mention of beverages, but need to make sure that the water comes from the James River, or water is drawn from Sioux Falls. Any alcoholic beverage needs to be brewed within the SD borders. Bud Light and similar, would be an insult to the brewers who own a vineyard in SD, and offensive to the businesses and/or individuals who brew their own beers.

    5. Better make sure that there is at least one North American Indian, and at least one person from each ethnic group, and someone using a wheelchair is present for the the photo-op (gotta look like caring for all citizens ya know.)

    If he does not follow all those rules, is fate is known.

    Need I go on? LOL LOL LOL....

  9. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.07.26

    SDBlue, you are correct: the SDLP will have to petition to regain its official party status before the 2016 election. Haber's entrepreneurial management of his wife's campaign ended up getting his wife arrested. SDLP had better stick with Emmett Reistroffer to run their petition drives.

  10. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.07.26

    Thanks, Flipper! Are you willing to change your voter registration to Lib, pay the dues at the convention door, submit my name for AG nomination, and get a friend to second the nomination?

  11. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.07.26

    Hilarious, JeniW!

    I offer no food for votes, just my service to the party and the state.

  12. SDTeacher 2014.07.26

    I think if I was a libertarian who had worked hard to build a party in South Dakota, I would be furious at Haber for this attempt to turn the party into a joke. I hope the convention publicly and unequivocally rebukes him and Stranahan for this.

  13. mike from iowa 2014.07.26

    JeniW-is it acceptable if the cow meat is frozen?

  14. JeniW 2014.07.26

    Well, Mike from Iowa, I don't think the attendees will want to eat frozen meat. It is hard on the teeth... ya know what I sayin'?

    Thank you for the reminder to mention that the meat better not have any trace of the so-called "pink slime."


    Oh, just in case the pizza has sausage on it, the meat needs to come from John Morrell's and the pigs/hogs have to have been raised by South Dakotas. Meat, of any kind from Iowa or any other state is totally unacceptable!!


  15. Jim 2014.07.26

    Baby Doc is delusional.

  16. Rocky Racoon 2014.07.26

    Baby Doc! LOL. Nice!

  17. Roger Cornelius 2014.07.26

    Oh Oh!

    Chad just done himself in with his own words.

    On a previous thread on the Libertarian Party, I mentioned to Newland that when I hear of the Libertarian Party I immediately think of legalization of marijuana and drugs.
    Bob admitted that this issue has been the catalyst of the party or the marijuana movement.

    I' not certain Bob and Ryan Gaddy would support making marijuana laws a low priority for the attorney general when they have been advocating full legalization.

    Will Bob, Ryan, and the marijuana wing of the party settle for a piece of that pizza or will they want the whole damn thing?

  18. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.07.26

    JeniW, the Chinese own Morrell's. Better get some South Dakota Certified Beef® from Northern Beef Pack— oh! Uh... how about some bison from Dan O'Brien's Wild Idea?

  19. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.07.26

    It speaks volumes about Haber's character and confidence that he sees a liberal Democrat like me as a threat to his nomination by the Libertarian Party.

  20. mike from iowa 2014.07.26

    Tysons Foods is closing their meat processing plant in Cherokee,iowa,laying off about 450 employees,many of various hues. Place was built in the early 60s as Wilson's Packing Plant. They probably have some good deals on pizza topping meats. They had excellent baby back ribs.

  21. JeniW 2014.07.26

    Chad, as long as Dan raises his bison in SD, and has them slaughtered and dismembered in SD, that is acceptable.


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