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Posts published in “national”

Strong Labor, Strong Economy

"Labor union" is a dirty phrase in South Dakota. We tout our status as a "right-to-work" state, which translates into more power for management, not labor. Our attorney general is eagerly preparing to defend the union-weakening constitutional amendment the voters…

American Christianity Getting Sloppy

Pastor Shel shepherds us toward the latest findings from the Barna Group, which studies religion in America. The group distills six major patterns from its 2010 research: The Christian Church is becoming less theologically literate. I apparently lucked out with…

Oklahoma Family Sues to Block Eminent Domain for Keystone XL announces that an Oklahoma family is suing in state district court to block TransCanada from using eminent domain to acquire rights-of-way to build the Keystone XL pipeline. "The Landowners' property cannot be legally taken by... a privately-owned foreign corporate…

State Dept. Rejects FOIA Request on TransCanada Lobbyist

Hey, Republican friends, help me out here. Friends of the Earth (I know, I know; tree-huggin', Birk-wearin' hippies, but hang with me) filed a Freedom of Information Act request last month seeking information about communications between the State Department and…

Build Keystone XL to Boost Oil Supply… for China?

Hat tip to Plains Justice! I've noted previously that TransCanada has a hard time making the economic case for its Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline. Gasoline demand in the United States is currently at a five-year low. That demand…

Senator Kerry on Gridlock and American Exceptionalism

Senator John Kerry spoke Tuesday at the Center for American Progress. He calls on the Senate and all Americans to knock off the partisanship and get to work keeping America economically and culturally strong in a world filled with competitors…

Farm Bureau to States: Grant Legal Status to Cheap Mexican Labor

Memo to you South Dakota legislators who think its more important to sing right-wing karaoke about immigration than to fix the budget and fund education: the Farm Bureau is not on your side. At its annual convention, the corporate lobbying…

Republicans Hurt Construction Jobs, Stocks

Speaking of job-killing legislation: House Republicans — despite urging by Democrats, businesses and even members of their own party — didn't change some provisions in their rules package that could jeopardize transportation funding and building trades jobs. Democratic Reps. Joe…