Rep. Lynne DiSanto (R-35/Rapid City) is already requiring legislators to talk about breasts; now she's going to have them saying "clitoris" on the House floor.
House Bill 1089 would make it a Class 4 felony to mutilate female genitalia. Some cultures think female genital mutilation is an acceptable practice. HB 1089 takes the anti-multicultural position that these cultures are wrong and would suppress this cultural practice in South Dakota.
Rep. DiSanto and I would have gotten along swimmingly back in my SDSU days when I was listening to Rush Limbaugh and waging war against my profs for teaching multiculturalism in my education classes. "If our calling as teachers is to respect and celebrate other cultures," I would ask my profs, "how do we deal with cultural practices that harm the health and dignity of our students?" Had I known about female genital mutilation at the time, I'd have held it up as Exhibit #1 of the limits of multiculturalism.
I've given up Rush, but I maintain my apparent agreement with Rep. DiSanto that some cultural practices deserve no tolerance, let alone celebration. The only reason I can think of to oppose HB 1089 (and I have to try to think of some reason, because hey, it's Lynne DiSanto!) is that it may be unnecessary. That same conservative me from 1992 who fought value relativism would also fight superfluous legislation. Might female genital mutilation already be covered by our statutes on assaults and personal injuries, or perhaps child abuse?
But that's an argument about the content of the law, not the cruel act House Bill 1089 opposes. Check with the lawyers and the LRC, but on face, HB 1089 looks like a good bill.
How about circumcision, Cory?
or even circumspection?
One of my favorite cartoons of all times, (drawn by Bill Lee, I think) is one of those minimal, squiggly line drawings of an old testament bearded prophet looking up at a cloud with rays coming out of it. The caption says, 'Now let me get this straight. You want us to cut the ends of our dicks off?'
If people are going to find excuses to avoid vaccines they will find ways to slice on their children. DiSanto is posturing for higher office by driving wedge issues that titillate voters.
The One party system is so so out of it, always focused on everything but the real problems SD faces - teacher pay, poverty, education funding, corruption. This is a perfect moment for the SDDP to make education funding and teacher pay an issue like they did with the minimum wage. Get some teacher democrats to run for legislature. The GOP is not going to change anything.
This another wingnut jobs bill? You know-people need jobs. How does this translate to jobs? Does female genital mutilation include piercings and hardware in the nether regions?
With not much medical knowledge in the jungle, African men(we have lots of Sudanese immigrants here now) decided that if they cut the clitoris off when they get married that the woman would not experience pleasure and would then not cheat on the husband. So the women did not like it but quietly kept it a secret that they still had a cervix.
After the Catholic priests taught the alter boys that highly religious men could do ungodly sexual acts and get by with it, they decided that the girls got to promiscuous so they tried to stop the pleasure of promiscuous women the same way the intellectually backward people in Africa did. Now a couple of years ago I saw on the news that Avera now has a nice doctor that wants to help women not have pain during sexual intercourse. If they caused the pain themselves, I am sure their doctors know exactly where they made a wrong cut through all them nerve endings so they now know where to go to fix the problem.
Do we really have a problem here in SD or is this another Republican solution in search of a problem? Don't get me wrong. I agree we should find genital mutilation unacceptable, but I find it interesting Republicans can't seem to get over the female anatomy. They seem to want control over the vagina, ovaries, uterus, clitoris,... What part can we legislate next????
Republican women want to keep their parts and democrat women want to dump their babies.
Loren-this cartoon fits your narrative to a tea-
Roger, there are some men who think with their a-hole rather than with their brain.
Roger, how many Republican in SD do you know that have been threatened with FGM? You seem to know quite a bit about it. Is it really a thing here?
Or is it instead just an excuse for you to write something as abysmally stupid and depraved as your statement above, in an effort to make yourself seem clever and righteous while trying to demonize women who belong to the Democratic party?
You do understand, don't you, that your ugly statement was equally insulting to women of both partys? Unbelievable.
This is just one of the "ugly truths" with regard to the subcultures that exist now in our "South Dakota Nice" cities. Here on the blogs and in public discussion we'll fight tooth and nail over "white middle class women's rights" with nary a discussion of what is occurring in our new subcultures in the name of "tolerance."
Many of our immigrants bring beautiful traditions into America but sometimes they bring traditions we should find intolerable as well and act accordingly with legal and societal condemnation.
Is our conversation about the Mormon sect in Pringle but not about what is occurring on a less centralized scale because in Pringle they are white?
