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Angelia Schultz Promises Integrity, No Favors in Secretary of State Office

Democrat Angelia Schultz hits the Intertubes with the three-point promise she'll uphold if you elect her Secretary of State:

Schultz promises the opposite of the ills wrought by the Republican regime in this important office over the last four years: she won't use the office for political favors or patronage; she'll fight for equal voting rights for everyone (Sec. Gant has lately come around on this issue); and she'll restore integrity to our elections. Well summarized, candidate Schultz!


  1. 96Tears 2014.11.03

    Damn! We coulda had that instead of Shantel????

    (Already voted for Angelia.)

  2. Wayne Pauli 2014.11.03

    I made the right choice today and cast my vote for Angelia. I have met her only through social media, but she strikes me as hard working with awesome integrity.

  3. Deb Geelsdottir 2014.11.03

    Exactly what a Secretary of State should be.

    Imagine her following the blatantly corrupt and partisan Gant. Whew!

  4. David Moore 2014.11.04

    Without a doubt, Angelia Schultz is the real deal. From her outstanding military service to her educational endeavors she demonstartes the qualities and integrity needed in a Secretary of State.

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