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Posts published in November 2014

Jackley Didn’t Talk to Bollen in EB-5/GOED Investigation

In March 2013, South Dakota officials received eight subpoenas from federal officials seeking information about the state's use of the EB-5 visa investment program. Two men central to that EB-5 program were former Governor's Office of Economic Development secretary and…

Brainstorm: Put Backlogged Grain on Missouri River Barges?

There is something perverse about capitalism and the global economy when a shipping company suspends cargo runs from Minneapolis at the height of harvest. We have food, something human being needs every day, and big business would rather haul coal…

Bollen, Benda, Obama Killed EB-5 in South Dakota, Not Ross and Mercer

Joop Bollen is trying to distract the Government Operations and Audit Committee from his illegitimate contract with himself, his apparent mismanagement of Northern Beef Packers, and his multiple violations of state policy and law by claiming that reporters like Denise…

Sioux Falls Gently Annexes West Central Subdivision

Kent Alberty is one of my people. But even I have to cock an eyebrow at his characterization of the Sioux Falls School District's successful invasion and annexation of a new housing development near 12th Street and Ellis Road. The…