An update to the crackerbarrel schedule has been released: go out there and jack up your West River GOP legislators!
hmmm...While I think this bill is a good bill, I have to wonder what other traditions are we going to find intolerable?
Troy, are there really instances of FGM in South Dakota? Of course it should't be tolerated, I'm just wondering where it is you suspect South Dakota people might be tolerating it?
Conversely, we know full well who it is who tolerates circumcision and why, right? Should we be rethinking that as well? And how about infant intersex surgery? I'm of the mind that a person's body is autonomous. Can we agree on that?
You are so spot on in your comment made at 8.13. It is all about posturing for the future. Bravo
There are cultures which have practices that reinforce the "chattelness" of women and this is one of them. Additionally, we have a state interest in prohibiting practices that we believe are done under "duress."
I'm very hesitant to be restrictive with regard to cultural practices. However, when girls are taught they are chattel and effectively become that when they get married, they lose to some degree the "freedom" to resist "cultural traditions" which reinforce their "chattelness."
We understand this when we think of the Stockholm Syndrome, abused wife syndrome, incestuous sex abuse, etc. and have appropriate laws. It is really hard to intervene into households to stomp out some "chattel" practices but we can do things to stop them when they leave the household (and/or create mechanisms where we can prosecute abusers after the fact).
Finally, to answer your question if it occurs, I know we have subcultures in Sioux Falls from the tribes that practice FGM in Africa, I know they have "traditions" with regard to treatment of wives and daughters Americans would find abominable, so I have a strong suspicion FGM is conducted below our radar.
Also, when talking about FGM, I think we shouldn't get distracted by more minor forms of mutilation (circumcision or earrings in babies) which do not impair the function of body parts.
Thank you, Ms. Meyer. Please correct me if i'm wrong but she's from somewhere else, right?
FGM is already a federal crime in the US, and has been since '96. 22 other states have additional state laws making it a crime also, including MN (up to life in prison). I support this bill.
DiSanto's dog whistle clearly works here at Madville.
State interest in prohibiting practices that we believe are done under"duress". You wouldn't be talking about forcing women to listen to 72 hours of anti-abortion propaganda and watch ultrasounds of a fetus they don't want,are you Troy?
Pretty good analysis Troy. Do you suppose the DiSanto bill will have those cultural limitations in it? Suppose an adult woman of any culture wants to have a sex change operation. Would this bill make that a crime? How about an infant who is born genitally ambiguous (intersex). Would this bill prohibit the doctor and parents from doing arbitrary 'corrective' surgery. Or in all cases, circumcision and piercings included, should the child be allowed bodily integrity until such time as they reach adulthood and decide for themselves how, if at all, they will choose to alter their genitalia and other body parts?
P.s. Troy, in case you're wondering, the last part of my question above is also my position on the matter.
This is a serious subject and I think we shouldn't become distracted by other issues. Mike, I am not going to respond to your comment because it will distract from this specific issue.
After reading the bill (maybe not to be dealt with by legislation but awareness), I think one thing is missing is to incorporate this into "safe environment" training for people (ala teachers) to be aware of this potential form of abuse. Like Bill and likely most here, we had absolutely no awareness this is going on under our noses. What people don't know what to look for, they are likely not to see.
Jenny is correct this is a federal crime. However, the need for it be a state crime is the nature of the crime occurs far from the purview of federal law enforcement. Making it a state crime will make local law enforcement and hopefully places like schools more attuned to this form of abuse.
This bill only applies to females under the age of 18 (because of the cultural duress, I think we need to find a way to only allow it so so long as there are strict safeguards to at least have a modicum of assurance there is not duress but that is another issue).
Lawd god above,Troy. I was/am serious.
Huh. Karen Human Rights signatory to FGM Obama letter.
The other thing that's not clear to me Troy, is whether or not the parents or the person doing the procedure can be charged after the fact, and if so, how long after?
Seriously, Bill Fleming brings up a very valid point about circumcision in boys. Studies have shown that that can cause autism in boys. So the right wing flame thrower should also include that in her bill.
Stick to the subject at hand. Okay,Troy. Try her this way-how is forcing women to become brood mares against their wishes not treating women as chattel?
I suspect that it is the same statute of limitations as other Class 4 Felonies. And, the law makes both the person who performs it plus parents subject to being charged.
