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Posts published in “South Dakota”

Sibby Steamed at Vehle, Republicans Propose Tax Hikes

I've been hard on Steve Sibson over the past few months. I kicked him out of my comment section when he started to sound obsessed with turning every discussion into a personal attack. Brief conspiracy theory: Maybe Koch Industries hands…

Daugaard to Recruit Illinois Tax Dodgers

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has signed into law a big increase in his state's income tax. The individual rate jumps from 3% to 5%, while the business rate rises from 4.8% to 7%. Illinois faces a budget deficit, just as…

GOP State-Local Schizophrenia on K-12 Budget Cuts

SDPB's Dakota Midday yesterday featured a conversation with state GOP exec Lucas Lentsch and Dems exec Ben Nesselhuf. Mr. Kurtz found the interview...well, one-sided. I also found cause for grief. Lentsch said that Republicans heard the voters telling them in…

State of the State Reaction

A little post-game on Governor Daugaard's State of the State Address, courtesy of SDPB: Rep. Bernie Hunhoff says he was pleased with the speech: "straightforward... not a lot of gamesmanship." He does question the REDI fund boost, saying availability of…

Live Blog: Gov. Daugaard’s First State of the State Address!

Whoo-hoo! It's the State of the State Address! Governor Dennis Daugaard comes to the dais of the House for the first time to deliver this weighty tome. I'm watching on South Dakota Public Television---you should be too! You can also…

KELO Blogs Dead — Long Live the Blogs!

For over three years, a hardy corps of South Dakota bloggers have contributed commentary to the KELO website, under the current heading "Issues Blogs." I've done my part to contribute some Madville Times content, usually one a day, for no…

Madison Approves LAIC Loan Extension

Does anyone ever tell the LAIC no? Commissioner Nick Abraham does. Last night, after finally ironing out the "clerical errors" (like neglecting specify how much the LAIC would pay each month), the city commission approved giving the LAIC more time…