The Minnehaha County Election Review Committee is uncovering ballot problems that should have advocates for ballot integrity (and that should be all of us) screaming:
[Committee chairman Bruce] Danielson had compiled information from the April 8, 2014, city election that showed 30 voters were checked in twice, generally a minute or two apart, and three voters appeared to have voted twice by going to different polling places [Jill Callison, "Election Review Board May Propose Legislation Changes," that Sioux Falls paper, 2015.02.20].
Double voting? How on earth did that happen?
When the e-poll books were moved to alleviate the load at voting centers, it took time for those computers to upload all the current information so it could be synchronized with the system.
Without the correct procedures in place, two poll books could be side by side, but it would appear voters checked in at two separate locations, [election hardware/software hawker Brian] Mortimore said [Callison, 2015.02.20].
Poll books? Weren't those Republican former Secretary of State Jason Gant's brilliant innovation? Didn't he make sure he trained everyone properly and considered every contingency to ensure those gizmos didn't thwart the will of the electorate?
“We did a lot of training, and I’m not sure the SOS covered moving a poll book,” said Sioux Falls city clerk Lorie Hogstad, a committee member [Callison, 2015.02.20].
So just how extensive were the problems created by sloppy training and flawed equipment?
Committee member Sue Roust, former Minnehaha County auditor, worked at a polling place during that election. She said records indicated 3,200 people had actually voted when the true number was 4,200, making her wonder whether the machines are capable of keeping up [Callison, 2015.02.20].
1,000 mistakes out of 4,200 voters. The error rate for hand-counted ballots (which don't allow us to give juicy contracts to our friends in the election software business) runs between 0.5% and 2%. Roust is pointing to an election miscount worse than 20%.
The Republican spin machine, which freaks out over the possibility that Indians and poor people and other enemies of their corporate state might find it easy to vote once, let alone twice, is so far silent about the possibility that the election machine they themselves have purchased and promoted could so easily allow voter fraud and election error. This public silence reflects the non-response of the elected official who created them:
In his research on past elections, Danielson said, he had uncovered data that had been sloppily recorded. His attempts to inform the state were thwarted when no one from the Secretary of State’s office, then led by Jason Gant, would return his telephone calls [Callison, 2015.02.20].
The powers that be appear not to care that we can't trust the results of our elections:
That was the concern Brandon resident Joy Howe brought to the meeting, saying “the elephant in this whole discussion” is that ballots are being counted in secret without a public count.
Using machines to count ballots can allow someone to steal an election, she said.
“You stick them into a machine owned by a company with dubious ownership,” Howe said, her voice rising. “It is not a public count, and we are guaranteed a public count” [Callison, 2015.02.20].
The Minnehaha County election review committee continues to work on final recommendations for making our elections more reliable. All South Dakotans should be keenly interested in the results.
OHHHHHH!!! OUR finest in Pierre at there best again!!!!!
As long as republicans are winning elections it's not a problem, at some point in the future, if democrats find a way to turn it around here, then it will be a huge issue.
Rod Hall noticed that in the Mitchell School board election that there was no process in force to prevent voting at the precinct and then going to the courthouse and voting absentee on election day. Hall called Craig Guymon and told him of that possibility. To prove the existing fault Guymon did vote twice! Then all heck broke out at the auditor's office after the polls closed. Rather than just let ballots go through the vote counter once, the auditor: was handed some and she put them on top of uncounted ballots, sometimes she put them midway in the stack of uncounted ballots and once she put some fifty or more into a small enclosure to her left. I was standing a few feet from her and former staff writer for The Daily Republic, Ross Dolan, was standing with his camera a few feet on the other side. I do not know if Dolan took pictures. I do know Dolan is very observant. There was much talk about Guymon and not enough focus on what was being done with the ballots.
Guymon? he was arrested, jailed convicted and made to look like a criminal when in fact he was "miles" ahead of the Sioux Falls group that has found an alarming number of problems.
In month we'll be having another election using the "super duper" voting center plan that saves money. Many seem to think that money is more important than getting the vote right.
People have given their blood for our right to vote. Their sacrifice makes it is our duty to vote.
Jeff, I seriously doubt the Republicans worry about getting the vote right. They control the process. They control the result.
How does the Regime roll here in South Dakota when facing evidence documenting that The People's election process is broken and the validity of election results tainted?
Simple, the Regime's Protocol #1 is implemented - what they don't know can't hurt us! The Regime orders all public officials who wish to retain their status and income to refuse to publicly address the facts surrounding embarrassing incidents and/or acts of wrong doing in order to protect the Regime's public image from public scandal. In addition, threats of intimidation are aimed at whistle blowers with character assassination attacks launched defaming the reputations and attempting to destroy the professional careers or businesses of honorable men and women who have the guts to step forward holding public officials accountable for their dishonorable decisions and actions.
On June 4, 2013 my husband had the guts to continue to honor his military oath defending this state from the Regime's domestic evils which continue to threated the integrity of the election process and the validity of election results which provide the bedrock upon which our democracy rests. My husband stepped forward putting it all on the line by voting-twice exposing election corruption surrounding the South Dakota June 5, 2012 primary election.
One man cannot change the Regime's corrupt status quo - it will take the outraged voice of The People to do so! I am going to share on this MV Times website facts and the whole truth documenting how corrupt the Regime's broken election process is here in South Dakota. My husband and I are paying to have public notices published in The Daily Republic newspaper in a series of 17 summary documents in weekend editions; five have been published with twelve more in rough draft form. If Cory will so allow, then I will post these documents along with a copy of former SD SOS Gant's 2012 Davison County Ballot Counting Task Force Report to this website today.
The task force report contains facts a public official has never been quoted articulating in a precise and transparent manner in a published or broadcast news report. The presiding judge of SD First Judicial Circuit found this task force report to be a public document. In Sept 2012 SD SOS Gant publicly indicated that this task force would be provided to all county auditors statewide. In our minds, the facts contained in this task force report could be used as an instruction manual on how to rig an election and how to cover up having done so if caught in the act.
Contrary to overwhelming public belief, my husband and I believe the facts and common sense indicate that former SD SOS Gant was not the decision maker who ordered a smoke and mirrors task force investigation of the Davison County 2012 primary election miscount be conducted on Aug 31, 2012. My husband and I believe the order was issued by someone above the SD SOS's pay grade with Gant later tattooed to be the fall guy to take the heat and protect the public image of the Regime.
Ronette L Guymon
Badger, that's an interesting read, I look forward to more.
First in the Series of “It” Happened
On June 5, 2012 Badger’s name was on the ballot as a MSD 17-2 school board candidate. When the election night results were announced, my math said the numbers did not make sense. When The Daily Republic (TDR) called our office phone, I shared my miscount concerns. Shortly thereafter, TDR called Badger’s cell phone; the accuracy of the election night results were discussed some more. At the start of the next business day, my husband placed a phone call to DCA Susan Kiepke; during this phone call, Badger shared miscount concerns. DCA Kiepke immediately and adamantly claimed the election night results were accurate. Over the noon hour, Badger faxed a letter to DCA Kiepke itemizing our miscount concerns; at the end of the day, Badger mailed the same letter to DCA Kiepke; we received no reply to this letter. On June 7, 2012 in accordance with the recommendations made by SD SOS Jason Gant and DCSA Pat Smith, the canvassing board rejected the election night results and instructed DCA Kiepke to count the ballots again. When the second and third ballot count grand totals did not match, DCA Kiepke was allowed to use a spreadsheet to reconcile the difference of the second and third ballot counts. Late in the afternoon of June 7, 2012 the canvassing board approved the vote counts tabulated during the third count of ballots as the official election results. The official election results indicated that at least 600 voters who cast a ballot in the Davison County June 5, 2012 school election chose not to darken an oval for any of the school board candidates. Why were the official election results never publicly reconciled with the June 5, 2012 election night results?
Ronette & Craig “Badger” Guymon – On the MO River near Platte Creek
Second in the Series of “It” Happened
How does the Old Guard roll in South Dakota? On June 5, 2012 Badger’s name was on the ballot as a Mitchell public school board candidate. On June 15, 2012 Badger commenced an election contest. On June 28, 2012 Badger received copies of defendant documents for “Guymon v Putnam and Kriese, Civ. 12-284”. On July 6, 2012 The Daily Republic (TDR) quoted Badger’s election contest attorney stating that he had received no information regarding a court date for an initial election contest hearing. On July 18, 2012 Badger sent an email to his election contest attorney asking if a hearing date had been set. Based on SDCL Chapter 12-22 Election Contest statutes, time is of the essence -- an election contest needs to be handled in an expeditious manner. Badger’s attorney stated that SD SOS Jason Gant was going to form a task force to investigate Davison County vote-count concerns; the hearing date would be delayed until after the task force investigation was completed. SDCL Chapter 12-22-30 states, “… When a complaint has been filed it shall forthwith be presented to the judge of the circuit court in which it is filed, who shall note thereon the day of presentation and also the day and place where he will hear the same, which shall not be later than ten days thereafter …” Thirty-nine days after Badger commenced the election contest, Judge Tim Bjorkman’s clerk sent an initial email on July 25, 2012 to defendants and plaintiff lawyers inquiring if either party wished to set an initial hearing date for the election contest. Given the “time is of the essence”, “expeditious” and “10-day hearing date” requirements set forth in SDCL Chapter 12-22, why did the Court fail to schedule an election contest hearing during the last week of June 2012?
Why has a public official never been quoted in a published or broadcast news report articulating in a precise manner the following facts? The SD SOS 2012 Davison County Ballot Counting Task Force Report documents that on Aug 31, 2012 three county auditors (Beadle, Davison and McCook) of the five county auditors present during the ballot counting task force investigation did not know how to use a “Flush Card” to clear counts present in the data base of an Election Systems & Software (ES&S) M650 ballot scanner. Test ballot counts from sample ballots scanned prior to each election to test the accuracy of each ES&S M650 ballot scanner need to be cleared with a “zero report” printed prior to processing ballots cast by the voters to prevent votes recorded on test ballots from being included in election results. Voter ballot counts in a precinct where a M650 failed to properly scan ballots need to be cleared with a “zero report” printed prior to re-scanning voter ballots for the precinct to avoid having votes tabulated twice included in election results. If county auditor M650 Flush Card Incompetence existed in large population counties on Aug 31, 2012 then did the same Flush Card Incompetence taint June 5, 2012 primary election results and prior election results statewide? On June 11, 2012 TDR reported that Auditor Susan Kiepke explained that her office submits test ballot information to ES&S; ES&S programs the ballots for each election; ES&S sends ballot proofs; ES&S prepares test ballots; and sample ballots are processed prior to each election by the auditor office staff members. Has county auditor M650 Flush Card Bullarchy tainted subsequent election results with the votes recorded on test ballots and/or double-counted ballots? Badger “It” Out!
Ronette & Craig Guymon - The Irish & Badger
On the MO River near Platte Creek - Riverside Acres
Third in the Series of “It” Happened
The 2012 Davison County Ballot Counting Task Force Report contains June 27, 2012 Election Systems & Software (ES&S) findings. The task force report documents: (1) ES&S gave a presentation on the independent review of the June 5, 2012 Davison County primary election results; (2) The intended audience was the SD SOS and other interested parties; (3) ES&S concluded the test ballots were not cleared out before processing the ballots cast by the voters, one precinct was scanned twice and procedural steps were missed that caused the counting errors. “… From the records contained in the M650 Audit Log report, it was determined that upon completion of Testing on April 25, 2012 there was a Total Ballots Tabulated count of 612. Between April 25, 2012 and Election Day June 5, 2012 there is no record that the Test Ballots were cleared from the M650. On Election Day June 5, 2012 the ballots for Precinct 0808 were tabulated twice … The final Total Ballots Tabulated on Election Day June 5, 2012 was reported at 5573. If the Test Deck Total of 612 and the duplicated 460 ballots from Precinct 0808 are removed from 5573 the Total Tabulated Ballots would be 4501. On Thursday June 7, 2012 the canvass board in Davison County South Dakota certified the results of the election with a Total Ballot Tabulated count of 4501 …”
The 2012 Task Force Report documents that on Aug 31, 2012 DCA Susan Kiepke stated, “… scanned the pre-made test deck … sometime in April … Everything matched up fine that day and those test ballots were not scanned again until Primary Election Day. On that day … the test ballots were scanned again and no errors were found.” The DCA’s Office allowed the votes recorded on 612 test ballots to be tabulated into the M650 data base on April 25, 2012 and on June 5, 2012; the votes recorded on the 612 test ballots were never cleared and “zero reports” were not printed prior to processing the ballots cast by the voters. On Election Night June 5, 2012 the DCA’s Office allowed the votes recorded on 1,684 non-cast ballots (612 + 612 + 460) and the votes recorded on 3,889 ballots cast by the voters (5,573 – 1,684) to be included in the election night results. The DCA’s Office included a 43.3% non-cast ballot count injection (1,684/3,889) in the June 5, 2012 election night results. On June 7, 2012 the votes recorded on 612 test ballots were scanned into the M650 data base, but were never cleared and a “zero report” was not printed prior to processing the ballots cast by the voters during the second and third counts of the ballots. On June 7, 2012 the votes recorded on 612 non-cast ballots and the votes recorded on 3,889 ballots cast by the voters (4,501 – 612) were included in the official election results. The official election results included a 15.7% non-cast ballot count injection (612/3,889). Prior to this election, the DCA’s Office sent test-ballot data to ES&S. Which contests and what vote counts were recorded on the test ballots? The vote-count difference in the mayoral race was 174; in the treasurer race it was 413. Did Mayoral Candidate Jerry Toomey and/or Treasurer Candidate Brenda Veldeer get the test-ballot shaft in the June 5, 2012 election?
