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Posts tagged as “Aberdeen”

Northern Beef Packers Pays Lawyers $75K While Stiffing Workers

I'm reading the financial statement filed by Northern Beef Packers president David Palmer in bankruptcy court on August 2. (Case 13-10118, Document 105). On July 12, Northern Beef Packers issued 226 hourly payroll checks totaling $72,014.70. On July 17, Northern…

Governor Should Face Northern Beef Workers in Aberdeen Next Week

Governor Dennis Daugaard will be holding "Capital for a Day" activities in Aberdeen next Friday, August 16. "The community is invited and encouraged to participate in the events." An event everyone who used to work for now-bankrupt corporate welfare recipient…

Northern Beef Packers: Where’d All That Money Go?

Scott Waltman offers this breakdown of all the help we taxpayers have given the now-bankrupt Northern Beef Packers in Aberdeen. Depending on how you count the dollars, Waltman's report shows that Pierre has given almost $5.8 million either directly to…

Aberdeen City Attorney Error Raises Taxes, May Cost City $358

Spearfish High School held a career fair for the sophomores yesterday. The nice businesspeople who came to my classroom to hold forth about the real world said, among other things, that they see a big need in every field for…