Okay, I read the bill (should have done that before asking questions, sorry.) I don't see why anyone would want to oppose it. Still wondering if there isn't an equal protection concern (females only), but half a loaf is better than none, I suppose. It also seems like it will be tricky to enforce*, but I guess we'll find out.
*are we making daycare centers, babysitters, doctors, health workers, neighbors, etc. into law enforcement officers or some kind of citizen police? Is there an obligation on their part to report a suspected crime? Is this already supposed to be happening under federal law? And if so, is this how we know it's happening in SD? What is the penalty for knowing and not telling?
Here's a video of what I'm talking about in terms of equal protection (14th Amendment). It goes both ways. the practice is protected for males, why not females, and vice versa, if the practice is outlawed for females, why not males?
Video is toward the bottom of the page.
p.s. I notice SD's proposed law is almost identical to the federal statute.
My dad wasn't circumcised and i turned out fine.
Sometimes they snip too much. Why can't they just leave well enough alone.
I won't go into detail on this, but I saw the results of FGM on a patient here in SD
Did you report it, Anne?
...or is that not one of the details you won't go into?
You asked the question if this would make schools, doctors into "citizen police." My guess it would become one of those required reported events like for sex or child abuse where the reporting person gets a "safe harbor" if they had reasonable cause for their suspicion. I think this is good and right.
My guess, that as a nurse, Anne worked with a patient who had had the mutilation done to her.
Anne is not sharing the details because, I am guessing, it is hard to describe.
I do not know what it would look like either, except by imagining what would remain after the labia is removed. Sort of like it is hard to describe what a foot looks like after the big/great toe has been removed.
I was thinking that the woman is an immigrant from a country where the mutilation takes place regularly, and could be a part of the culture. I could be wrong though.
JeniW, I don't really have much interest in what the mutilation looks like. I've changed enough diapers in my time to know what it's supposed to look like "down there" when things are normal. Pretty sure I would recognize mutilation if I saw it. I was just wondering if Anne reported what she witnessed, but again, it's totally understandable that she may not want to comment on that.
Troy, the reason I ask is in reference to other family members and the culture in general. I'm guessing it would be hard to report a relative or neighbor if one were of the same culture. And I'm wondering if it would be a crime for them to fail to do so. I understand that we all think they should. Even so...
It is a crime for me to not report a family member who abuses another relative. Might be difficult but it will be a crime and should be. Otherwise, this will just continue.
I think it should be illegal to listen to Rush Limbaugh.
Yup, I agree, Troy. On both the obligation and the difficulty. Can you imagine what would happen if circumcision were similarly outlawed (as perhaps it should be)?
You can read about FGM here-
No pictures,but some descriptions might be too intense for wingnuts.
I'll second the notion that it should be illegal to listen to Rust Limpaw.
bcb- since you are about as close to a lawyer(besides Leslie) there is here,what is the deal with SOH Boner violating federal law by inviting a foreign leader to address congress? Any particulars or thoughts?
I have no idea what the size of the problem is. But my first clue was about twenty years ago when I saw something on 60 Minutes about Catholic hospitals mutilating women. A few years before that is the first time that I heard about what priests did to alter boys and how intensely they covered it up including wreaking the reputation of anyone that told. That was also on 60 minutes. My attitudes on women being promiscuous is not about being clever. My ex cheated a lot and I did not and the courts gave her the kids. That was to disgusting to deal with. And the church ladies thought I should accept it as 'God's will.' Now they can keep their stinking churches. They think I lost my faith and I know they did not have any in the first place. Of well.
It's more common than most people think. I know its around in Fargo with the large Sudanese population. On the male side of things, after being a CNA you find out quickly the health benefits of being circumcised. Many of the elderly who weren't eventually had it done. I think the pros outweigh the cons as far as males go. For women, it is just about oppression so I have a hard time comparing the two.
If female circumcision is banned, male circumcision should be too, except in cases of medical need (does that ever apply to females in this case -- I assume not). I get that the former is arguably more damaging physically and mentally, but are there really acceptable forms of genital mutilation of humans that don't have a say in the matter? Do parents have the right to decide what body parts to cut off their child?
Are American doctors and nurses required to report FGM? As more immigrants come into the country this will continue to be seen more often in the medical field.
Good question. Bear might be able to answer if the passage of this law would put it into the class of "required reporting" similar to child abuse. I hope so.
Regarding Erik's comment, I don't worship at the altar of absolute equality. Male circumcision has been an accepted "tradition" in this country for centuries. A good way to kill this bill is to combine the blatantly egregious and the minor.