The 2012 Task Force Report also documents that on Aug 31, 2012 three county auditors (Beadle, Davison and McCook) of the five county auditors present during the task force investigation did not know how to use a “flush card” to clear vote counts present in the data base of an ES&S M650 ballot scanner. Why has a public official never been quoted articulating in a precise and transparent manner in a published or broadcast news report the double-counted ballots, test ballots and the Aug 31, 2012 Beadle, Davison and McCook county auditor “flush card” incompetence facts? Has “flush card” incompetence and/or bullarchy allowed votes recorded on double-counted ballots and/or test ballots to taint election results and alter the outcomes of SD elections prior to and after June 5, 2012? How does the Old Guard roll in South Dakota? Badger “It” Out!
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
People are too hard on young Mr. Gant who was simply overwhelmed with an incompetent staffing problem.
Tar him a bit but do not feather him for he would look like a big pillow. The people above him and now those who control pretty Ms. Krebbs are in powers.
Fourth in the Series of “It” Happened
How does the Old Guard roll in South Dakota? As documented in the 2012 Davison County Ballot Counting Task Force Report, on June 27, 2012 Election Systems & Software (ES&S) presented findings for the Davison County June 5, 2012 primary election; the intended audience was the SD Secretary of State and other interested parties. ES&S found test ballot vote counts had not been cleared from the ballot scanner’s data base prior to processing the ballots cast by the voters, one precinct was scanned twice and procedural steps were missed. Why did SD SOS Jason Gant schedule and conduct a Davison County ballot counting task force investigation on Friday, Aug 31, 2012 with the initial results published on Sept 1, 2012 over a 3-day holiday weekend? Smell-test said it was a passive coverup tactic. On Sept 1, 2012 The Daily Republic shared task force findings: (1) ES&S claimed human error caused the June 5, 2012 Election Night ballot miscount; ballots from Precinct 8 were put through the machine twice on Election Night by members of the auditor’s office; (2) DCA Susan Kiepke was not a member of the task force, but she did speak as part of the agenda, ‘… I hit zero … thought I zeroed-out the machine … one of the problems might have been that I did not zero-out the machine because I did not know the proper way to do it (flush card incompetence);’ and (3) SD SOS Gant explained that voters can be confident the Davison County vote counting machine is 100 percent accurate.
The task force report documents that on Aug 31, 2012 DCA Kiepke stated, “… scanned the pre-made test deck … sometime in April … Everything matched up fine that day and those test ballots were not scanned again until Primary Election Day. On that day … the test ballots were scanned again and no errors were found.” As stated in the task force report, “On June 5, 2012 at 6:22pm the M650 was turned on.” The votes recorded on 612 test ballots were scanned into the M650 ballot scanner’s data base a second time after 6:22pm on June 5, 2012. In addition, the task force report states, “… on June 7, 2012 … the ballots for Precinct 8 … tabulated twice … once at 11:42am with a ballots cast count of 460 and again at 11:46am with a ballots cast count of 920 … the M650 was not properly cleared between these two events (flush card incompetence). A Grand Totals Report was printed at 12:19pm with a ballots cast count of 4961 (second count of the ballots).” Flush card incompetence present in the DCA’s Office on June 7, 2012 was also present in April 2012 and on June 5, 2012 when DCA Kiepke oversaw the scanning of 612 test ballots that were never cleared from the M650 ballot scanner’s data base prior to processing the ballots cast by the voters.
The official results for the June 5, 2012 MSD 17-2 school election show 4,350 ballots scanned. With two school board seats on the ballot, 8,700 potential votes could have been cast. The official results show 7,499 votes were cast in the school election. The math says 1,201 of the total possible votes were not cast in the school election. Did at least 600 voters choose not to darken an oval for a school board candidate? Or, were no school board candidate names recorded on the 612 test ballots that were scanned on June 7, 2012 with the votes recorded on 612 test ballots included in the official election results for other contests? County auditors submit test ballot data to ES&S; ES&S programs the ballots for each election; Synergy Graphics prepares test ballots; and test ballots are processed by county auditors prior to each election. Due to the risk of test-ballot scanning errors and test-ballot election rigging acts, does a statute need to be enacted mandating that: (1) Each test-deck of sample ballots have an equal vote count total for each candidate and ballot question; and (2) Testing result vote counts for each candidate and ballot question be published in newspapers prior to absentee voting commencing for each election?
Nov 01, 2012 TDR reported, ‘DCA Kiepke stated the ballot scanner counted more than 400 ballots twice on June 5, 2012.’ DCA Kiepke’s statement contained a lame excuse and a misleadingly vague estimate. Close enough works when tossing horseshoes and grenades, but ballpark miscount estimates are pure bullarchy. The June 5, 2012 reported election night ballot count was 5,573; the June 7, 2012 reported official results ballot count was 4,501; a reported 1,072 ballot count difference. DCA Kiepke’s remark raised a “Red Flag”. On Nov 1, 2012 the math said coverup in progress; gut-check said more than one act of human intervention with the M650 ballot scanner occurred; and smell-test asked what had public officials conveniently forgot to address in their news release remarks. Due to DCA Kiepke’s “Red Flag Bullarchy”, we decided to Badger “It” Out!
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
Fifth in the Series of “It” Happened
We are common ordinary people with self-reliant natures who will never be cowed by vindictively aimed defamation or threats of intimidation. What follows is aimed with equal disgust at GOP and DEM Elitists. We trust neither GOP nor DEM Elitists who speak with politically correct tongues from both sides of what they sit upon. GOP Elitists, why do you have all the right answers and continuously refuse to compromise? DEM Elitists, why do you lack the grit to address the facts with in-your-face vigor? GOP and DEM Elitists, what happened to sharing all the facts with all of the people all of the time -- what the hell happened to your integrity, honor, candor and courage? Badger and I believe the future of our democracy demands that public officials charged with conducting and overseeing elections be held accountable for their decisions and actions in accordance with the highest standards of ethical behavior.
Why did SD SOS Jason Gant and DCSA Pat Smith recommend rejecting the Davison County June 5, 2012 election night results? Likewise, why did the Davison County Canvassing Board toss out the election night results? Why did the DCCB direct DCA Susan Kiepke to conduct a second and third count of the ballots? Why was DCA Kiepke allowed to use a spreadsheet to reconcile the second and third ballot count difference? When using the spreadsheet, did a math error and/or human bullarchy inaccurately calculate the official election results? Why have the Davison County June 2012 official election results never been publicly reconciled with the election night results? After Badger commenced an election contest on June 15, 2012 why did Judge Tim Bjorkman sit on the matter for 39-days doing absolutely nothing? Why has a public official never been quoted articulating in a concise and transparent manner in a published or broadcast news report that M650 ballot scanner flush card incompetence in Davison, Beadle and McCook county auditor offices tainted the validity of June 5, 2012 election results and the creditability of all prior elections overseen by these three county auditors? Evidently, the need to protect Elitists from embarrassment and/or criminal prosecution simply outweighed second class, outcast citizens rights to know all the facts and the whole truth surrounding the South Dakota June 5, 2012 primary election?
As documented in the task force report, at least seven acts of human intervention with Davison County’s M650 Ballot Scanner occurred: (1) On April 25, 2012 at the completion of testing there was a total ballot tabulated count of 612; between April 25 and June 5, 2012 the test ballots were not cleared from the M650. (2) On June 5, 2012 at 6:22 pm the M650 ballot scanner was turned on; the April 25 test ballot vote counts were never cleared and a “zero report” was not printed; the votes recorded on the 612 test ballots were included in the election night results; (3) On June 5, 2012 after 6:22 pm the 612 test ballots were scanned, were not cleared and a “zero report” was not printed prior to processing the ballots cast by the voters; the votes recorded on 612 test ballots were included again in the election night results; (4) On June 5, 2012 prior to rescanning the same 460 ballots, the initial Precinct 0808 vote counts were never cleared and a “zero report” was not printed; the votes recorded on 460 Precinct 0808 ballots were tabulated twice into the election night results; (5) On June 7, 2012 the 612 test ballots were scanned, never cleared and a “zero report” was not printed; the votes recorded on the 612 test ballots were included in the second count and third count of the ballots; (6) On June 7, 2012 the difference between the number of ballots scanned during the first count and second count of the ballots was 612 (5,573 – 4,961); 612 test ballots were tabulated twice into the first count of the ballots; 612 test ballots were tabulated once into the second count of the ballots; in addition, the votes recorded on 460 Precinct 0808 ballots were tabulated twice into the first count and second count of the ballots; and (7) On June 7, 2012 the difference between the number of ballots scanned during the second count and third count of the ballots was 460 (4,961 – 4,501); 460 Precinct 0808 ballots were scanned only once into the third count of the ballots.
Who caused the votes recorded on the 612 test ballots to be tabulated twice into the first count of the ballots, but only once into the second and third count of the ballots? Who caused the votes recorded on 460 Precinct 0808 ballots to be tabulated twice into the first count and second count of the ballots, but only once into the third count of the ballots? Was it caused by human error and/or human bullarchy? Human error is an accidental act without aimed intent. Human bullarchy is a deliberate act with aimed intent. On June 5, 2012 in Davison County, there were 12,370 registered voters. On June 5, 2012 the reported first ballot count total was 5,573; a 45% turnout. On June 7, 2012 the reported second ballot count total was 4,961; a 40% turnout. On June 7, 2012 the reported third ballot count total was 4,501; a 36% turnout.
Folks, our math said otherwise! Our math said only 3,889 ballots were cast by the voters; a 31% turnout. The first count of the ballots included 612 test ballots tabulated twice and 460 Precinct 0808 ballots tabulated twice. The first count of the ballots included 1,684 ballots not cast by voters (612 + 612 + 460) and 3,889 ballots cast by voters (5,573 – 1,684) a 31% turnout. The votes recorded on 1,684 non-cast ballots were included in the election night results; a 43.3% non-cast ballot miscount. The second count of the ballots included 612 test ballots and 460 Precinct 0808 ballots tabulated twice. The second count of the ballots included 1,072 ballots not cast by voters and 3,889 ballots cast by voters (4,961 – 1,072) a 31% turnout. The third count of the ballots included 612 test ballots not cast by voters and 3,889 ballots cast by voters (4,501 – 612) a 31% turnout. The official election results approved by the DCCB on June 7, 2012 included the votes recorded on 612 test ballots; a 15.7% non-cast ballot miscount.
Folks, you have been duped by dishonorable public officials! Had a public official addressed the above facts in a concise and transparent manner in press release statements that were later published or broadcast in news reports, our gut-checks would have said human error caused the miscount – forgive and forget. When public officials chose to do otherwise, our smell-tests said human error and/or human bullarchy caused the miscount; and human bullarchy passively covered up the miscount. Apparently, equality and justice for all are still work-in-progress dreams in South Dakota? Badger “It” Out!
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
Sixth in the Series of “It” Happened
In the winter of 2012 - 13, our Davison County June 5, 2012 Primary Election cover-up suspicions intensified. In May 2012, a customer told us she had observed votes being solicited by absentee voting in a Mitchell nursing home. The Davison County June 2012 election night results had been tossed out; the official election results had not been publicly reconciled with the election night results. On Sept 1, 2012 The Daily Republic published Aug 31, 2012 task force investigation vague statements made by SD SOS Jason Gant and DCA Susan Kiepke. In Nov 2012, DCA Kiepke aimed a lame excuse and a ballpark vote count estimate when she stated that during the June 5, 2012 primary election the ballot scanner had counted more than 400 ballots twice. During the Nov 2012 general election a record number 2,500 absentee ballots were cast in Davison County. After the Nov 2012 election, my husband’s research identified that during a 5-month time period, from June 2012 to November 2012, the number of inactive voters in Davison County decreased by 401; a 34.5% decrease.
