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Posts tagged as “Al Novstrup”

Rep. Novstrup Gets Headline Wrong: AAN Says Bills, Not Open Hearings, Waste Time

In mostly fluffy opening comments at Saturday's Aberdeen crackerbarrel, Rep. Al Novstrup (R-3/Aberdeen) took issue with Thursday's Aberdeen American News editorial, which declared that the South Dakota Legislature wastes time and money with some bills. Well, at least he acknowledges…

Voter Challenges Al Novstrup to Live up to Open-Records Cred on EB-5

Hey, Burt Elliott! Pat Hale! You're paying attention to this letter to the editor in the Aberdeen paper, right? Ed Fischbach of Mellette notes that Senator Al Novstrup (R-3/Aberdeen) was all about open records when the James River Water Development…

Novstrup: Forced Abortion Counseling Just a “Drive Across Town”

House Bill 1217, the coercive counseling abortion measure awaiting the governor's signature, is so poorly written, so obviously overturnable by any court in the land on HIPAA violations and separation of church and state, that I'm starting to think it's…