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Posts published in “South Dakota”

Noem Holds Town Hall Meeting in Brandon Tonight! Bring Questions!

Intern Kristi Noem is holding a real public meeting tonight in Brandon! Whoo-hoo! Unlike her "Aren't We Special" closed meeting with Madison's elites yesterday, this town hall at the Brandon Valley Performing Arts Center is open to anyone who wants…

Noem Wants Federal Money for Lewis and Clark Water

Hot on the bootheels of bemoaning all the "unneeded, duplicative, and wasteful" Washington spending that has arisen since 1910, Intern Kristi Noem comes out in favor of more Washington spending for her thirsty South Dakota constituents. The Congresswoman tells KJAM…

Capital Punishment Still Wrong, Even for Ron Johnson’s Murderers

The two prisoners who killed South Dakota penitentiary guard Ron Johnson stretch my opposition to the death penalty to the breaking point. (I won't do them the legal courtesy of declaring their crime "alleged.") They are dangerous and seemingly incorrigible.…

Potpourri: Pipeline Pillage, Capital Cost, Testing Tedium…

Some semi-random numbers from around South Dakota: 21: active eminent domain lawsuits by TransCanada against South Dakota landowners with the stubborn notion that they have a say over who uses their land. (Newspeak bonus: a Big Oil spokesman says these…

Hyperion Refinery: Still No Domestic Market

Blog neighbor Doug Maurstad continues to marvel at the shifting stories from the Hyperion windbags who claim they can build a profitable oil refinery in his beloved Union County. He says that instead of supporting Texas pipe dreams, we'd be…

Driver License Rules Easier for RVers Than Long-Time Residents

Last week I mentioned how the cost of obtaining a driver license may make requiring a photo ID to vote unconstitutional. Sunday, a neighbor from Wilmot gave me a ring and reinforced my concerns by pointing out how hard it…

This Guy Died: You Might Too! Buy Insurance!

And from the Tacky Marketing Department, this unpleasant juxtaposition on the Madison Daily Leader's SD-AP feed: At least it wasn't an ad for a local funeral home....

Salesman-in-Chief Daugaard Won’t Cut Dairy Promotion

At peril of making my friend Kelsey angrier, an eager reader from my vast dairy audience (you'd be surprised) draws my attention to an April 11 Dairy Star interview with "hardscrabble dairy farm" boy turned Governor Dennis Daugaard. His grandparents…