In Dec 2012, we reviewed absentee voting and senior living facility election statutes. After reviewing SDCL Chapter 12-19 Absentee Voting election statutes, we believed a more uniform system for casting votes by absentee ballot was needed to: (1) Prevent the casting of fictitious ballots on behalf of inactive-voters who no longer resided in a county; and (2) Prevent registered messengers from soliciting votes in primary and local elections in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. In our minds, the following absentee voting election statute needed to be amended to apply to all public elections. SDCL Chapter 12-19-9.1 states, “… If there is any nursing facility, assisted living center or hospital … within any county from which there might reasonably be expected to be five or more absentee applications, the county auditor shall notify the person in charge of that facility and the chair of the county central committee of each party … of the date and time at which representatives of the auditor's office will be present to assist the residents of that facility to vote, utilizing the absentee procedure … At the date and time announced, the auditor's representative and the representatives of the parties … shall deliver ballots to and assist all persons at that facility who desire such assistance and who have applied for absentee ballots. This section applies only to a general election …”
During the June 5, 2012 primary election, the DCA’s Office allowed the votes recorded on 460 Precinct 0808 ballots to be tabulated twice into the election night results. Precinct 0808 has a large population of senior citizens who reside in a nursing home or assisted-living facility. Precinct 0808 is an area west of Main Street to Elevator Road and north from 8th Avenue to Cemetery Road. We continue to ask ourselves, how many elderly and disabled voters residing in a nursing home or assisted living facility in Precinct 0808 were “assisted” by registered messengers in casting absentee ballots during the June 5, 2012 primary election? Why has a public official never been quoted articulating in a concise manner in a broadcast or published news report explaining where Precinct 0808 is located in Davison County? We continue to ask ourselves why SDCL Chapter 12-19-9.1 allows registered messengers to “assist” the elderly and disabled who reside in a nursing home or assisted living facility cast an absentee ballot during primary and local elections, but not during general elections when each county auditor is required to set up a poll for voting in these facilities. We continue to question why the above identified absentee voting general election requirements do not apply to primary and local elections. At the same time, we continue to wonder who did not want the above identified absentee voting general election requirements to apply to primary and local elections. Due to all of the factors identified herein, we decided to continue to Badger “It” Out!
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
Seventh in the Series of “It” Happened
Oliver Wendell Holmes once stated, “The character of every act depends upon the circumstances in which it is done.” President John F. Kennedy put it another way, “A man does what he must in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures -- and that is the basis of all human morality.” On a Montgomery, Alabama public bus, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. Later, Rosa explained that someone had to take the first step, so she refused to move. On Dec 1, 1955 Rosa Parks jump-started the Civil Rights movement. From the Birmingham, Alabama jail on April 16, 1963 after being arrested for a non-violent demonstration, Martin Luther King, Jr. shared his thoughts in a letter with eight white priests who had written a letter entitled “A Call for Unity”. The priests expressed the belief that the battle against racial segregation should take place in the courts and not in the streets. Rev. King replied that equality and justice in civil rights matters could not be secured through the courts. He argued that civil disobedience is justified when addressing inequalities; everyone has a moral responsibility to object to injustices. Rev. King’s letter included the famous quote, "An injustice wherever it is, is a threat to justice everywhere!"
Frustrated by Old Guard public official inequalities, my husband objected to corresponding injustices in a non-violent manner on June 15, 2012 in the Davison County Clerk of Courts Office by commencing an election contest questioning the integrity of the Davison County June 2012 Primary Election vote-count verification process and the validity of the spreadsheet calculated official election results for the public school election. Subsequently, published criticism and intimidation were aimed at the character of a person perceived as being a nonconforming, noncompliant, second-class, outcast citizen -- Craig Guymon. Propaganda machines were oiled up with fabricated bullarchy. Public official flapping jaws spewed their misleading partial truths and twisted facts in published news reports. SD First Judicial Circuit Judge Tim Bjorkman sat on the election contest for 39-days when SDCL Chapter 12-22-30 states, “… When a complaint has been filed it shall forthwith be presented to the judge of the circuit court in which it is filed, who shall note thereon the day of presentation and also the day and place where he will hear the same, which shall not be later than ten days thereafter …”
On June 4, 2013 my husband’s name was not on the ballot in the standalone Mitchell public school board election. Our suspicions, irritations, frustrations and disgust had been elevated to the nth degree: (1) The Davison County June 2012 election night results had been tossed out based upon the recommendations of SD SOS Jason Gant and DCSA Pat Smith; DCSA Smith had explained that in grade school we would have called this a “do over” referring to the vote-count verification process; (2) The official election results were not publicly reconciled with the election night results; (3) Neither SD SOS Gant nor DCA Susan Kiepke had replied to the election concerns and questions we shared in June 2012 letters sent to each of them; (4) A hearing date for the election contest commenced on June 15, 2012 had not yet been set nor dismissed by the court; (5) SD SOS Gant and DCA Kiepke’s Sept 2012 task force investigation press release statements published in news reports were misleadingly vague; (6) On Oct 22, 2012 Gov. Dennis Daugaard (GOP) had appointed DCSA Pat Smith (DEM) to fill a judgeship vacancy in the SDFJC; (7) In Nov 2012, more bullarchy was pitched when DCA Kiepke aimed a lame excuse and a ballpark vote count estimate when she stated that on June 5, 2012 the ballot scanner counted more than 400 ballots twice in one precinct; (8) During the Nov 2012 general election a record number 2,500 absentee ballots were cast in Davison County; Badger’s research identified that during a 5-month time period from the June 5, 2012 primary election to November 2012 general election the number of inactive voters in Davison County decreased by 401 or 34.5%; (9) On June 4, 2013 more than a year had passed since a customer had told us that she had observed votes being solicited by absentee voting in a Mitchell nursing home; (10) Old Guard Elitists had suppressed voter turnout for the June 4, 2013 school election; (11) For 18-months, Supt Joe Graves had failed to share with the taxpayers 11-11-11 copy right dated design plan public documents for two projects that would earmark tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to fund the initial Fine Arts Center and MHS Campus projects; (12) School Board Candidates Rod Hall and Tara Volesky shared copies of the design plan images with us; Volesky and Hall approved an ad proof in which Badger and I endorsed Tara and Rod while sharing first published images of the design plans; On May 30, 2013 our advertising agreement with The Daily Republic to publish the first images of the design plans was breached by staff members who no longer work at TDR; the design plan images we had emailed to TDR’s advertising department did not contain the 11-11-11 date, Puetz Corp name or Puetz Corp logo; the design plan images we emailed to TDR’s advertising department were published on TDR’s front-page thanking Puetz Corp for graciously sharing the images; in the same TDR article, Supt Graves slammed Hall and Volesky; (13) The Election Day morning newspaper had headline front-page photos of the four school board candidates along with biographical information for the Mitchell Elitists two favored candidates; on Page-A6, directly under the obits announcements, Volesky and Hall’s biographical information was shared with implicit journalistic style and flare; and (14) Over the noon hour of June 4, 2013 Badger and I questioned why for decades an election statute had allowed voters to secure and cast an absentee ballot in county auditor offices statewide on Election Day prior 3:00 pm, but after July 2013 voters would no longer be able to do so on Election Day.
Frustrated to the nth degree by the above biased inequalities, Badger objected to corresponding injustices on June 4, 2013. An act of civil disodediance occurred in the DCA's Office that initially appeared to be an obscure, insignificant act of little importance when my husband voted in the early morning at the poll and voted again using an absentee ballot he secured the same afternoon in the presence of DCA Kiepke in the courthouse. As Badger walked towards the DCA’s Office, he saw a sign on the counter that read, “Vote Here”. Badger asked, “Can I vote here today?” A staff member asked Badger for his driver’s license. After checking Badger’s voter registration status on a computer, the staff member gave Badger an absentee ballot and shared voting instructions. In a voting booth in the courthouse hallway, Badger cast a second ballot in the June 4, 2013 standalone school election. After doing so, Badger placed the absentee ballot in the envelope, sealed the envelope, placed his signature on the envelope and handed it to the same staff member stating, “THANK YOU!” Being allowed by the DCA’s Office on June 4, 2013 to secure and cast a second ballot on Election Day documented that for decades statewide there had been no election procedures in place to prevent a voter from voting first at the poll and later by absentee ballot on Election Day; there had been no preventative measures in place interlinking county auditor offices and poll locations. For decades, it had been possible for supporters of an organized group of voters to record more than one vote on Election Day if an election official manipulated vote casting and/or ballot counting procedures. FOR DECADES, THE ELECTION PROCESS HAD BEEN BROKEN AND THE VALIDITY OF ELECTION RESULTS SUSPECT! Public officials charged with conducting and overseeing elections had failed to do everything possible to protect the integrity of the election process and the creditability of election results which provide the bedrock upon which our democracy rests. On June 5, 2013 TDR published, “… Double vote exposes … a flaw in the state’s voting system … What we’ve experienced in Mitchell is a deficiency in the system …,” according to Secretary of State Jason Gant.
In response to Badger’s “voting-twice” objections, attack dogs were unleashed in an attempt to silence our voice of opposition. Biased criminal prosecution decisions were aimed at Badger’s noncompliant behavior. SDFJC Judge Bjorkman imposed an unjust “voting-twice” jail sentence violating SDCL Chapter 22-6 imposed presumptive probation requirements; 10-days of Badger’s life were stolen by blind prejudice. Amped-up intimidation was aimed at Badger’s noncompliant behavior by the SD Division of Insurance in biased insurance license administrative decisions. Ugly words were published and aimed at Badger’s character defaming his reputation, damaging our insurance business and impairing our ability to earn a living. Given the prejudice laced bullarchy that was aimed at Badger and our insurance business, evidently equality and justice for all are still just work-in-progress dreams in South Dakota. Prior to Badger securing and casting two ballots on June 4, 2013, neither Badger nor I knew doing so was a Class 6 felony criminal offense. Having learned so the hard way, Badger nor I would ever recommend anyone try to vote more than once at any election. On June 4, 2013 had I accompanied my husband to the Davison County Courthouse, our grave marker headstone could have accurately stated, “With the best interests of future generations on our minds and in our hearts, on June 4, 2013 in the presence of the county auditor in the Davison County Courthouse, we each secured and cast a second ballot objecting to the South Dakota broken election process and a Mitchell Catholic Deacon comingling his religion with public school functions!” Badger “It” Out!
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
Badger Out needs to boil it down to 200-300 words max and people will be able to read and understand what the real issue is!
Eighth in the Series of “It” Happened
Badger and I were fourth-generation Mitchell residents for 50+ years. I was raised in Mitchell’s largest Catholic parish. My husband was raised in a Lutheran congregation. Due to a circus of hypocrisy spearheaded by the MSD 17-2 Supt of Schools, who is also the deacon of Mitchell’s largest catholic parish, I removed my name as a member of the parish. During four MSD 17-2 school board candidate campaigns, my husband addressed “right thing to do and wrong thing to do issues” in a nonconforming and noncompliant manner. During his final school board candidate campaign, Badger placed MSD 17-2 demographic catholic facts face up on the table addressing the comingling of religion and public school functions. Contrary to forked-tongue allegations, Badger is not a catholic bigot. Priests blessed our marriage and baptized our sons.
On June 4, 2013 after my husband cast two ballots, The Daily Republic reported, “Guymon … has sent mailers … what he has called a Catholic conspiracy among Mitchell’s elected and appointed leaders.” On June 5, 2013 TDR published, “Guymon … sent mailers … and purchased advertisements … the school district and other institutions are being manipulated by a Catholic conspiracy ring.” On July 2, 2013 TDR reported, “Guymon … mailers … Catholics are conspiring to manipulate the city.” On July 26, 2013 TDR published, “Guymon … mailers … Catholics are conspiring to manipulate the city.” On July 31, 2013 TDR reported, “Guymon … mailers … Catholics are conspiring to manipulate the city.” On Sept 10, 2013 TDR published, “Guymon … mailers … claimed a Catholic conspiracy ring was manipulating the city.” On Dec 29, 2013 TDR reported, “… Guymon’s … mailers … claimed a Catholic conspiracy ring was manipulating the city.” On Aug 26, 2014 TDR published, “Guymon … mailers … claimed a Catholic conspiracy ring was manipulating the city.” The MSD 17-2 demographic catholic facts Badger and I shared with the community did not aim sensationalism fortified allegations at catholic parishioners; we just stated the facts. TDR reporters injected enriched sensationalism into news reports; aimed fabricated allegations at catholic parishioners; and attacked my husband’s character defaming his reputation.