Most of us just became aware of this problem, we agree it is unconscionable, and thus time to prohibit it. Anyone disagree?
Jenny, that, in essence is my question too. Seems like immigrants arriving with children who have already had the procedure (been mutilated) would want that to be noted in order to avoid future prosecution by US authorities.
Clearly, continuance of the practice would be forbidden, but I'm wondering whether their legal exposure would be retroactive. Seems like it wouldn't, but I've not been able to frame the question well enough, I guess, to get a proper answer. Either that, or perhaps nobody knows what the answer is. Obviously I don't. :-)
OMG! Mayo Clinic did the right thing.
I don't think you can be prosecuted for something done legal in the jurisdiction in which it was done. So, no retroactive prosecution.
Troy, if you're asking if I disagree with your last sentence, the answer is no.
I do disagree about circumcision being minor, even though every male in my family has had it done, as of course did I. (Okay, is that TMI? :-) But I've never felt it was the right thing to do to an infant.
Put it this way. If I wanted it done so I could somehow identify with my culture, I wish I could have made that decision myself. I'm not sure it should be a parent or a doctor's prerogative.
Troy, hypothetically speaking, if the Statute of Limitations is 7 years, and the effect wasn't discovered until the child was 5 or 6, how would the family be able to prove when the procedure was done? Seems like it would be prudent of them to disclose it right away upon entry into the country where it is illegal so it becomes a matter of legal record.
You may subjectively equate the two but it can't be done objectively.
One is accepted in this culture, doesn't materially (if at all) impact the purpose of body part, has health benefits (albeit small).
One is not accepted in this culture, has a cultural intent to subjugate the person, its intent is to diminish the purpose of the body part.
If another time or forum, you want to debate the former and whether there is a compelling state interest in prohibiting it, let's have it. But, let's not get distracted from a grave heinous act contrary to American ideals and values. This is an issue that is only going to get more prominent and common (many of the people who do this in America justify it because of our "libertine attitudes."
For what it's worth, "circumcise" means "cut around." Male circumcision is just that, the removal of skin, a hood, around the glans penis. I'm not for doing it to babies.
Female mutilation is not circumcision. It is, primarily, the removal of the clitoris. The only male ananlogy would be the removal of the glans penis. FMG further often involves the removal of the labia majora and the sewing shut of a little girl's vagina (leaving a small opening for urination), all without anesthesia.
Jesus Fucking Mohammed Motherfucker!
Actually she is from Sioux Falls originally but has lived in Rapid for about 9 or 10 yrs I think. Her family is in SF and Madison but she is estranged from them. If you are interested in more information send me a pm on FB, you can look me up on FB under Beverly Brown Meyer, My husband is from SD, but left at age 18 and became a progressive, we are in San Francisco after all, and you know how those conservative wing nuts LOVE us.
I am wondering where in South Dakota these female mutilations are occurring that we have to have a law to prevent? Probably where the Sharia Law is happening in the county courthouses throughout South Dakota.
Yes, Troy, we can (and perhaps should) debate it later. The fact that it is "accepted in this culture" doesn't mean anything ethically, as you well know. But we are at least agreed that genital mutilation of female infants for cultural purposes is unacceptable. Like I said, half a loaf is better than none.
Bill, this is most often done to teens and often either as an alternative to execution for shaming the family or to discourage behavior that would "justify" an execution.
I hope these horrible things are not happening in the compound by Pringle. Perhaps they are not happening much at all but this is the result of somebody's personal experiences. I'm just sayin...
That would explain where the mutilations occur, looks like Madison and Sioux Falls.
Even worse. The mind boggles. Words fail.
Grudznick you worthless fuck.
LOL. I think Bob might be one of those guys grudz stiffed for breakfast.
Hi Bob! Naw...Bob's still sore about some wacky weed comments I made at Dale's Family Restaurant to some of his neighbors. He was over across the street watching some kids come down the water slide and smoking one of those doobie things and I commented to his new neighbors that weed is bad.
Someday, I will figure out who the worthless fuck is, and I will bend a leaf spring over his head.
I sure hope you give me time to remove my hat. You know how I fancy my hats.
grudznick has a yiddish root, bob: think stan a.
Thank you, Ms. Meyer: you should know that Facebook is malware created to collect your data for sale to the NSA.
DiSanto has an 'A' rating from the NRA: anyone believing this isn't a xenophobic dog whistle is delusional.
