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Posts published in “South Dakota”

New Gyms Sprout in Smaller Schools

The Madison Central School District may face some challenges justifying building a new gym when it is faced with the prospect of making up a 5% cut in state aid to education. Asking local voters to make up another $275K…

Slaughter and 211th Comrades on SDPB Now

Right now: South Dakota Public Broadcasting is hosting a really interesting conversation with three soldiers from the 211th Engineer Company from Madison and DeSmet. Included in the conversation is Madison's own Austin Slaughter. The men are talking about their experience…

Conservatives Already Seeing Through Kristi Noem Facade

All conservatives got with Kristi Noem was looks. Observers outside South Dakota are already seeing that, far from a true Tea Party crusader, Noem is just another pork-seeking farm-state politico. Take her comments on subsidies for ethanol: Speaking on the…

Dakota Ethanol Pays $75K Penalty for Environmental Violations

Dr. Blanchard has been hammering on the inefficiency and immorality of our federally subsidized ethanol industry. Now the EPA adds some black marks to the local ethanol industry. Joe O'Sullivan at reports that back in October, Dakota Ethanol in…

Spend Less on Test Prep, More on Great Books and Teachers

Governor Mike Rounds is asking for a 5% cut in state aid to K-12 education, and Governor-Elect Dennis Daugaard says he is likely to support most of the cuts in Rounds's plan. The proposed $353.6 million in state aid to…

Rounds Budget Ignores $29 Million Funding Gap for Homestake

This week, reporter Bob Mercer declared that Governor Mike Rounds's effort to realize Bill Janklow's vision of converting the Homestake mine into a world-class research facility would be recognized as the greatest achievement of the Rounds administration. In a November…

Rounds Budget Ignores $29 Million Funding Gap for Homestake

This week, reporter Bob Mercer declared that Governor Mike Rounds's effort to realize Bill Janklow's vision of converting the Homestake mine into a world-class research facility would be recognized as the greatest achievement of the Rounds administration. In a November…