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Posts published in “South Dakota”

Teabaggers Stump for Referral Signatures with Wild Propaganda

Dog bites man: the Rapid City Teabaggers "Citizens for Liberty" send out some crazy propaganda to drum up last-minute signatures for the petition drive to refer two innocuous new South Dakota health care laws to a public vote. Click on…

Live Long and Prosper… in Lake County!

New health data show that Lake County is among the longest-living counties in South Dakota. In 2007, men in the greater Madison metro area could expect to hang around for 76.8 years, tying with Moody County men for the ninth-highest…

South Dakota Teacher Pay Last Again, 63% of National Average

South Dakota teacher salaries are the worst in the nation. Wait, wait, don't turn the page! I know that's been the headline for over a decade (can anyone tell me when South Dakota teacher pay was not 51st in the…

Janklow Warns Unfettered Power Causes Incompetence

Did his lawyer float that defense at the trial? I can only imagine what fun it would have been to blog during the long rein of Bill Janklow. The former South Dakota governor is a rhetorical gold mine, even in…

South Dakota GDP Up, Education Funding Down

Paraphrasing Black Elk: How can businesses grow fat while schools go lean? Governor Dennis Daugaard is pleased to see South Dakota's Gross Domestic Product rose 4.28% in 2010. If we factor in inflation, we find South Dakota never saw a…

Volesky for Supreme Court!

In the "never hurts to ask" department, Ron Volesky, one of my favorite liberal Democrats, has asked conservative Republican Governor Dennis Daugaard to appoint him to the South Dakota Supreme Court. Volesky has an interview June 20. Volesky's resume: Volesky…

Governor Daugaard: Flood Schmud! Vacation in South Dakota!

Speaking of positive messaging, sometimes your chief executive has to turn on a dime from "Holy crap, run for your lives!" to "Sunshine! Rainbows! Walleye, waterskiing, and Wall Drug!" Governor Dennis Daugaard shows how it's done. Watch this great video…