At 10:30 pm on June 4, 2013 Badger was arrested at our residence without incident. While being transported to the Mitchell Police Dept, Badger informed the officers he had already retained legal services and would not answer any questions. Next, while being transported from the MPD to the Davison County Jail, Badger asked if a personal recognizance bond could be requested to avoid spending the night in jail; Badger was told it was too late in the evening to bother a judge. Who had care, custody and control (CCC) over Badger’s arrest, questioning, jailing and preparing the MPD incident report? The next morning, a PR Bond was approved and Badger was released from the DCJ. On June 5, 2013 who imposed the requirements set forth in Badger’s PR Bond and set the preliminary hearing date for June 27, 2013? The initial PR Bond required Badger to remain within the First Judicial District; his attorney’s office was located in Huron which is in the Third Judicial Circuit. Within 48-hours of Badger’s arrest, the DCSA’s Office choose to seek an Indictment; and a Davison County Grand Jury issued an Indictment. On June 25, 2012 Badger’s attorney was initially notified that an Indictment and Warrant for Arrest had been issued. Why did 18-days pass by before Badger’s attorney was first notified that an Indictment and Warrant for Arrest had been issued? Who selected the people who served on this grand jury? Who appointed the grand jury foreman? Who else served on this grand jury? Were a majority of the members on the grand jury catholic parishioners? Who convened and enabled the grand jury to issue the Indictment? Who prepared the Indictment document? Was this Indictment document prepared before or after grand jury members indicted Badger? Who prepared the Request for Warrant document? Who filed the Request for Warrant with the supporting Indictment with the Davison County Clerk of Courts? Who prepared and filed the Warrant of Arrest with the DCCC Office? Who prepared defendant’s copy of the Warrant of Arrest; secured a judge’s warrant-serving instructions; and the judge’s signature that appear on the Warrant of Arrest? Which judge in the FJC signed the Warrant of Arrest; the judge’s signature is not legible; under the signature line Circuit Court Judge is underlined with ink; the initials “PJS”. Who certified the Warrant of Arrest with an ink-stamp dated June 18, 2013? From June 7, 2013 to June 25, 2013, who had CCC over serving notice to Badger’s attorney that a grand jury Indictment and Warrant for Arrest had been issued on June 7, 2013? On June 25, 2013 two days before the scheduled preliminary hearing, who contacted Badger’s attorney informing him that an Indictment and Warrant for Arrest had been issued? Who prepared the second PR Bonding document that was first served on Badger when he appeared for the Indictment generated Warrant of Arrest “Booking Session #2” at the DCJ on June 26, 2013 at about 1:30 PM; the document states that defendant … to appear … on July 25, 2013 at 10 AM? Who prepared the second PR Bond requiring Badger to remain within the First Judicial Circuit when his lawyer’s office was located in the Third Judicial Circuit? Who scheduled the arraignment hearing for July 2, 2013 at 2 PM?
Did public officials who possessed biased opinions with regards to Badger’s character, knowingly aim prejudicial decisions and actions at Badger? What follows is a list of June 4, 2013 Mitchell, SD demographic catholic facts: 4 of 5 public school board members HFCC parishioners; Supt of Schools ordained catholic reverend serving as the deacon of HFCC; School Business Manager HSCC parishioner; All 5 MSD 17-2 principals catholic with 4 of 5 principals HFCC parishioners; 2 of the 3 pollsters HFCC parishioners (poll superintendent; HFCC); MPD investigative officer HFCC parishioner; Prior DCSA, current DCSA, current Asst DCSA and the Grand Jury Foreperson all HSCC parishioner. What does your smell test say - mere coincidences or prejudiced prosecution? Badger “It” Out!
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
Ninth in the Series of “It” Happened
During my husband’s initial “voting twice” hearing, his attorney was in court in another town representing a client; Badger’s lawyer participated telephonically. Due to DCSA’s Office aimed biases, more time was needed to address the “voting twice” charge. As a result, on July 2, 2013 my husband shared just five words with Judge Tim Bjorkman, “Yes your honor not guilty”. Given Badger’s prior spotless criminal record; spotless MVR driving record; spotless licensed insurance agent record since 1985; 17-years of military service with two honorable discharges; his caring family man status; being a co-owner of a successful insurance business in Mitchell for 29-years; “voting twice” having not physically harmed, psychologically impaired or imposed a financial loss on any person or entity; my husband’s attorney believed an immediate suspended imposition of sentence may be granted by the court. Badger’s attorney negotiated an agreement with the DCSA’s Office: (1) During a change of plea hearing, Badger would agree to plead guilty as charged; (2) During the sentencing hearing, Badger’s lawyer would request the court consider granting an immediate suspended imposition of sentence to which the DCSA agreed to remain silent (no recommendation or objection would be entered by the DCSA). On July 31, 2013 during a change of plea hearing, Badger showed the court the utmost respect and replied to Judge Bjorkman’s questions in a precise and forthright manner stating, “Yes, your honor” or “No, your honor” to questions asked by the court. When Judge Bjorkman asked if Badger was entering a guilty plea of his own free will, Badger stated, “Absolutely, your honor”. When Judge Bjorkman asked him to explain what he had done, Badger stated, “I voted at the poll in the morning and I voted at the auditor's office by absentee ballot in the afternoon.”
In mid-August 2013, Badger gave 46-pages of documentation to a Davison County Court Services Officer. Badger’s 46-pages of documentation included biographical information; Badger’s 2012 MSD 17-2 school board candidate campaign facts which included the MSD 17-2 demographic catholic facts; Davison County June 5, 2012 primary election facts which included an abridged version of SD SOS Jason Gant’s 2012 Davison County Ballot Counting Task Force Report containing the Election Systems & Software June 7, 2012 and June 27, 2012 analysis and findings; facts surrounding the June 4, 2013 MSD 17-2 standalone school election; and an explanation as to why and how Badger “voted twice” on June 4, 2013. My husband’s 46-pages of documentation were included as part of the presentence investigation report the CSO gave to Judge Bjorkman. Badger provided the 46-pages of documentation to the court as justifiable cause for granting an immediate suspended imposition of sentence.
On Sept 10, 2013 Judge Bjorkman decided to set a hardnosed precedent, but in doing so violated SDCL Chapter 22-6. Judge Bjorkman refused to grant Badger an immediate suspended imposition of sentence. While announcing sentence, Judge Bjorkman stated that he would consider granting a suspended imposition of sentence near the end of the period of supervision by the Court. Judge Bjorkman sentenced Badger to 180 days with 150 days suspended in the Davison County Jail (10 days in Sept 2013, 10 days in Sept 2014 and 10 days in Sept 2015) with work release granted; Badger’s voting and firearms rights were suspended while he was under the supervision of the court. Badger paid a $1,000 fine, $104 in court costs and $91.84 in restitution for an Election Day courthouse video recording secured by the DCSA’s Office. The court placed Badger on a monthly automated telephone call-in probation program with no periodic meetings with a probation officer.
In Sept 2013, 10-days of my husband’s life were stolen that he will never get back when he was unjustly jailed. South Dakota Senate Bill 70 (SB 70) went into effect on July 1, 2013; Section 53 applies to a non-violent Class 5 or Class 6 felony (“voting twice” is a Class 6 felony). Section 53 of SB 70 states, “… SDCL Chapter 22-6 is to be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as follows: (1) Sentencing court shall sentence an offender convicted of a Class 5 or Class 6 felony … to a term of probation. The sentencing court may impose a sentence other than probation if the court finds aggravating circumstances exist that pose a significant risk to the public and require a departure from presumptive probation under this section; and (2) If a departure is made, the judge shall state on the record at the time of sentencing the aggravating circumstances and the same shall be stated in the dispositional order.” Neither the Court Reporter Official Transcript for the “voting twice” sentencing hearing nor the written judgment identifies and addresses an aggravating circumstance that posed a significant risk to the public as required by SDCL Chapter 22-6. Badger’s right to vote was suspended during his period of supervision by the Court; there was no re-offend risk!
Within hours of Badger being locked up in the DCJ during the mid afternoon of Sept 10, 2013, posted on Sept 11, 2013 at 11:55 a.m. that SD SOS Gant had announced in a news release statement that he would not seek re-election in 2014. We found SD SOS Gant’s announcement and Badger being jailed within the same 24-hour period of time to be more than just another coincidence! In our minds, someone with a higher pay grade had tattooed Gant to be the fall guy to take the heat in order to protect the Regime’s public image and avoid a public scandal.
During an Oct 10, 2013 meeting with a Davison County CSO, Badger and I explained that recent attempts to access SD SOS Gant’s 2012 Davison County Ballot Counting Task Force Report via the internet on State of South Dakota public websites were unsuccessful. Badger explained that he had secured a copy of the task force report in June 2013 via the internet from the SD SOS’s public website. My husband asked the CSO, what level of Old Guard influence is needed to remove such a document from the internet? The CSO did not reply to this question. Does the Old Guard believe The People do not have a right to know all the facts surrounding the primary elections conducted on June 5, 2012 in Beadle, Davison and McCook and other large population counties that tabulated votes using an M650 ballot scanner due to county auditor flush card incompetence concerns and/or Old Guard public image/scandal concerns? What does your gut-check say? Badger “It” Out!
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
200 - 300 words is just what the Regime would like to see printed. The people have right to know exactly how the Regime rolls in South Dakota. With that said, #10 - #17 will be posted as I have written them, unless Cory objects.
Ronette L Guymon
Tenth in the Series of “It” Happened
On Oct 18, 2013 a SD Division of Insurance (DOI) lawyer placed a phone call to our office. The DOI attorney told my husband a decision had been made to suspend his insurance agent license for a 45-day period due to the “voting-twice” conviction. The DOI lawyer asked my husband if he would accept the DOI decision. Badger replied, “Hell no! My 29-year old insurance license is spotless!” Badger explained that Judge Bjorkman had offered to consider granting a suspended imposition of sentence near the end of the imposed period of supervision by the court. A suspended imposition of sentence would vacate and set aside forever the voting-twice conviction; restore spotless criminal record; and erase the sole ground for suspending the insurance license. A DOI imposed license suspension would place a black mark on Badger’s insurance agent record DOI would never remove. On Oct 31, 2013 DOI issued a Consent Order announcing that a decision had been made to suspend Badger’s insurance license for 45-days. Stalinist iron-fisted terms and conditions of the Consent Order were not acceptable to my husband. On Nov 19, 2013 documentation was sent to DOI lawyer explaining that Badger was not in a position to accept the terms and conditions offered in DOI 45-day License Suspension Consent Order … not agreeable at this time … request a hearing date be set to allow us to share our concerns. On Nov 22, 2013 DOI “upped the amps” informing Badger that a decision had been made to schedule a hearing for Feb 11, 2014 to consider the revocation of the insurance license. On Dec 12, 2013 Badger left a message for DOI attorney requesting DOI reissue a 45-day License Suspension Consent Order. On Dec 18, 2013 DOI attorney placed a phone call to Badger; DOI lawyer said the Assistant Director of the DOI Larry Deiter refused to reissue the 45-day License Suspension Consent Order, but a 90-day License Suspension Consent Order with same terms and conditions would be offered. On Dec 27, 2013 DOI withdrew the 90-day License Suspension Consent Order claiming “New Evidence” needed to be reviewed. Over the next week, Badger placed many phone calls to DOI attorney inquiring as to whether a decision had been made with regards to the “New Evidence”. Tired of “It” being aimed at him by the DOI, on Jan 3, 2014 Badger shared his frustrations with DOI lawyer in a crystal-clear manner, “… Tired of being played with like a yoyo toy; see you at the licensure revocation hearing on Feb 11, 2014!” On Jan 10, 2014 DOI lawyer sent Badger copies of the “New Evidence” complaint documents. A Dec 23, 2013 an bogus complaint filed by Kelly Gross (Mitchell, SD insurance agent) was the “New Evidence” that caused the 90-day License Suspension Consent Order to be withdrawn by the DOI. On Jan 13, 2014 Badger received notice from DOI attorney concerning DOI decision to file a Motion for Summary Judgment with Hearing Examiner Hillary Brady requesting that Badger’s insurance license be revoked without conducting a hearing to consider the matter. Evidently, the DOI believed Badger had no due process rights.
