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Posts published in “South Dakota”

Huron Suspends Police Chief for Legislative Testimony

Turkeys Running Huron? Huron Police Chief Doug Schmitt exercised his First Amendment rights on Monday by testifying before the South Dakota House State Affairs Committee in support of Senate Bill 156. Chief Schmitt appeared on his own behalf, but he…

Planned Parenthood Plans Lawsuit over HB 1217

Planned Parenthood says it will take South Dakota straight to court if Governor Dennis Daugaard signs HB 1217, the egregious mandate forcing women to sit through lectures by uncertified propagandists. Daugaard spokesman Tony Venhuizen plays it cool, says the boss…

Do State-Mandated Anti-Abortion Counselors Need Certification?

The World Net Daily theocracy propaganda machine is celebrating Governor Dennis Daugaard's apparently likely signature on HB 1217, the coercive counseling bill to stop abortion in South Dakota (and yes, even Senator Russell Olson admits HB 1217 is about stopping…

Breakfast with Kristi, Lunch with Cory…

One way or the other, you can get some serious political indigestion in Sioux Falls in the next couple days. Allen Unruh's Tea Party pals are hosting a breakfast with Congresswoman Kris-Tea Noem Saturday at the Best Western Ramkota in…

Daugaard, Legislature Cut 16.7% from Elderly & Disabled Tax Relief

Here's another example of South Dakota's mixed-up budget priorities. On Tuesday, Governor Dennis Daugaard signed House Bill 1247, which appropriates $500,000 for property and sales tax refunds for low-income elderly and disabled folks. To qualify for a property tax refund,…

Russell Olson Celebrates Deep Cuts to Education

Senator Russell Olson (R-8/Wentworth) is trying to shape an alternative reality. The Senate Majority Leader got all exclamation-pointy yesterday about "his" amendment (oh, the privileges of rank) to HB 1110 to restore $12.2 million to K-12 education funding. He said…

HB 1217 on Governor’s Desk: Seven Good Reasons to Veto

HB 1217, the next step toward banning abortion in South Dakota, pings into my RSS reader. "Delivered to the Governor," the bill status reads. We are now one ill-advised signature away from an expensive and losing court battle. The South…

Check Your Prairie Business: South Dakota Added Jobs in 2010

I was going to write that the economic stats at the back of this month's Prairie Business show more evidence of the hollowing out of rural South Dakota. The PB jobs chart shows South Dakota losing more than 7000 jobs…