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Posts published in “South Dakota”

What Casual Abortions? South Dakota Procedure Costs up to $1500

South Dakota passed the closest thing it could to an effective abortion ban this winter. 72-hour waiting period, coercive anti-abortion lectures at religious crusade centers, all because certain elected misogynists think women get abortions without thinking properly. So aside from…

White Night Festival Moves to Prairie Village June 17

The Herman Area Arts Council may not have come to fruition, but Lake County's cultural center of gravity is shifting three miles closer to my house, at least for one night. The Madison Area Arts Council has announced that it…

Livermont Hitting Road to Write Sustainable Dakota Digest

I think heroic deeds were all conceiv'd in the open air, and all free poems also.... —Walt Whitman, "Song of the Open Road" Is this Schumpeter's creative destruction at work? SDSU told over a hundred people they no longer have…

Lias: South Dakota Great for Old Folks

The South Dakota Shakespeare Festival in Vermillion will make our state an even better place to visit. But newsman David Lias suggests that our Legislature's obsession with keeping taxes low instead of investing in education and infrastructure make living here…

Budget Cuts Eliminate 26 SDSU Jobs… and Counting

South Dakota's K-12 public schools aren't the only educational institutions being hammered by the Russell Olson-Dennis Daugaard budget cuts. South Dakota also seems determined to eliminate vital programs in our public university system. Our largest, most successful, most academically diverse…

Daugaard Increases Spending on Corporate Welfare

As South Dakota Democrats collect signatures to put Governor Dennis Daugaard's myopic and ineffective corpoate handouts to a public vote in 2012, Bob Mercer notes that the governor's math justifying the handouts is a little off: The Daugaard administration also…

Budget Cuts Hurt SDPB & South Dakota Culture

South Dakota Public Broadcasting is making out worse than most in our state budget cuts. Schools "escaped" with 6.6% funding cuts; most other agencies are taking a 10% hit. SDPB, apparently having kicked someone's dog, gets a 16.6% haircut... which…