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
Badger, you have a blog, right? There's commenting, and then there's co-opting my comment space for your articles. How about boiling it down and providing links to your blog?
Badger/Craig and Ronette, as well as Rod above, have a point. The state dropped the hammer on citizen Guymon for one instance of double-voting. There may be hundreds of cases of voter fraud and election error in Sioux Falls, yet the state is doing nothing, and we're having to rely on one county-level citizens' committee to find the answers? Is the state not willing to investigate and rectify its own errors as vigorously as it prosecutes the errors of individual citizens?
We may be right back to the argument for why we need a revolution in leadership in Pierre. File this story in your 2018 campaign briefs.
Cory, how much of what has happened to Badger has happened to others in this state that nobody has heard about? It's pretty spooky if you think about it.
Eleventh in the Series of “It” Happened
In Sept 2013, on behalf of Badger, who had been jailed in an unjust manner that violated presumptive probation requirements set forth in SDCL Chapter 22-6, I paid a $1,000 fine imposed by the court due to my husband casting an extra ballot on June 4, 2013. Given that DCA Susan Kiepke allowed the votes recorded on 612 test ballots and 460 Precinct 0808 ballots to be tabulated twice into the June 5, 2012 election night results (612 + 612 + 460 = 1,684 non-cast ballots), does DCA Kiepke owe Davison County $1,684,000? Probably not due to the Davison County Canvassing Board tossing out the June 5, 2012 election night results based on the recommendations of SD SOS Jason Gant and DCSA Pat Smith. Does DCA Kiepke owe Davison County $612,000 due to having allowed the votes recorded on 612 test ballots to be included in the June 7, 2012 third count of the ballots that the DCCB certified as being the official election results? Or, should the dollar amount of the fine per ballot be increased with the total amount of the fine shared equally by all public officials who have chosen to passively coverup documented facts contained in the 2012 Davison County Ballot Counting Task Force Report?
On Nov 7, 2013 the bullarchy aimed by DCA Kiepke and a staff member lit up my Irish. I asked for the names and party affiliation of each registered messenger who “assisted” disabled and elderly voters cast absentee ballots in assisted living facilities and nursing homes during the Davison County June 5, 2012 primary election. By law, the DCA’s Office is required to maintain documented information for each registered messenger. A DCA’s Office staff member told me, ‘One staff member, a GOP rep and a DEM rep accompanied DCA Susan Kiepke when absentee voting was conducted in senior living facilities.’ The staff member implied that DCA Kiepke oversaw all absentee voting in senior-living facilities for all local, primary and general elections. I questioned the creditability of this staff member’s reply stating, ‘By law, in local and primary elections registered messengers are allowed to “assist” the elderly and/or disabled with absentee voting in senior living facilities, but not during a general election.’ Later the same day, I received a phone call from DCA Kiepke. DCA Kiepke told me, ‘I do not recall who was helping with senior living facilities absentee voting during the June 5, 2012 primary election.’
On Nov 26, 2013 DCA Kiepke issued a “County Poor, Court Appointed Attorney and Jail Confinement Costs Statement” showing that my husband owed Davison County $10 as of Oct 4, 2013. Based on the amount of income taxes we pay, we do not qualify for county assistance programs. Badger had already retained the legal services of an attorney prior to his arrest for “voting twice”; Badger did not owe court appointed attorney fees to Davison County. After Sept 20, 2013 my husband did not serve time in the Davison County Jail. The envelope that contained DCA Kiepke’s Nov 26, 2013 statement has a Pitney Bowes postmark showing the billing statement was sent U.S. First Class Mail on Nov 27, 2013 (one day before Thanksgiving Day) from Zip Code 57104 (Sioux Falls) to our former Mitchell, SD post office box address. As documented on the check stub attached to DCJ Check Number 3342 (Inmate Trust Account); Date Sept 20, 2013; Amount $55.17; Payee Craig Guymon; Memo Resident 11807; prepared by the DCJ and given to my husband upon his release from the DCJ; my husband did not owe Davison County $10 for services rendered by DCJ employees when he was released from the DCJ on Sept 20, 2013. As documented on the “Davison County Notice of Confinement Costs and Lien Statement” prepared by the DCJ on Sept 20, 2013 and given to Badger upon his release from the DCJ, all jail confinement costs had been paid in full.
After I paid Badger’s $1,000 fine, court costs and restitution, the Davison County Clerk of Courts Office did not file a lien against our Mitchell-acreage claiming Badger owed a never before identified nor disclosed mysterious $10 fee to the DCCC’s Office. If a never identified and explained $10 fee was owed by Badger to the DCA’s Office, then why wasn’t the fee fully disclosed by DCA Kiepke in a transparent manner on an appropriate billing statement? The facts shared herein document that the mysterious $10 fee was not owed due to services rendered by DCJ employees. So, why did DCA Kiepke inappropriately use a “County Poor, Court Appointed Attorney and Jail Confinement Costs Statement” to initially notify Badger that he owed a never identified and explained $10 fee to the DCA’s Office? If the mysterious $10 fee was owed on Oct 4, 2013 why did DCA Kiepke prepare this initial billing statement on Nov 26, 2013? Did the Nov 7, 2013 phone call I placed to the DCA’s Office cause DCA Kiepke to file the $10 lien and aim retaliation at us?
On Dec 19, 2013 (22-days after DCA Kiepke mailed the billing statement) our bank paid the Davison County Treasurer’s Office $10 in order to remove the lien DCA Kiepke had inappropriately filed against our Mitchell-acreage. Has a culture of deceit and dishonor infected the DCA’s Office? Badger “It” Out!
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
Twelfth in the Series of “It” Happened
On Nov 19, 2013 my husband mailed a letter to the Honorable Steven Jensen, Presiding Judge of the SD First Judicial Circuit. Badger respectfully requested the court set an initial hearing date for the election contest he commenced on June 15, 2012. Badger respectfully asked the court to assign an impartial judge to hear the election contest due to perceived conflicts of interest held by Judge Tim Bjorkman and Judge Pat Smith, the two judges who regularly hear cases in Davison County. In a Nov 22, 2013 letter, Judge Jensen replied to Badger’s Nov 19 letter instructing him to contact Judge Pat Smith who was assigned to handle civil court matters in Davison County. Judge Jensen explained that any concerns with regards to Judge Pat Smith hearing the case, should addressed with Judge Smith in accordance with SDCL 15-12. On Nov 26, 2013 prior to receiving Judge Jensen’s Nov 22 letter, Badger mailed a letter to Judge Jensen respectfully requesting the election contest be removed from the FJC docket due to the Nov 22, 2013 SD Division of Insurance decision to pursue the revocation of Craig Guymon’s insurance license during a Feb 11, 2014 licensure hearing. In early Dec 2013, election contest defendants counsel requested an initial hearing date for the election contest be set to consider Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Prosecute arguments. Shortly thereafter, Judge Pat Smith withdrew from the election contest. The election contest was then given to Judge Tim Bjorkman who had originally been assigned to hear Badger’s election contest in June 2012.
On Dec 30, 2013 Badger was preparing for the initial election contest hearing. While reading a Dec 2013 affidavit prepared by defendants counsel, Badger learned for the first time that after the election contest was commenced on June 15, 2012: (A) No documented subsequent discussions between plaintiff and defendants lawyers had ever occurred; (B) Prior to Nov 19, 2013 no proceedings were ever initiated by plaintiff nor by defendants; and (C) Prior to Nov 19, 2013 the only documented activity was a July 25, 2012 email sent 39-days after the election contest was commenced by Judge Bjorkman’s clerk to both parties lawyers inquiring if either party wished to set an initial hearing date for the election contest. After reading this affidavit, Badger informed his election contest attorney that his legal services were no longer desired. Badger signed a withdraw request form prepared by his election contest attorney; subsequently, the court approved the lawyer’s request to withdraw as Badger’s advocate. On January 4, 2014 Badger sent a letter U.S. Certified Mail to Judge Bjorkman; the letter addressed perceived election contest conflict of interest concerns consistent with SDCL 15-12. On Jan 7, 2014 Judge Bjorkman signed a letter withdrawing from the election contest. Next, Judge Jensen assigned himself to hear the election contest and issued a hearing continuance order for the election contest that had been scheduled to take place on Jan 15, 2014. Shortly thereafter, the initial election contest hearing was rescheduled for February 4, 2014.
In late January 2014, Badger and I prepared and submitted 3-inches of election-contest rebuttal arguments, affidavit and exhibits (A – KK) to Judge Jensen and defendants counsel. Badger’s rebuttal arguments were based on the belief that the court should have been obligated to immediately secure care, custody and control over the June 5, 2012 election evidence when the election contest was filed with a Davison County Clerk on June 15, 2012. With regards to the election evidence, Badger argued that the Court was obligated to do whatever was necessary to protect the integrity of the election process and election evidence. On Feb 4, 2014 Judge Jensen considered Badger’s written and oral rebuttal arguments. Judge Jensen repeatedly asked Badger if he had anything else “New” to share with the court. According to the Judge Jensen, Badger’s former election contest attorney had failed to ask the court to secure the election evidence. As a result, the court had no obligation to secure the election evidence. The court nor any public officials was obligated to give plaintiff a copy of the ES&S June 27, 2012 independent findings or the 2012 Davison County Ballot Counting Task Force Report; the documents were public records available upon request to all citizens. SDCL Chapter 15-11-11 freshness test required proceedings to commence within 1-year. Based on current law, Judge Jensen appropriately dismissed the election contest. My husband’s closing remarks shared with Judge Jensen were, “Your Honor, whatever you decide, I will accept your decision, salute the flag and carry on.”
From Feb 10 thru Feb 24, 2014 Badger and I emailed detailed information surrounding the Davison County June 5, 2012 primary election to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Sioux Falls, SD. On Feb 25, 2014 the U.S. Attorney’s Office informed us that they had limited oversight jurisdiction with regards to vote buying, voter intimidation, voter discrimination and voter fraud matters. The U.S. Attorney’s Office offered no assistance in addressing our Davison County June 5, 2012 primary election concerns stating that they had no jurisdiction over the matters we had addressed. Next, we considered forwarding the same email information to the SD Attorney General’s Office, but did not do so figuring we’d have a better chance getting a brick wall to listen to our election concerns. With the integrity of the election process and the validity of election results providing the bedrock upon which our democracy rests, perhaps a new SDCL election statute is needed to assure that all election evidence is immediately secured once an election contest is commenced? After an election contest has been filed and the filing fee paid, could an election statute direct the Clerk of Courts to immediately notify a circuit court judge that an election contest had been commenced with the statute mandating a court order be issued without delay securing care, custody and control of all election evidence? Badger “It” Out!
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
Cory, we do not have a blog ... we are pushing 60 years old ... when we were in high school, there were no computer science classes ... we are not tech-geeks ... do not know how to set up a blog ... if wish to discuss fishing and hunting, Badger would be more than happy to do so.
Given what the Regime has aimed at my husband and how the "it" has defamed his reputation and damaged our Mom and Pop (two employee) insurance business, please allow us to share the facts by posting all 17 - doing so may inspire others to step forward sharing their own ugly experiences combatting the Regime which holds all the power and control over governance and judicial matters in South Dakota?
Ronette L Guymon
Personally, I would like to read it all, just my two cents worth.
Thirteenth in the Series of “It” Happened
In early Jan 2014 responding to Division of Insurance discovery evidence requests for the Feb 11, 2014 insurance license revocation hearing, Badger sent 48 emails with 134 attachments to the DOI attorney. On January 21, 2014 I contacted Judge Bjorkman’s court reporter to initiate securing a Court Reporter Official Transcript (CROT) for the Sept 10, 2013 voting-twice sentencing hearing. The CROT was secured in late January 2014 documenting that Judge Bjorkman did state during the voting-twice sentencing hearing that he would consider granting a suspended imposition of sentence near the end of Badger’s period of supervision by the court; his written judgment did not contain the SIS offer. In late January 2014 Badger and I prepared and submitted 3-inches of insurance license revocation rebuttal arguments, affidavit and exhibits (A – KK) to the labor judge and DOI attorney. Badger’s written rebuttal arguments were: (1) Judge Bjorkman to consider granting suspended imposition of sentence which would vacate the voting-twice felony conviction erasing the sole ground for revoking insurance license; (2) DOI made an arbitrary decision to revoke the insurance license and asked Hearing Examiner Hillary Brady to impose a disproportionately-harsh regulatory action that was non-commensurate with the severity of the voting-twice criminal offense committed; (3) Voting twice did not physically harm, psychologically impair or monetarily damage anyone or any entity and had absolutely nothing to do with our insurance business; (4) Voting twice did not alter the outcome of the June 4, 2013 standalone Mitchell School District election in any way or manner since Badger’s absentee-ballot was tossed out.
