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Posts published in “South Dakota”

Draft Matt Varilek for Congress, Say Facebook Supporters

Speaking of using the Web for politics, my Facebook updates are buzzing with notes on the new "Draft Matt Varilek for Congress" page. Mr. Varilek has made no declaration, but his name has surfaced among the chattering classes. Premier chatterer…

South Dakota Anti-Abortion Law Suffers Bad Language, Bad Lawyers

If anti-abortion activists were hoping to use South Dakota's coercive counseling law to overturn Roe v. Wade in court, they should have done two things: (a) craft a better law, and (b) hire better lawyers. Judge Karen Schreier's injunction blocking…

Exxon Pipeline Ruptures under Yellowstone River: 150 Miles Polluted

State Senator Russell Olson thinks having more big oil pipelines running through our fair state is just great. Those oil companies pay lots of property tax and buy lots of electricity, don't ya know? Maybe Russ would like to spend…

Judge Schreier: South Dakota Seeks One-Month Abortion Waiting Period

The freedom-, law-, and woman-loving blogosphere has raised quite a ruckus over the 72-hour waiting period South Dakota wants to impose on women seeking abortions, a law quite sensibly blocked Thursday by Judge Karen Schreier. Imagine the outcry if the…

Judge Blocks South Dakota Anti-Abortion Law, Says Likely to Overturn

Looks like my wife and several thousand South Dakota women like her do not lose autonomy over their medical decisions tomorrow after all! Today U.S. District Court Chief Judge Karen Schreier blocked the enactment of House Bill 1217, the South…