While Yankton residents face the deceptive machinations of a holy crusader who opposes opt-outs to forward his divine goal of getting "God's children out of Pharaoh's schools," Yankton reporter Nathan Johnson reads a study of government safety nets and the…
Posts published in “world”
Madville Times readers aren't buying the line that America's successful killing of Osama bin Laden will increase the danger of terrorist attacks. The latest Madville Times poll asked, "Is the world safer now that Osama bin Laden is dead?" 120…
Hey, Charlie! How about converting the organic farm to organic power? Now, as diesel prices skyrocket, some farmers who have rejected many of the past century's advances in agriculture have found a renewed logic in draft power. Partisans argue that…
Intern Kristi Noem says the world is a safer place now that President Obama has whacked al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden. I agree (ow! ow! agreeing with Kristi! ow-ow-ow!). I'll give you my armchair analysis and some further reading in…
The oil-magnate Koch Brothers have been pouring money into the Berkeley Earth Science Temperature project to find the flaws in the science underlying the general consensus about climate change. On March 31, lead researcher and climate science skeptic Richard Muller…
The Fund for Peace provides a diverting assessment of national sustainability. No, not sustainability as in how much organic granola they consume (wait, isn't all granola carbon-based?) The 2010 Failed States Index ranks nations for political stability. The usual suspects…
The CBC radio program As It Happens has been conducting some riveting interviews with Libyan citizens in the midst of revolution. On the Friday, February 25 broadcast, an 18-year-old woman explained what she wants... and what she and her compatriots…