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Posts published in “South Dakota”

Commuter Income Patterns: Big Counties Support Small

Monday's post on personal income growth got me looking at patterns of commuter inflow and outflow in South Dakota. Commuter inflow is the income folks from, say, Lake County, bring home from their jobs in Minnehaha. Commuter outflow is the…

Lance Russell, Environmental Lawyer: Yikes!

State Representative Lance Russell's censure for unprofessional and illegal activity as Fall River County state's attorney is troubling to those of us who believe in fair execution of justice. The inability of Rep. Russell's fellow legislators to find his misconduct…

Russell Olson Education Cuts = Unfunded Mandates

The Associated School Boards of South Dakota unload on the State Legislature with a new report on the sorry state of school funding in our fair state. Among the important points: Senate Majority Leader Russell Olson passed and celebrated a…

Southeast South Dakota Counties Lead 2009 Personal Income Growth

The Bureau of Economic Analysis has released data on personal income growth in 2009. Nationally, after growth of 4.0% in 2008, personal income shrank 1.7% in 2009. Big counties—those with more than a quarter-million people—seemed to take the recession hardest:…

Rep. Lance Russell Censured for Abuse of State’s Attorney Rules

When Will Legislature Hold Special Session to Expel? Here's another one Dakota War College won't touch: Representative Lance Russell (R-30/Hot Springs) has been publicly censured for illegal activity as state's attorney of Fall River County in 2008. The multiple wrongdoings…

South Dakota Puzzlingly Low on Cell Phone Adoption

Blog neighbor Bob Schwartz brings to my attention South Dakota's remarkable lag in cell phone adoption. Now one might think slow uptake of cell phones here on the prairie would be no surprise. We're a sparsely populated state, and it's…

Blog Fail: War College Calls Taxpayers Unpatriotic

Who ate the post, the server or Pat? Yesterday Mr. Crissman decided to insult taxpayers across the country on Dakota War College by declaring that "Paying Taxes Is NOT Patriotic." The post made so little sense that I got the…