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Posts published in July 2014

Tidemann: Legislature Pretty Much Done Probing GOED/EB-5

Senator Larry Tidemann (R-7/Brookings) says the Government Operations and Audit Committee's probe of financial misconduct in the Governor's Office of Economic Develoment and the EB-5 visa investment program are pretty much over. Over? I didn't even notice that they'd begun.…

Thanks, SDGOP! Impeachment Talk Boosts Democratic Fundraising

Hey, remember how South Dakota Republicans embarrassed our great state again in June by passing a resolution calling on the U.S. House to impeach President Obama? Oh, the shame! The perversion of political discourse! I wish they'd never— Wait a…

Jackley Considered Arresting Benda for $550K Future Fund Diversion

In November 2013, South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley staked out the public position that there was no prosecutable violation of state law that justified his taking action against Northern Beef Packers, SDRC Inc., Joop Bollen, or anyone else to…

Kurt Evans Announces Switch, Now Seeks Attorney General Nomination

Libertarian Kurt Evans confirms tonight that he has changed his mind. The Wessington Springs man is suspending his bid to become Commissioner of School and Public Lands and now seeks the South Dakota Libertarian Party's nomination for attorney general. Evans…