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Posts published in “South Dakota”

Who Can Boff Whom? Consider Power, Not Family

Dr. Blanchard has provoked vigorous commentary with his weekend blog post on same-sex marriage and incest. Citing William Saletan's recent Slate article on the same topic, the good professor tries to put liberals in another box, saying we can't formulate…

Population Growth Hinges on Local Building Codes?

Last week the New York Times ran a column from Harvard econ prof Edward Glaeser arguing that the population growth (and concomitant shift in political power) to the Sun Belt is related to regulation. But Glaeser notes that the regulation…

Baltic Corner Supports Smoking Ban

South DaCola notes that nanny-state whiners need to take one more example off their list of ills purportedly caused by the smoking ban approved by 64% of South Dakota voters. An article in last Sunday's edition of that Sioux Falls…

Lake Co. Zoning Referral Petitions Due January 12

In the excitement of the holidays, I forgot to mention that I had a good conversation right before Christmas with Winfred neighbors Charlie Scholl and Neil McIntyre. Scholl reminded me that he and several fellow citizens are still circulating petitions…

Top 10 Stories of 2011: A Madville Times Wish List

Every year I enjoy publishing a list of top stories for the coming year, ten things I hope I'll get to blog about in the New Year. A look at last year's list shows that I actually got one of…

Top 11 Stories of 2010: My Best Work

Wednesday I compiled a list of the top ten stories of 2010 based on number of reader comments. Now let's slice and dice 2010 purely by personal preference. Out of over 1350 blog posts published this year, here are eleven…

Brookings Schools Consider Strict Social Network Rules

The Brookings School District is considering strict rules on teacher-student fraternization. It's easy to portray such rules as essential for protecting students, given the seamy accusations of sexy texting and worse against former Sioux Falls teacher Nicholas Jastorff (who did…

Kraus: No Abortion Battle in 2011 Legislature?

The election of Republican supermajorities to the South Dakota Legislature, including anti-abortion crusaders Jenna Haggar and Pastor Steve Hickey, gives reasonable cause for expecting another abortion ban to crop up in the 2011 session. However, another leader in the abortion…