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Posts published in “South Dakota”

HB 1217 Lets Madville Times Pregnancy Help Center Register July 1

Speaking of abortion, HB 1217, South Dakota's latest step toward a de facto abortion ban, bubbled up into the news again yesterday. That Sioux Falls paper raised concerns about how no pregnancy help centers have registered with the state to…

South Dakota Ranks Poorly for Gun Safety Laws

The Gooney McBuckshot clan will be a little disappointed: South Dakota cannot claim to have the absolute-worst gun safety laws in the country. According to the Brady Campaign State Scorecard, South Dakota ties with seven other states for the third-lowest…

Madison No Place for Blood Sports

Speaking of bloodlust, Madison Daily Leader publisher Jon Hunter varies his editorial style by making himself absolutely clear: mixed martial arts fighting (a.k.a. cage fighting or ultimate fighting) is barbaric, and he doesn't want it in Madison: It's a brutal…

Prostrollo Advises Noem on Fashion

Heartland Consumer Power District posts another photo from Intern Kristi Noem's "community listening session" on April 20 in Madison. It shows our studious Congresswoman learning under the firm grip of Madison businessman Jerry Prostrollo. [Photo by Danielle Rosheim, HCPD; caption…

2010 State Park Use Up Statewide, Down in Lake County

South Dakota's state parks and recreation areas enjoyed a general increase in use in 2010. The statewide system enjoyed a 1.5% increase in visitorship, with Game Fish & Parks recording 6.88 million visits to their great outdoor facilities. 6.88 million:…

Gordon Howie Creates Fake Blogroll as Wingnut Echo Chamber

Poor Gordon Howie. He has to auction off half of his ranch this month to pay off the taxes he dodged. (Ah! That must be why DWC got its conservative undies in a bunch when I mentioned that paying taxes…

Weekend Wind Whacks Wayside Sign

Riding in to Madison this deceptively chilly (three layers!) spring day, I noticed something amiss: The good old motel sign outside of the erstwhile Lake Park, now slightly misnamed US-34 Motel on the west edge of town seemed a little…

Gant Making SD Campaign Donations Searchable by Donor!

Yes, this deserves an exclamation point. David Montgomery's report on the big PAC money driving state legislature campaigns includes this interesting undercard: Secretary of State Jason Gant plans to totally computerize our state campaign finance records. Journalists and bloggers rejoice!…