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Posts published in November 2014

The Morning After: A Dialogue with Larry Pressler

Well, that was unpleasant. Let's begin this gray day with Independent candidate Larry Pressler's concession announcement, posted at 9 p.m. last night. As you read this letter, consider these two key questions: The Black Elk question: why do bad men…

Social Assistance Programs Keep Millions out of Poverty

Wherever Republicans may win tonight, they will likely claim a mandate to get rid of "Big Government," which translates as handouts for anyone other than their corporate pals in the military-industrial-agricultural-surveillance complex. But remember: all that "Big Government" that Republicans…

Campaign Call Center Inspiration: Bush, Cheney, Rounds?

Mike Rounds posts some photos of campaign call center volunteers begging Republicans not to vote their conscience and declare Rounds unfit for office. Among the snaps, we find this image of who inspires Team Rounds: That's Poppy Bush on the…

Mitchell Paper Endorses Pressler, Dismisses Rounds on EB-5

Larry Pressler is beating Mike Rounds 3–1 on newspaper endorsements. The Mitchell Daily Republic waits until the last minute (like how many of their readers?) to throw in with Lovable Larry. They like his commitment, moderation, and one-term promise. What…

Feds Protecting Yankton Sioux and Pine Ridge Voting Rights

For the most part, we run pretty good elections in South Dakota. But because we just can't guarantee voting rights for American Indians, the federal Department of Justice has to send election monitors to our reservations: Election monitors will be…