On Feb 10, 2014 at 2:15 pm, Hearing Examiner Brady, the DOI lawyer and Badger visited during a conference call initiated by the labor judge. We were scheduled to meet at 9:00 am the next morning on the third floor of the Foss Building in Pierre, SD for the licensure hearing. Based on initial statements, confusion existed with regards to what DOI was requesting in the “Motion for Summary Judgment”. Labor Judge Brady asked if Badger had any oral rebuttal arguments he wished to telephonically address for consideration since the licensure hearing was not going to take place the next day. Badger stated that he would stand on his 3-inches of written rebuttal arguments for now. Badger stated that if his license was revoked, the revocation decision would be immediately appealed to circuit court. Hearing Examiner Brady discussed rescheduling the hearing in late Feb 2014 to provide more time to consider “Motion for Summary Judgment” and Badger’s written rebuttal arguments. Next, DOI lawyer asked if the Hearing Examiner wanted him to wait to reschedule the hearing until after she had made her decision with regards to “Motion for Summary Judgment”. Hearing Examiner Brady directed DOI lawyer to reschedule the hearing for Feb 28, 2014. Badger stated that Feb 28th was his birthday, “Hope we have something to celebrate!” On Feb 15, 2014 Badger received a notice from the DOI that the licensure hearing had been rescheduled to Feb 28, 2014 at 10 a.m. On Feb 20, 2014 Badger received an email from Hearing Examiner Brady notifying him that she had approved DOI request for summary judgment to revoke Badger’s insurance license without a hearing.
On Mar 3, 2014 a “birthday present notice” was received from the South Dakota Dept of Labor & Regulations in a letter dated Feb 27, 2014 signed by the Secretary of Labor & Regulations sent U.S. Certified Mail on Feb 28, 2014 notifying Badger that his 30-year old prior spotless insurance license would be revoked 10-days after receipt of this notification; Badger’s insurance license was flagged to be revoked on Mar 13, 2014. Badger had 30-days to appeal the license revocation decision to circuit court. With full knowledge that Badger would appeal a license revocation decision to circuit court, one day prior to Badger’s birthday, the Old Guard aimed more bullarchy at Badger with copies of the license revocation notification letter sent by DOI to every insurance company Badger was appointed to represent. We retained the legal services of The Schreiber Law Firm to represent Badger in the insurance licensure and voting-twice matters. In early March 2014, Brad Schreiber filed a notice of appeal with a statement of issues with a Hughes County Clerk in Pierre, SD addressing the Feb 27, 2014 final decision to revoke Badger’s insurance license. A Hughes County judge issued a stay order on March 12, 2014; Badger’s insurance license remained in force pending the appeal’s final outcome.
On June 3, 2014 Mr. Schreiber filed the appeal brief arguing numerous issues with strong emphasis placed on Badger’s due process right to present his arguments during a hearing. On July 7, 2014 Mr. Schreiber received DOI lawyer’s response. DOI appeal brief contained a damnable fabricated, twisted, misstatement of the true facts – the Regime claimed Badger had waived his right to a hearing. Badger and I refused to be cowed by the court’s unjust voting-twice jailing decision and DOI amped-up regulatory actions. A decision was made to pursue a voting-twice sentence modification hearing in August 2014. With locked jaw resolve, we continued to Badger “It” Out!
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
Why isn't your good friend Sibson posting this stuff for you at his blog?
mike, nobody reads his blog. ;-)
Fourteenth in the Series of “It” Happened
On Aug 26, 2014 during a voting-twice sentence modification hearing due contempt of court concerns, my husband remained silent throughout the hearing. Badger’s attorney, Brad Schreiber respectfully asked Judge Tim Bjorkman to consider granting Badger a suspended imposition of sentence based on his past spotless criminal record and compliance with all court directives while on probation for nearly a year. In addition, Mr. Schreiber asked Judge Bjorkman to waive the balance of Badger’s jail sentence. During this hearing, Judge Bjorkman granted the suspended imposition of sentence, but initially stated that he would not waive the jail time. Next, Asst DCSA Bob O’Keefe stated that the State strongly concurred with Judge Bjorkman’s decisions with regards to not waiving the jail time. In a tactful manner, Mr. Schreiber questioned whether Judge Bjorkman had complied with SD Senate Bill 70 presumptive probation requirements during the Sept 10, 2013 sentencing hearing. Mr. Schreiber respectfully explained that he had not been able to find such compliance details in Judge Bjorkman’s written judgment. In response, Judge Bjorkman stated that he had explained why jail time would be required during the Sept 10, 2013 sentencing hearing. Asst DCSA O’Keefe did not reply with a single word to Mr. Schreiber’s SB 70 argument. After a brief silence passed, Judge Bjorkman directed Mr. Schreiber to prepare documents for the court to sign to grant the suspended imposition of sentence. Next, Judge Bjorkman called Asst DCSA O’Keefe and Mr. Schreiber to sidebar where he privately offered to consider waiving the jail time if Badger’s Court Services Officer recommended doing so to the court. On Aug 28, 2014 Judge Bjorkman signed the suspended imposition of sentence which vacated and set aside Badger’s voting-twice conviction forever. On Aug 28, 2014 Badger’s CSO emailed a letter to Judge Bjorkman recommending waiving the balance of Badger’s jail time. On Aug 29, 2014 Judge Bjorkman approved waiving the Sept 2014 ten day jail stint, but did not waive the Sept 2015 ten day jail stint.
On Sept 9, 2014 Mr. Schreiber sent Badger an email summarizing what was discussed between him and DOI attorney with regards to the appeal of the summary judgment decision to revoke Badger’s insurance license. DOI lawyer had placed a telephone call to Mr. Schreiber; had inquired about the voting-twice suspended imposition of sentence having been granted. Mr. Schreiber explained that the voting-twice conviction had been vacated and set aside. DOI attorney asked if that would be Mr. Schreiber’s position at the appeal hearing scheduled for Oct 6, 2014 -- without the voting-twice conviction DOI cannot revoke Mr. Guymon’s insurance license? Mr. Schreiber replied, “Yes, because that is what the law states.” DOI attorney conceded and asked Mr. Schreiber to prepare the appropriate stipulation and Order for Dismissal. On Sept 16, 2014 DOI lawyer and Mr. Schreiber signed a Stipulation and Agreement for Dismissal of the appeal; the Feb 27, 2014 decision to revoke Badger’s insurance license was set aside forever. In the document, it was stipulated and agreed that the Feb 27, 2014 decision to revoke Badger’s insurance license was a nullity and of no force and effect; DOI agreed not to continue to pursue the revocation of Badger’s insurance license. DOI lawyer also prepared a letter explaining the above stipulations, agreements and the dismissal of the appeal of this matter; in addition, the letter stated that Badger was in good standing with DOI. DOI sent this letter to all insurance companies Badger had been appointed to represent on Feb 27, 2014.
On Sept 24, 2014 during a phone call conversation between Badger and his Court Services Officer, the CSO confirmed: (1) Probation was scheduled terminate on Nov 13, 2014; (2) Once probation ends, the Sept 2015 ten day jail sentence that Judge Bjorkman did not waive in his Aug 29, 2014 order will go away forever -- cannot be imposed by the court. In late October 2014, Badger placed a phone call to his CSO. Due to SB 70 provisions granting month-for-month credit for good time served on probation, the CSO reconfirmed that probation was scheduled to end on Nov 13, 2014. Badger questioned why the probation termination date was scheduled for the 13th; Badger was escorted directly from the courtroom and unjustly jailed on Sept 10, 2013. Badger respectfully asked if the probation end date should have been set for Nov 10, 2014. Badger explained to the CSO, “A couple veterans want to shoot some roosters on Nov 11, 2014 – my dad and myself.” Evidently, Badger was convincing in presenting his argument to the CSO. On Election Day, November 4, 2014 Judge Tim Bjorkman placed his signature on the Order of Dismissal and Discharge Suspended Imposition of Sentence binding the terms and conditions set forth in the Aug 28, 2013 suspended imposition of sentence document and sealing all matters related to Badger’s voting-twice incident forever. The Election Day, Nov 4, 2014 voting-twice discharge will be hung on a Guymon Agency office wall alongside Badger’s original insurance agent license next to Lyle Guymon, Earl Guymon, Craig Guymon and Ronette Guymon military discharges. We will continue to Badger “It” Out until our final breaths!
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
Fifteenth in the Series of “It” Happened
When Old Guard bullarchs oil up propaganda machines and public official flapping jaws spin “It” in a rotating circular motion, we always ask, “What facts were not addressed and disclosed?” Since June 6, 2012 why have prior SD SOS Jason Gant, former DCSA Pat Smith, DCA Susan Kiepke and DCC John Claggett failed to articulate in a concise and transparent manner in press release statements all of the facts contained in the 2012 Davison County Ballot Counting Task Force Report? Did Old Guard bullarchy passively cover up facts from public scrutiny? Or, did public official incompetence fail to comprehend the vote count math? Perhaps, it was a combination of both?
On Mar 25, 2014 The Daily Republic reported that Davison County would spend $72,000 to replace a vote-counting machine that the county auditor claims was broken even though the task force said the machine was fine … the County Commission approved the purchase of a new $108,000 machine -- $36,000 of which was offset by a grant … DCA Susan Kiepke did not have full confidence in the county's current M650 ballot scanner and recommended the county purchase a DS850, an upgraded model from Election Systems and Software … DCA Kiepke claimed the machine was not operating correctly during the 2012 election … During the June 2012 vote-count verification process, DCA Kiepke blamed the problems on the machine or its software … it had glitch … Commissioners who were serving in 2012 said they didn't want to go through another similar experience … Commissioner Dennis Kiner called the county's current machine "a lemon," … "We talked about selling to another county, but I don't know who would buy mine after all of the publicity it got," DCA Kiepke said.
On March 25, 2014 TDR also reported that DCA Kiepke had stated that the county has had its current machine since she was elected in 2006 and estimated the county has had it longer than that. On June 8, 2012 TDR published that DCA Kiepke stated the same M650 vote counting machine had been used in Davison County elections since 2005. After Badger and I discussed DCA Kiepke’s misleading partial truth, on Apr 2, 2014 I placed a phone call to person with first hand knowledge who confirmed that Davison County’s M650 ballot scanner was a new machine when purchased in 2005. On Mar 31, 2014 TDR posted, “Hisses to DCA Kiepke and the Davison County Commission for continuing to shirk responsibility for the botched June 2012 election … Even after a task force declared the county’s voting machine to be ‘100 percent accurate,’ county officials are still blaming the machine for inaccurate vote totals … We hope the county simply wants and needs an upgraded machine, and that the justification for such a large expense is more than a desire to cover up culpability for past vote-counting errors.” Prior to March 25, 2014 how many quarts of oil did public officials pour into their propaganda machine before flapping their jaws spewing bullarchy at Davison County taxpayers?
On April 1, 2014 Badger’s 81-year old father, Earl Guymon, addressed the Davison County Board of Commissioners. In his opening comments, Earl asked the commissioners to ponder one word as he shared the rest of his remarks -- the word is HONOR! Spelled H–O–N-O-R! Earl stated that election officials have known since June 2012 what caused “at least” 1,072 non-cast ballots to be included in the Davison County June 5, 2012 election night results … ES&S analysis of the M650 internal audit log identified what caused the Election Night miscount … the ES&S June 27, 2012 report documents that the Davison County M650 ballot scanner accurately tabulated the votes on June 5, 2012 … the ES&S findings are included in the 2012 Davison County Ballot Counting Task Force Report. At this point in the commissioners meeting, DCA Kiepke abruptly left the meeting, but Earl continued to share the facts stating that on June 5th the ballot count was 5,573 and on June 7th the ballot count was 4,501 … in Sept 2012, we were told human error had caused a double-count, but we were not told that human intervention had included the votes recorded on 612 test ballots in the election night results … before adjourning today, I respectfully ask the board to direct the auditor to continue to secure and safeguard the June 5, 2012 election documents until after the board has diligently reviewed and considered all the facts … I respectfully ask the board to examine June 5, 2012 inactive voter absentee ballots and voter registration card information … the people have a right to know why the number of active voters increased by 445 and inactive voters decreased by 401 (a 34.5% decrease) over just five months from June 5, 2012 to Nov 6, 2012. In his closing remarks, Earl recommended that the board vote to rescind the purchase of a new ballot scanner. An uninformed commissioner stated that the M650 ballot scanner was a ‘LEMON’. The errors were not made by the M650 ballot scanner. We need a new auditor, not a new machine! After sharing his closing remarks, Earl gave a copy the 2012 Davison County Task Force Report to each county commissioner.
