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Posts published in February 2015

More Minnesotans Get Health Insurance; ACA Reducing Uninsured Rate

David Montgomery left South Dakota last December for a better job in the Twin Cities. He now gets to report on Gallup numbers showing Minnesota's better rate of uninsured people: At the beginning of 2014, just 9.5 percent of Minnesotans…

Chamber Biz Caucus Prefers Governor Michels, President Clinton

Bob Mercer notes who would get the Chamber of Commerce Business Caucus vote for Governor and President. Right now, these Main Streeters' top picks are Matt Michels and Hillary Clinton. The gubernatorial straw poll rejects the perhaps conventional view purveyed…

Legislature Tells NRA No, Kills Concealed Carry Bills

The Senate Judiciary Committee looked the National Rifle Association in the eye yesterday and said no... twice. The NRA sent lobbyist John Commerford from Washington, DC, to lobby for House Bills 1096 and 1116 before Senate Judiciary Tuesday morning. Both…

South Dakota Animal Cruelty Fighter Wins National Recognition

The Black Hills woman who led the fight to make animal cruelty a felony in South Dakota has won some national recognition. The Animal Legal Defense Fund has named Shari Crouch Kosel one of America's Top Ten Animal Defenders: Shari…

Aberdeen EcDev Boss: Good Teachers for Immigrants Key to Workforce Growth

Aberdeen Development Corporation CEO Mike Bockorny briefed the Brown County Commission this morning on his organization's current aims. Bockorny, who took the ADC reins last August. Bockorny upheld the conventional wisdom that they greatest obstacle to economic development in South…

Matt Michels: Collective Hive Mind Superior to Individual Genius

To the Republicans Are Really Marxists file, add this statement from Lieutenant Governor Matt Michels on preparations for the as-yet nebulous Blue Ribbon Stalling Tactic on education: We might be smart individually but collectively we're brilliant [Lt. Gov. Matt Michels,…