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Posts published in February 2015

Letter: South Dakota Gives up Valuable Water for Foreign Uranium Scheme

Blogger John Tsitrian posted a complaint Monday calling out Azarga (formerly Powertech) for lying to investors in its public statements about the progress of its plans to mine uranium in the southern Black Hills. Tsitrian's Black Hills neighbor Juli Ames-Curtis…

Irresponsible: Latterell Says Planned Parenthood “Worse than ISIS”

Rep. Isaac Latterell (R-6/Tea) takes his anti-abortion crusade over the top by saying that Planned Parenthood is worse than ISIS: There are certain revolting methods of execution, such as beheading, that no state would ever permit, even against murderers who…

Back from Flu, DiSanto Plans to Kill Youth Tan Ban

Last week, the Capitol Crud (the flu that's been making the rounds under the dome) kept Rep. Lynne DiSanto (R-35/Rapid City) from attending Thursday's House Health and Human Services hearing and casting the deciding vote on House Bill 1166, this…

House Education Kills Anti-Common Core Bill 8–7

I am now batting .000 as a bill proponent. I came to Pierre this morning to testify in favor House Bill 1223, which would have ended South Dakota's involvement with the Common Core standards and with any "multistate educational standards…

Get Practical: Build South Dakota Scholarship Apps Available

The Build Dakota Scholarship is now open to applicants! (Just be careful when you click: when I opened the new site, welding sparks flashed all over the place.) The scholarship board has decided to spend $25 million of T. Denny…