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Posts published in July 2014

Libertarians Seek Poopers for Rounds Party in Sioux Falls Thursday

Pat Powers does his master's bidding and advertises the "SDGOP Grassroots Express State Tour" with special guest Mike Rounds— —wait. SDGOP? Snort. Grassroots? Hee hee. Mike Rounds? —Hoo boy! O.K., I'm recovered. Back to work. (Giggle!) The SDGOP will hold…

Thune Heartland Values PAC 17th Richest Among GOP Leaders

Jonathan Ellis notes that Senator John Thune's leadership PAC, the Heartland Values PAC (aw, what a sweet little name!) is raking in more cash . The nearly $1.3 million Senator Thune has raised to sprinkle on other candidates tops the…

Adelstein: Pressler Damaging Rounds/GOP Chances in Senate Race

From whom does Independent Senate candidate Larry Pressler take more votes, Republican Mike Rounds or Democrat Rick Weiland? I maintain that Pressler's prior Republicanism and Democratic unity behind their best statewide candidate mean Pressler's a bigger threat to Rounds. However,…

America Tells Kids in Danger, “Get Off My Yard!”

The United States kicked 17 women and 21 children out of the country on Monday. It flew these illegal Central American immigrants to San Pedro Sula, Honduras. In the first five months of this year, over 2,000 unaccompanied child immigrants…

Robinson Fundraising Approaching Zero

Who's about to lose their job? Phifer and Associates of Chicago. Why? Because the Corinna Robinson for House campaign paid them $3,750 for "fundraising consulting" to help bring in more contributions. In the first half of Q2, Robinson raised $17,270.…

Debbie Martines Gone 20 Years; Killer Seeks Parole Today

This is Debbie Martines. She died in 1994 when a man who had abused her for years came home drunk and killed her in front of her two children. Martines was pregnant when she died. This is Joaquin Jack Ramos.…

Rounds Among Stingiest Education Spenders

A cranky reader sends a snapshot of this cute Mike Rounds for Senate sign: Now why would kids like Mike Rounds? Do they like seeing Rounds and his fellow grown-ups give their schools a smaller piece of the pie than…