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Posts published in July 2014

Libertarian Convention (Updated): $30 Charge to Vote for Nominees

The South Dakota Libertarian Party is inviting all interested parties to participate in their hastily called convention on August 9. What must one do to participate? The SDLP offers this guidance on its homepage and on a Facebook event page…

Jeff Nelson Fills District 8 House Candidate Vacancy

District 8 Democrats are back to a full slate of candidates for Legislature. Jeff Nelson filed papers last week to run for District 8 House in place of David Skoglund, the Democratic placeholder who withdrew back in April after Moorhead…

Minnesota Survives One Year of Legal Gay Marriage

What will happen when the courts overturn South Dakota's ban on same-sex marriage? Look at Minnesota, where legislators beat the courts to the punch and made gay marriage legal last year, and you'll see the answer is, not much: ...something…

Larson: Executive Orders? Impeach Daugaard the Usurper!

The South Dakota Republican Party predicates its formal call for President Barack Obama's impeachment on allegations that the President is "by passing [sic] Congress" and "usurping his authority". (One does not usurp one's own authority, but as usual with South…

Oil Trains, ETP Pipeline Proposal Pose Unnecessary Risk for East River

Todd Epp reported Friday that Mobridge, Aberdeen, Harrisburg*, and Canton* are all in "oil train blast zones," near rail lines carrying explosive crude oil shipments. According to the ForestEthics map, so are Lemmon, Milbank, much of Sioux Falls, and North…