I would want some clarification of how the bill would affect teens electing to have gender reassignment surgery. There might have to be some sort of work around, unless the Section 3 takes care of that.
Don, yes, that was one of my initial questions also.
Me thinks benefits of diversity are greatly exaggerated.
Gender reassignment! Good question for committee, Donald!
Douglas, diversity has its place (think biodiversity!), but I think we agree that it does not trump other core values in the political realm.
Troy said, "this [FGM] is most often done to teens"
That is my understanding, too. A lot of posts here assume it's like circumcision, in that it's a cultural practice for a newborn. Nope, FGM is done to girls once they hit puberty. Usually performed at home, in the kitchen, by her parents.
Circumcision is worthy of debate for another day. But do not let anything distract us from the ongoing sadistic misogynistic inhumanity that is female genial mutilation. Pass the damn bill, and nevermind who gets credit for it. Rarely do we get bills that objectively make our state more moral on a human rights level.
Let us let Ms. DiSantio explain what it is she wants for this bill before we post 123 insaner than most speculations, eh?
"Let us let Ms. DiSantio explain what it is she wants for this bill"
Or we could just pass it and move on to the next item of business. It's not too hard to understand the merits of this bill. It's pro human rights... Anti-child abuse...
But I'm having a really hard time imagining any pragmatic reason to oppose it. Please, grudz, give us one hypothetical thing Ms. DiSantio could say that should make us reconsider a ban on FGM.
I have a tough time seeing pro- human rights and wingnuts in the same article. Usually they are trying to dictate what women can and can't do with their bodies and lady bits.
David, I second it. Not everything is partisan or ideological but is just plain unconscionable.
The overt questioning of the sponsors motives, the wingnut references and consequent ambivalence of this horror or even changing the subject is more than a textbook definition of an ad hominem attack but also belies that ideological purity can override basic commitment to universal basic human rights. Alarming to me.
Larry, I'll admit, DiSanto's bills have the air of Noem's push on human trafficking, posturing for visibility. DiSanto's performance on Gordon Howie's Webcast showed me she lacks the verbal and intellectual firepower to really govern... but then that's not what Republicans are looking for, is it?
Circumcision, circumspection—Bill, Larry, that may have been the best tag-team lead-in for a comment section I've read all month. Thank you.
MC, I have no problem declaring "intolerable" traditions and practices that do physical harm, that impose patriarchy, or that threaten democracy and equality. My multiculturalism ends at the Constitution and at fundamental, universal human rights.
MC has a pretty good essay at the Dakota Water Closet.
It amazes me how Troy doesn't like to have stuff his party does to women brought to light to contradict him.
You seem to have an inability to discuss issues without both resorting to an ad hominem attack and linking it to abortion. I don't hide my view nor shy away from its discussion. But, I do and will discuss other issues and refuse to cater to obsessions with a single issue, especially when the best I can hope to accomplish is to agree to disagree.
If to comment here on any issue one must profess allegiance to a pro-abortion position or defend it ad nauseum, I can and will spend my time elsewhere.
Corey, I think it appropriate for you to give some direction to those who agree with you or disagree with on the ethos and SOP of Madville. Thanks.
Pat Powers, call your boy home: his feelings are hurt.
(MC at least offers an original essay, something he decided to research and write about himself instead of waiting for a press release to serve Kristi's or Mike's agenda.)
Cory, PP is already burying MC's piece with propaganda.
Troy and his political party use code to dissect the federal laws that protect human rights but pass bills in the SD legislature that gut those rights for the residents who practice non-christian traditions.
Lynne DiSanto is a GOP hack steered by christianists, nothing more.
I must admit I'm impressed by the depth of knowledge Troy has of this obscure procedure that may or may not be a problem in SD. Couldn't incidents of female "circumcision" of minors be treated as sexual abuse or assault and prosecuted as such under current law?
I inadvertently became aware of this just a few weeks ago as part of something else I am involved in. Email me Nick and private sharing of what I know specifically is more appropriate if you are interested. It does occur in a couple of particular subcultures here in Sioux Falls. This post just coincided. I think what this bill does is make it clear and specifically a form of abuse/assault and designating it as a Class 4 Felony with regard to range of penalty.
Shorter Troy: because there just aren't enough non-whites in the South Dakota prison system.
Give Troy a break, and read some articles that are actually on topic.
