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Posts published in November 2014

Vermont’s Sanders Preaches Weilandesque Working-Class Politics

Independent-Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders is awfully popular among progressives. He may run for President in 2016. Our modern Eugene V. Debs tells NPR that Democrats could get their traction back by rediscovering the working class: ...people look out and they…

Pressler Wants Pipelines, Forming Indy Foundation, Asking Gently for Cash

Thought you wouldn't have Larry Pressler to kick around any more? Think again. Yesterday, Pressler released remarks he prepared for a speech he's making today to the Farmers Union Foundation in Aberdeen. The former Senator continues to press his "Pressler…

President Obama All Action, Congress All Talk on Immigration Reform

Like Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush, President Barack Obama is using his executive authority to tackle immigration problems. Specifically, President Obama announced last night that he is inviting more than four million illegal immigrants who…

Ohio Suburb Resists Sprawl, Keeps Neighborhood Schools, Needs No Buses

Remember how McGovern Middle School on the northwest edge of Sioux Falls had to ban kids from walking to school because of bad urban planning? Turn with me to Lakewood, Ohio, a 52,000-strong suburb of Cleveland that embraces sensible, community-building…

Minnesota Raises Minimum Wage, Jobs Keep Growing

My readers at South Dakota Magazine may not think minimum wage workers deserve any consideration, but fortunately, they are in the minority. Thanks to the good sense of 55% of South Dakota voters, minimum wage workers will get a raise…

Lake Herman Campground Project Violating DENR Erosion Rules

The Lake County Commission delayed action this week on a conditional use permit for a private campground on the southeast side of my beloved Lake Herman. Terry and Bev Timmer acquired Larry Dirks's land and proposed building a campground up…

Life Not as Bad on South Dakota Reservations as in Appalachian Kentucky

The Nee York Times turns some socioeconomic statistics into a map of the quality of life in every county in the United States. Looking at "education (percentage of residents with at least a bachelor’s degree), median household income, unemployment rate,…