On Apr 2, 2014 TDR published DCA Kiepke stated that human error was part of the problem during the June 5, 2012 primary election, but given the struggles that the voting machine technician from ES&S had the following day with fixing the machine, there were other problems as well. As stated in a TDR June 7, 2012 report the ES&S technician said he could find nothing wrong with the machine. On Apr 2, 2014 TDR posted DCA Kiepke stated on that particular day, that machine didn't work right either. It didn't clear like it was supposed to. As published in a TDR Sept 1, 2012 article, the SD SOS stated voters can be confident that Davison County’s machine is 100 percent accurate … the Davison County machine worked just as well as the Minnehaha County machine. On Apr 2, 2014 TDR reported that Davison County Commissioner Dennis Kiner stated during the Apr 1, 2014 Commissioners Meeting that after 15 years with the M650 model, the time was coming for a new machine - It's time to upgrade - The damn thing is 15 years old - I honestly don't trust that machine - Those ballots were counted numerous times and they came out different - I know because I was standing here watching it happen. As reported by TDR on June 7, 2012 DCSA Pat Smith stated the county bought the Model 650 vote scanner for $45,000 in 2005, with the city chipping in some money for the machine. On June 7, 2012 TDR also published that DCA Kiepke found figures that she felt safe in reporting to the canvassing board, which was made up of Commissioner JC and fellow Commissioners JF, GW and KW, as well as former Commissioner BS, who filled in for Commissioner Dennis Kiner, who was out of town. Why did these public officials flap their jaws and pile their bullarchy so damn deep; what the hell happened to their core value principles of integrity, honor, candor and courage; do the voters need to replace the county commissioners and auditor? Badger “It” Out!
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
Tim: i've been helping Sibby build his brand by getting his message out to twitter about the failures of Denny Daugaard, Pat Powers and their earth hater party.
is there a link? has he changed his message or is the drabble he posted here?
Sixteenth in the Series of “It” Happened
On Saturday, Aug 3, 2013 in a published Glad You Asked – Q & A article published on the Local Page – A3 of The Daily Republic newspaper, TDR anonymously inquired as to whether Badger would be able to continue to manage Guymon Agency insurance operations. SD Division of Insurance Asst Director Larry Deiter replied to questions concerning Badger’s insurance license stating that it may be “… revoked or suspended ...” Larry Deiter was the decision maker who weighed and approved all items addressed by DOI attorney relating to Badger’s insurance licensure matters. Why did Mr. Deiter feel the need to answer TDR’s insurance license questions with the voting-twice sentencing decision and the DOI regulatory decision both still pending without a final decision issued?
On Feb 20, 2014 we received an email from Hearing Examiner Hillary Brady notifying DOI attorney and Badger that she had approved DOI request for summary judgment to revoke Badger’s insurance license without a hearing. On Feb 27, 2014 Secretary of Labor & Regulations Marcia Hultman issued a notice with copies provided to the DOI and Badger that was sent U.S. Certified Mail on Feb 28, 2014 on Badger’s birthday explaining that Craig Guymon’s insurance license would be revoked 10-days after receipt of the letter.
On Mar 3, 2014 TDR reported that the fate of Craig Guymon’s insurance license on hold … will keep his insurance license for now at least … Guymon … was scheduled for a hearing Feb 28 with the SD Office of Hearing Examiners. “The hearing was canceled”, said Larry Deiter, assistant director of the state Division of Insurance. "A final decision is pending from the Office of Hearing Examiners," Deiter said. "Until we get the notice or decision, I won't know for sure why the hearing was canceled." The smoke billowed from Mr. Deiter’s bowls was pure bullarchy. Evidently, Mr. Deiter successfully completed the Old Guard’s journeyman bureaucrat correspondence course entitled Twisting the Facts and Spewing Damnable Lies.
Why did Mr. Deiter twist the facts and fail to share the whole truth he had firsthand knowledge of with regards to Badger’s licensure matter? Why has no public official been quoted articulating in a precise and transparent manner in a published or broadcast news report explaining that my husband’s 30-year old insurance license has never been suspended or revoked for one second of time and remains spotlessly clean of any DOI regulatory action?
Given the amped-up administrative actions and corresponding coercive intimidation aimed by DOI Asst Director Larry Deiter directly at Badger, we have identified a common thread binding his cowardly bullarchy to his bowls – a lack of intestinal fortitude: (1) Not having the courage to always do the “Right Thing”; (2) Not having the integrity to always object to doing the “Wrong Thing”; and (3) Not having the guts to candidly share all the facts and the whole truth with all of the people all of the time. Why did public officials aim the following Old Guard bullarchy at Badger: (1) Oct 31, 2013 45-day license suspension with permanent black mark placed on agent record; (2) Nov 22, 2013 license revocation hearing set for Feb 11, 2014; (3) Dec 19, 2013 90-day suspension with permanent black mark on agent record; (4) Dec 27, 2013 90-day suspension withdrawn claiming must review bogus new evidence; (5) Jan 13, 2014 Motion for Summary Judgment requesting revocation of license without a hearing; (6) Feb 10, 2014 2:15 pm conference call initiated by labor judge with DOI attorney and Badger; notified that the license revocation hearing scheduled for 9 am the next morning that had been scheduled since Nov 22, 2013 would be postponed until Feb 28, 2014 to which Badger replied, “That’s my birthday …”; (7) Feb 27, 2014 license revocation notification letter signed by SD Secretary of Labor; (8) Birthday present mailed on Feb 28, 2014, license revocation notification letter sent to Badger on his birthday; received Mar 3, 2014; by law, license revocation not effective until 10-days after notification is received by insurance agent; (9) Mar 12, 2014 Hughes County circuit court judge issued stay order; Badger’s license remained in force during the appeal; Prior to March 13, 2014 binding effective date of DOI imposed license revocation, DOI ignored the possibility that a stay order would be secured prior to March 13, 2014; DOI sent notice of revocation of license to all insurance companies Badger was appointed to represent; and (10) July 7, 2014 Badger’s attorney, Brad Schreiber, received DOI appeal brief that contained a blatant damnable twisted statement of the true facts claiming Badger had waived his right to a licensure hearing.
On Dec 4, 2014 at 5:30 pm, we received an email notice sent to all agents by DOI. Secretary Marcia Hultman announced the resignation of DOI Director Merle Scheiber effective Dec 29, 2014 … Larry Deiter was named Interim Director of DOI. On Jan 8, 2015 at 4:58 pm, we received another email notice sent to all agents by DOI. Secretary Hultman announced that Larry Deiter had been appointed as the new DOI Director effective immediately … Deiter … joined the DOI in Nov 2012 with more than 25 years of experience in commercial banking and business management … he also worked for a financial institution. As disclosed in the above email, other than two years of journeyman on the job training with DOI, the new DOI Director Larry Dieter apparently has no prior professional insurance work experience. Which Old Guard cronyism and/or nepotism factor(s) qualified and promoted a journeyman Asst Director DOI with no professional insurance work experience to be the new DOI Director on Jan 8, 2015? A boilerplate example of how the Regime rolls throughout South Dakota! Badger “It” Out!
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
He sure seems to have it out for Cory, the article you link brings up some interesting points, the Cory bashing in his headlines and all of the religious drabble is a turn off. I have a hard time seeing the world through his glasses.
On the other hand, I find Badgers story fascinating, sure wish there was a way to know how much of this goes on in this state. Sure seems that our reputation of being one of the most corrupt states is a rep earned.
What is going on? Cory, do you know Badger Out? Sounds like he has quite a story of corruption to tell.
I don't think Cory would like all this cut and pasting. What on earth....
Integrity gets you nowhere in SD. Look what they did to Badger. And look what they are doing to Bosworth. Don't feel bad Badger, I use to be a substitute teacher in Mitchell. I would still be a substitute teacher but I ran for school board and questioned the FAC and common core. That's a no no. Just had a very talented friend get her pink slip. It's amazing how people are marginalized and censored.
I just don't think Cory would like Badger's story told this way, Tara.. Whoever they are....
I guess I am missing the link between Badgers story and Bosworth. tara, you should check out sibby's blog, you might like it.
Thanks Tim, I will. Why isn't Sibby commenting on Madville, especially with the FAC. He always has an opinion when it comes to Mitchell politics.
Tim, Badger and Bosworth speak out. Badger voted twice to prove a point. Bosworth took her attorneys advice and signed her petitions. Badger has to much integrity, intelligence and honor. Badger, you need to kiss ass and become one of the good old boys. lol. Look how their lives have been turned upside down. It's no wonder good people don't get involved in politics anymore.
Sibby's continuing attacks on Cory's family disqualifies him from Madville, Tara.
Still don't see the connection, Badger seems to be persecuted by the establishment for making a point they didn't want made, not even counting her run in with election law Bosworth is a crook.
Seventeen in the Series of “It” Happened
Does South Dakota still have democratic governance and a creditable system of checks and balances? Today, a Regime controls all statewide elected offices; holds supermajorities in the house and senate; and has had the keys to the governor’s mansion for nearly 40-years making appoints to fill judgeship vacancies. Did “It” happen by mere chance? Rebutting the Regime’s ultra-conservative “South Dakota Friendly” with moderate/liberal “South Dakota Nice” is about as insane as trying to “Fix Stupid” by doing the same thing over and over again. The status quo needs to be addressed with vigorous in-your-face factual rebuttals. DEM/NPA/IND voters need to get off the couch and cast a ballot.
The SD SOS website shows that on Nov 3, 2014 the active registered voter tallies (voted in the past 4 years) were as follows: GOP 240,545; DEM 176,169; NPA/IND 102,392; the tally for the other political parties was 1,979; the math says a total of 521,085 registered voters; GOP 46.2%; DEM 33.8%; NPA/IND 19.6%; all other political parties 0.4%. The math said registered voter score: DEM/NPA/IND 278,561(53.4%) versus GOP 240,545 (46.2%). The SD SOS website also shows on Nov 3, 2014 there were 43,513 inactive registered voters (did not vote in the past 4 years, but did vote in the past 8 years) who were qualified/eligible to vote in the Nov 4, 2014 general election. Were absentee ballots cast on behalf of inactive voters who were no longer residents in a county where voter rolls recorded them to be inactive voters?
In lockstep formation, has the Regime promoted a “South Dakota Friendly” public image while concurrently preying upon the naïve trust of voters too busy with the demands of everyday life to stay abreast of political gamesmanship tactics? Who has controlled enacting, amending and rescinding South Dakota Codified Law election statutes for nearly 40-years? Who has massaged Board of Elections regulations with a partisan rub for nearly four decades? Has the Regime rigged elections and tilted ballot boxes? Has the integrity of the election process been tainted? Has the creditability of election results become questionable to say the least? Has the election process foundation upon which equitable and just governance in public schools, city halls, courthouses and state house started to crumble?
There are 66 counties in South Dakota; the voters in two counties cast their votes in a neighboring county. Prior to the November 4, 2014 general election, more than 70% of the 64 county auditors in South Dakota were GOP registered voters. Has incompetence due to a lack of training in auditor offices caused vote miscounts to occur; has human bullarchy rigged prior elections? Will honest mistakes and/or election rigging acts taint the creditability of future election results? Do current election statutes and regulations allow public officials to passively coverup acts of human error and/or election rigging acts? Does our state constitution need to be amended requiring all candidates for the offices of secretary of state or county auditor to be a nonpartisan registered voter with no party affiliation (NPA) for 5-years prior to seeking office with campaign financing to be provided by state funding in an equitable manner with all other forms of campaign financing prohibited by law?