Do you think the BBC, Unicef, and the World Health Organization are in the tank for Lynne DiSanto and the SD GOP machine?
Troy, I have no idea what your e-mail address is. Have the incidents you allude to been reported to authorities?
I also think Bill Fleming's concern about not prosecuting circumcisions that may have been done in another country prior to emigration to the USA is a valid concern.
Nick, cory and Fleming have it.
Your capacity to disrespect and disregard things given to you in confidence is disappointing.
so is grudz stan a.? i thought he was in deadwood area but stan does own alot of it.
No, grudz is not Stan A., Leslie.
thx bill, kinda didn't think so :)
am i too hard on crustie or are you too soft 'cause he has redeeming qualities?
"crustie"? Who's that, leslie?
sorry, grud
Was that a neo,commie,liberal/conservative ad hominem attack,there? Can't stand the heat? Boo,freaking Hoo! Don't go crying to Cory. You don't want to face the truth,ignore me.
Grudz's only redeeming quality is that he has been invented by a seriously talented creative writer. (Probably a poet, I'm guessing.) He's a post-modern work of improv dramatic art, both character and script. Like getting to talk to Yosemite Sam in a chat room. LOL
DeeBee, Troy likes putting brown people in prison: it's just that simple.
There is zero documentation of this practice by the US Attorney for the District of South Dakota.
Ambiguous antecedent: practice within the District, rather. If this proposed bill was anything more than coded hate speech the US Attorney would have documentation of it.
Larry, your post at 14:42 is completely undecipherable. Can you repeat it in English?
Bob, if there was evidence of so-called 'female genital mutilation' in South Dakota the US Attorney for the District of South Dakota would have it in his database: there is none.
I've had numerous exchanges with Troy on Madville, mostly about the EB-5 scandal, and seldom if ever agree with him on that issue or any other.
The however is that Troy for the most part can discuss any number of issues with some level of intelligence, unlike Anne Beal and a few other one hit wonders that troll Madville.
The old adage of keeping your friends closer and keep your enemies closer applies to Troy. I'm always interested in what Troy has to say because he can says sans teapublican speak.
I don't consider people who disagree with enemies. Just people sometimes with incomplete facts, disordered priorities or a source for a new perspective. My problem is discerning which is correct in each instance.
Sorry you took the "enemies" comment so personally. It is simply a figure of speech.
Perhaps it would have been better said that I am interested in how the Republican mind does or doesn't work.
Here's what it is, Roger. ;-)
I didn't take enemy literal. Don't worry about it. You didn't offend me.
I didn't make my self clear. I just wanted to emphasize that disagreement on policy is nothing more than disagreement on policy. We might desire the same thing (e.g. less poverty) making us in actuality allies.
Good find, thanks.
It appears that only a Republican can take a compliment and turn it into some kind of an insult.
LOL, Roger, I have some other frenemies who can do that who aren't Republican. I also have some true, sincere Republican friends who seem a little put off (or maybe it's suspicious) with me if I don't insult them once in awhile. ;-)
I had one (Republican) client (whom I will not name) who always checked to see if I was wearing socks whenever I came to a meeting. Said that my having socks on was a sure sign I was going to try to sell them something. LOL
--If you don't wear sox, I just assume your feet get hot.
--If you don't insult me every now and then, I'll think you are deathly ill or had a religious conversion. Praying the former doesn't happen and the latter does.
--If you try to sell me something, I aint buying. I think you marketing types have screws loose.
If you are a woman and you can afford it you have to leave South Dakota to do to exercise your civil rights.
The people who want to abolish the US Department of Education are the same people who choose women and immigrants to be uneducated. DiSanto's bill puts brown people in prison just like Troy wants.
Troy is over at Pat's bashing people then comes here and whines about bullies.
Good one Troy. All I can say in my defense is if "marketing" is done properly, "sales" will be unnecessary ;-)
Who is Troy bashing over on the Dump Site? I'm persona non grata over there so I won't even read crap from there
Oh, Roger: it's pretty much bash-a-Democrat-any-Democrat over there. Looks like Bernie and President Obama are the punching bags du jour right now.
As the XL just passed the senate, I am wondering about the other sales of America to foreign countries? We already proved here in South Dakota that we will be bribed and are corrupt with the EB-5, will we be like Bobby Jindal the exorcist of the all of the republicans?
I would like to see disanto take on this mutilation of our lands in a bill to legislators.
Frenemy appeared in print as early as 1953. What a coincidence,so did I.