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Posts published in November 2014

Mike Rounds’s EB-5 Czar Lied to Federal Officials

Yesterday the Rapid City Journal endorsed the idea that the EB-5 scandal is all you need to disqualify Mike Rounds from consideration for your vote for U.S. Senate. Here's one more example of the corruption that took place in Rounds's…

RCJ Rejects Rounds on EB-5, Endorses Pressler

Don't tell me EB-5 doesn't have legs. The Rapid City Journal joins the chorus saying Mike Rounds is not fit to be Senator. Unlike that Sioux Falls paper, the Rapid City Journal doesn't dance around the EB-5 scandal; it says…

Sioux Falls Paper Fabricates Reasons Not to Endorse Weiland

My underdog sympathies led me to enjoy that Sioux Falls paper's endorsement of Independent candidate Larry Pressler. My underdog sympathies also lead me to roast the Sioux Falls editor's for their specious dismissal of Democrat Rick Weiland as the best…

Hix-DiSanto Says SDGOP “Out of Touch” with South Dakota

Here's our Sunday syllogism, courtesy of word salad gourmet and Republican candidate for District 35 House Lynne Hix-DiSanto: Hix-DiSanto tells the Rapid City Journal that "Government is out of touch with its people." South Dakota government, including the Legislative branch…

2014 Is Daugaard’s Last Election

In the throes of belittling Susan Wismer, journalist Bob Mercer coughs up this nugget about Governor Dennis Daugaard's political intentions... or lack thereof! Mercer reports that Daugaard is putting his campaign on cruise control and calling it quits after his…

Wismer Matches Voters on Policy, But Mercer Says She Can’t Win

Bob Mercer beats up on Democratic gubernatorial candidate Susan Wismer in a withering assessment of her campaign. He says Wismer and running mate Susy Blake are about to make unwanted history by lengthening the GOP's grip on the governor's office…

Pressler End Game: Shake Hands, Talk Issues, Read Psalm 109

Do not be silent, O God of my praise, or wicked and deceitful mouths are opened against me, speaking against me with lying tongues.... For a moment, I thought I was on the phone with Gordon Howie. But no, here…