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Posts published in “South Dakota”

South Dakotans Still Dependent on Oil

The Natural Resources Defense Council has released its latest report on states' dependence on oil. The data for South Dakota look discouraging: In 2010, South Dakotans spent 5.26% of their income, $2044 per driver, on gasoline. That's up from our…

Thoughts on Kolbeck: Revolving Door, Rational Decision, Retreating Dems

When I first read of Steve Kolbeck's decision to leave the Public Utilities Commission to become CenturyLink's South Dakota operations manager, my first thought was "revolving door." Kolbeck stepped away from a series of jobs in the telecom industry to…

Noem Looks Around, Talks, Votes Against Flood Assistance

More image over substance: South Dakota State Senator Dan Lederman and the state GOP are all a-Twitter over Congresswoman Kristi Noem's attention to the flooding on the Missouri River. She toured the flood area, made a speech on the House…

Feds Shut Down Keystone Pipeline; New Leak in South Dakota

Fossil fuels may be our future, but that doesn't excuse TransCanada's spilling them like a drunken sailor all over the prairie. (Wait a minute: what's a sailor doing on the prairie...?) After the twelfth leak in twelve months on the…

Health Care Reform Improves South Dakota Benefits

The South Dakota Division of Insurance has politely announced expanded health insurance coverage for young people and folks with pre-existing conditions: ...[A]nyone under age 19 is eligible for health insurance regardless of their health condition during an open enrollment period…

South Dakotans Get Big Bang for Buck where's the sugar for schools? Feeling rich, fellow South Dakotans? New data on regional price parities from the Bureau of Economic Analysis says you should. The May 2011 report says that, from 2005 to 2009, stuff cost less in…

Education Officials Admit NCLB Goals Bogus

I am pleased to see that what every teacher in South Dakota has known since the inception of No Child Left Behind is now the official position of the state Department of Education: the testing goals of NCLB are unworkable.…

Midco Expands in North Dakota, Undeterred by Income Tax

My sharp-eyed commenters notice that Midcontinent and Midco Communications are adding over 300 jobs with two new expansions in the Fargo area. Amazingly, the South Dakota company chose to expand in a neighboring state with more snow and individual and…