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Posts published in July 2014

South Dakota Libertarians Plan August 9 Convention

We haven't heard much from the Libertarian Party of South Dakota this year. They failed to offer a candidate for Governor and thus will lose their status as a recognized political party in South Dakota. But the Libertarians don't plan…

Missouri Preachers Condemn Noisy Women, Divorcees, Lawyers in Madison

Chuck Clement finds a couple of honyockers preaching on the bypass in Madison. The basic gist of their bad theology: remarried divorcees are adulterers, women should shut up, and salvation depends on your action, not God's: Two men who are…

Do Independents Need Fairer Ballot Access Laws?

My latest column for South Dakota Magazine discusses the disadvantages Independents face in getting on the ballot in South Dakota. I propose a modest package of reforms to our electoral laws to treat Independents more fairly: Establish a uniform filing…

Centrist Project Endorses “Credible” Pressler; Why Not Weiland?

Independent candidate for U.S. Senate Larry Pressler got some good press yesterday. The Centrist Project, founded by Dartmouth professor and writer Charlie Wheelan, has endorsed Pressler along with four U.S. Senate candidates nationwide. The Centrist Project's endorsement is a noteworthy…

Robinson Publishes Priority Issues: Jobs, Kids, Vets, Guns, Ag

Ballotpedia posts a list of the 26 House races it finds competitive. South Dakota's is not among them. One step toward making Corinna Robinson's challenge to Rep. Kristi Noem #27 on that list is trumpeting the long-anticipated publication of Robinson's…

Colorado Judge Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban; South Dakota Ban Doomed

Sweet 16: Colorado joins the list of states whose same-sex marriage bans have fallen before judicial scrutiny. District Court Judge C. Scott Crabtree agreed with nine couples from Denver and Adams counties that Colorado's same-sex marriage ban violates the Constitution.…

Legislature Makes English Official Language… at Deadwood Casinos

Zut alors! The South Dakota Legislature's Rules Review Committee has found a way to make English the official and exclusive language in a few dusky corners of our state: the Deadwood card tables. In its continuing response to allegations of…

Fix Highway Trust Fund: Penny Decrease Now, Index to Inflation?

What?! Kristi Noem still hasn't fixed the Highway Trust Fund? What do we pay our Congresswoman for? While Kristi's colleagues fiddle with short-term stopgaps to fill our potholes, a new study funded by the Soybean Transportation Coalition suggests that a…