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Posts published in “South Dakota”

South Dakota 15th for Dependence on Gasoline

As you commute across South Dakota's wide open spaces this morning, you probably won't be surprised to learn that we South Dakotans spend more of their income on gasoline than many other Americans. In this report from March 2010, the…

South Dakota Banks Making Big Money

All right, turkey's out of my system—let's get back to work! While I was enjoying the grand American consumer bacchanalia in Lincoln, I read that Nebraska banks are having a great year. The FDIC says so far in 2010, Nebraska's…

Secondhand Smoke Kills 600,000 in One Year

In the debate over South Dakota's new smoking ban, I've occasionally run across some dedicated pro-tobacco trolls who throw out pre-fab arguments claiming there's no evidence that secondhand smoke causes significant health harms. Does 600,000 deaths a year sound significant…

Moms Use Web to Share Breast Milk in South Dakota

The dairy industry probably frowns on this: a friend recently sent me a link to the South Dakota chapter of a relatively new organization, Eats on Feets. The group started just last summer in Arizona to facilitate the sharing of…

Federal Grant Boosts Beginning Farmers

Here's more federal money for John Thune and Kristi Noem to send back to Washington: my friends at Dakota Rural Action just won a $132,200 two-year grant to give new farmers a leg up: The Farm Beginnings program provides participants…