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Posts published in February 2015

HB 1184 Regulates Digital Learning Platforms to Protect Student Privacy

Many South Dakota schools use digital learning platforms. The Regental institutions use Brightspace/D2L. The Spearfish School District uses Moodle (which is open source, bless you, Spearfish!). Digital learning platforms, also called virtual learning environments, extend the classroom to a safe,…

Common Core Test Questions Cost $1,000 to $5,000 Apiece

Marketplace last night broadcast an interesting piece on the cost of building the Common Core standardized tests, the first round of which our kids will soon be taking: That kind of test is more expensive, says Scott Marion, associate director…

Ag Sec. Lentsch: Federal Regulation Beats Local Patchwork on GMO Labeling

Friend and blogger Don Carr has pointed out the scientific disconnect Senator John Thune and other tools of the plutocracy exhibit in their embrace of scientific evidence to defend genetically modified crops and their rejection of scientific evidence to fight…

Higher Education Days in Pierre: Students Seek More Bucks, Not Bullets

Menno Schukking, vice-president of the Northern State University Student Association, led off the Q&A at Saturday's Aberdeen crackerbarrel by asking legislators if they thought Senate Bill 181 was a good idea. SB 181 would appropriate $3.2 million to the Board…

Daugaard Letting Political Capital Go to Waste

Jonathan Ellis comes to the same conclusion I offered after the budget address two months ago:—with his vanilla budget, Governor Dennis Daugaard is letting his enormous political capital go stale: Dennis Daugaard won a crushing victory in November. By a…

Year-End Report: Bosworth Nets $4,300 Campaign Cash, Spends $44,000

Annette Bosworth's profitable exploitation of Base Connect and the campaign finance system appears to be petering out. The fake GOP 2014 Senate candidate's year-end FEC report shows net contributions of $4,309.87... which is still pretty good money for an unfocused,…