On Feb 7, 2015 we sent an email to the 60 South Dakota county auditors who did not participate in the Aug 31, 2012 Davison County ballot counting task force investigations (we did not send the email to current Beadle, Davison, McCook or Turner county auditors who were present during this task force investigation). In this email, we explained that on Aug 31, 2012 SD SOS Gant spearheaded the ballot counting task force investigation to evaluate whether the Davison County ES&S M650 ballot scanner had malfunctioned causing the June 5, 2012 election night miscount. Aug 2012 and Sept 2012 published news reports stated that SD SOS Gant had explained: (1) The desire to establish best practices that could be shared with other auditors across the state; and (2) County auditors statewide would be given an executive summary report discussing the task force findings. We attached a copy of the 2012 Davison County Ballot Counting Task Force Report. In another attachment, we shared our task force report analysis, findings and questions. We asked these 60 county auditors whether the SD SOS’s Office had provided each auditor with a copy of the task force report. We asked each auditor to reply to any or all of the concerns and question shared in our email. On Feb 7, 2015 we received a reply from Tripp-Todd County Auditor who stated she did not know if the task force report had been sent to her office prior to her becoming county auditor. In Oct 2014, the Charles Mix County Auditor personally stated that she had never seen a copy of the task force report. Since sending our Feb 7, 2015 email, why have the remaining 58 county auditors failed to reply to our email inquiries in any way or manner? Did the Regime’s Protocol #1 (What They Don’t Know Can’t Hurt Us) muzzle county auditors statewide?
Do state election laws and/or regulations need to be enacted and/or amended mandating that when an Election Night miscount occurs and an additional count of the ballots is required, the subsequent election results must be publicly reconciled with the initial election results prior to the canvassing board being allowed to certify the official results? Does SDCL Chapter 12-22-30 need to be amended requiring that once an election contest has been commenced, the Clerk of Courts Office shall immediately present election contest documents to the judge of the circuit court in which it is filed, who shall note thereon the date and time of presentation; along with the date and location where the judge will hear the same, which shall not be later than ten days thereafter? Current civil court proceedings apply to all election contest litigation matters; plaintiff’s attorney must request the court secured any and all evidence; prior to plaintiff lawyer’s request to do so, the court is not obligated to secure care, custody and control over election material evidence. Do state election laws and/or regulations need to be enacted and/or amended mandating that once an election contest has been commenced and the Clerk of Courts Office has present election contest documents to the judge of the circuit court in which it is filed, the judge shall immediately and without delay issue a court order directing the county sheriff to secure all corresponding election evidence? Further, do state election laws and/or regulation need to be enacted and/or amended mandating that: (1) Each test-deck of sample ballots have an equal vote count total for each candidate and ballot question; and (2) Testing result vote counts for each candidate and ballot question shall be published in newspapers prior to absentee voting commencing for each election? Does SDCL Chapter 12-19 Absentee Voting election statutes, need to be amended creating: (1) A more uniform system for casting votes by absentee ballot to prevent the casting of fictitious ballots on behalf of inactive voters who are no longer a resident in the county, but still on the voter rolls as an inactive voter; and (2) Prevent registered messengers from soliciting votes in primary and local elections in nursing homes and assisted living facilities?
Did the need to protect the Regime’s public image and crony public officials from embarrassment and/or criminal prosecution justify passively covering up the following South Dakota June 5, 2012 primary election facts? When the Davison County Auditor used a spreadsheet application to reconcile the second and third ballot count difference, a math error and/or human bullarchy tainted the official election results; these official results have never been publicly reconciled with the election night results. The Davison County Auditor allowed the votes recorded on 1,684 non-cast ballots to be included in the June 5, 2012 election night results (a 43.3% non-cast ballot miscount). The Davison County Auditor allowed the votes recorded on 612 test ballots to be included in the official election results (a 15.7% non-cast ballot miscount). Flush card incompetence in Davison, Beadle and McCook county auditor offices tainted the validity of June 5, 2012 election results and the creditability of all prior election results overseen by these three county auditors. Folks, “It” was all passively covered up by dishonorable public officials!
When “It” is poured into a crystal-clear glass, even a stirring straw appears to be crooked when submerged in Regime’s swill! Hopefully, placing “It” on the table face up for everyone to read may someday, in some small way, help to achieve equality and justice for all in South Dakota. Until then, we will continue to Badger “It” Out!
In the words of the late Paul Harvey, "Now you know the rest of the story!"
Ronette & Craig Guymon (The Irish & Badger) On the MO River near Platte Creek
PS: Given the 15-pages in the 2012 Davison County Ballot Counting Task Force Report, we are not posting it to the MV Times website. If you would like a personal copy emailed to you, send us an email request to us and we'll do so at no charge -
Badger brings a lot of valid points, the ruling party will have none of it of course, maybe it needs to be referred.
Cory, we will publishing notices in upcoming TDR weekend newspapers. If you so desire and approve, we will refer Daily Republic readers to MV Times in our published notices referencing your site and archives for TDR patrons who wish to explore your site and the rest of our facts and the whole truth! Please send us a personal email and we will comply with your desires and wishes.
Ronette L Guymon
Bosworth is not a crook, Bosworth is a caregiver that got conned by a bunch of money changers and vultures. She is a Christian Gypsy that loves taking care of the poor. I also have a good Dr. friend that was sentenced to 5 years in prison for prescription drugs. They made an example out of him because he made the medical establishment look bad because he took care of everybody that didn't have insurance or money. Hazelton said 1in3 Drs. have problems with drugs and alcohol. This goes a lot deeper than a signature with Bosworth. Just fact check her over the last 5 years. What is going on with Marty Jackley in Washington DC?
Marty is in DC? Probably pimping for his gov run in 18.
Badger, what is the next move with Joe Graves concerning the FAC. This question is also for Rod Hall.
Tim, I think one of his employees is going to blow the whistle on him.
Let us get back to the original post! Did Bruce Danielson find that three persons actually voted twice by going to different poling places? Who are they and what is being done about them? Did those three voters try to expose a faulty voting system or did they try to change an outcome of the election? I explained the how and why of Craig Guymon's (Badger Out) double vote. Is there a double standard in Sioux Falls and Mitchell when it comes to the enforcement of the law? There are lots of questions that need answers. Hopefully Sioux Falls will help solve the problems without putting people in jail!
Larry, I must have missed something. Well no one should attack someone's family. Sorry to hear that. By the way, congrats Pastor Erin. I grew up in the Mobridge Trinity Lutheran Church with Pastor Flagstaff.
Badger was targeted.
Gut-check and smell-test say in Minnehaha County a thorough reviewed of the deck test ballots; and all voter registration cards required by law to be completed prior to casting a ballot by each inactive voter (have not voted in the county in the past 4-years, but did vote in the county in the prior 4-year period) is needed. How many test ballots were scanned in Minnehaha County prior to processing the ballots cast by the voters in the Nov 2014 general election?
Prior to each election, each county auditor submits test data to ES&S which is used to prepare test ballots for each election. Prior to each election, each county auditor scans a deck of test ballots to verify the accuracy of their county's vote counting machine - the county auditor compares the scanned test ballot results with the canned testing results.
As happened in Davison County on April 25, 2012 and June 5, 2012 when the votes recorded on 612 test ballots were scanned into the county's M650 ballot scanner's data base and the testing results were not cleared and a zero report was not printed, the votes recorded on 1,224 test ballots were included in the election night results.
As shown on the SD SOS website, the election night results for Minnehaha County recorded that 47,720 ballots were cast in the Minnehaha County Auditor race; and 55,122 registered voters cast a ballot in Minnehaha county in the Nov 2014 general election.
Were there no votes recorded on 7,402 cast ballots (55,122 – 47,720) in the Minnehaha County Auditor race due to a combination of voters not darkening an oval and ballots being rejected by the ballot scanners? Or, were votes recorded on fabricated ballots (test ballots and/or ballots cast on behalf of inactive voters no longer residing in the county included in the Election Night results for the US Senate, US House and Governor races, but not in this auditor race? 7,402 ballots are 13.4% of Gant’s reported voter-turnout total ballots cast in the Nov 4, 2014 election in Minnehaha County.
Badger, Out!
What does your smell test say?
The SD SOS website election night results show that a total of 5,464 ballots were cast in the Davison County auditor race; voter-turnout total ballots cast were 6,147. Were no votes recorded on 683 cast ballots (6,147 – 5,464) in this county auditor race due to a combination of voters not darkening an oval and ballots being rejected by the ballot scanner? Or, were votes recorded on fabricated ballots (test ballots or ballots cast on behalf of inactive voters who no longer reside in the county) included in the Election Night results for the US Senate, US House and Governor races, but not in this auditor race? 683 ballots are 11.1% of Gant’s reported voter-turnout total ballots cast in the Nov 4, 2014 election in Davison County. How many test ballots were scanned by the DCA’s Office prior to this election; what were the canned testing results? How many new voter registration cards were completed by inactive voters shown to have voted in this election?
The SD SOS website election night results show that a total of 11,395 ballots were cast in the Brown County auditor race; voter-turnout total ballots cast were 12,195. Were no votes recorded on 800 cast ballots (12,195 – 11,395) in this county auditor race due to a combination of voters not darkening an oval and ballots being rejected by the ballot scanner? Or, were votes recorded on fabricated ballots (test ballots or ballots cast on behalf of inactive voters who no longer reside in the county) included in the Election Night results for the US Senate, US House and Governor races, but not in this auditor race? 800 ballots are 6.6% of Gant’s reported voter-turnout total ballots cast in the Nov 4, 2014 election in Brown County. How many test ballots were scanned by the BCA’s Office prior to this election; what were the canned testing results? How many new voter registration cards were completed by inactive voters shown to have voted in this election?
Ronette L Guymon
I have to be honest: the "Badger, Out" tag seems rather silly if you're not really out, but you're going to keep co-opting the comment section with your lengthy exposition. Do you interact, or do you just keep talking?
Ronette, Craig has my e-mail address.
Has the Minnehaha County Election Committee done everything possible to thoroughly evaluate what occurred during the entire voting process or is it just another gutless smoke and mirror Regime controlled dog and pony show? Has an internal audit log report from the upgraded DS850 ballot scanners been thoroughly reviewed by ES&S? The internal audit log report will identify everything done with the machine by the second in sequential order prior to scanning the ballots cast by the voters; when processing the ballots; and afterwards until the audit log report is run. A thorough analysis may identify votes recorded on ballots counted more than once in a precinct; or on test ballots - such non-cast ballots may have been included in the official results.
As for the handle the handle "Badger, Out" - former state senator is given the credit for tagging to my ass having once referred to my lack of "South Dakota Nice" in responding to Old Guard Bullarchy, "He digs dirt faster than a badger with ten hounds on his ass!"
Badger, Out!
I was referring to the "Out".
Play on words ... military radio communication lingo from back in my day "Roger, Out!"
Please my lack of "SD Nice". Said all I have to say. Nothing more to share. You have a great life. And, good luck with Regime!
Badger, Out!
Oops, for got a word in last post. "Please excuse my lack of 'SD Nice'.
Badger, Out!
One final ballot counting suggestion we forgot to include in The 17th in the Series of "It" Happened. Given South Dakota's population and dismal voter turnout for most elections, time to turn back the clock to when a promise and a hand shake meant something to everyone:
In addition to our other election law recommendations, we encourage the citizens of this state to consider amending the constitution mandating that for all public elections all votes cast at a poling place be hand counted at the precinct where the ballot was cast - just like was done back in the day when honorable men and women knew how to count votes, instead of playing the Regime's election rigging games.
Ronette L Guymon
Well, I knew there was a lot of corruption and suspected it was rampant and embedded. After 40 years of absolute power, how could we expect anything else? However, sounds like the walls of secrecy and corruption are beginning to crumble! And hopefully MJ's trip to Washington is because of his covering up of the EB5 scandal!!!
My advice: When in Mitchell... don't drink the water.
He'd be more likely to get into hot water for denying Indians their rights. This state seems to have a nasdty habit of doing that.
CLCJM,thank you for telling your story awhile back. Hope stuff works out for you and Hubby.
If I wanted to read a book Badger Out, I would go out and buy one.
I had hoped the topics could have focused on the case of Craig Guymon and how the authorities acted and how the judges ruled. Will we see similar actions to any of the three from Sioux Falls who also voted twice? It should be a learning experience for the entire justice system all across South Dakota. Too many groups ganged up on Guymon!
Thanks, mike from Iowa. Not sure which comments you meant but I must have not made something clear. I've been married and widowed twice. First husband died in 1995 and second in 2010. But appreciate the well wishes!
CLCJM-GIVE ME A HINT ON mj in wash dc? who is mj? thx, i care about what may have happened in this cover-up by the entire SDGOP
leslie, it's someone who is supposed to be the chief prosecutor of wrong doers but he often spends more time, effort and our money trying to prosecute people who are whistle blowers! What has been the topic of this thread?