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Posts tagged as “American Indians”

Abourzek Says Weiland Right for Indian Country

Columnist Tim Giago says South Dakota's American Indians should pick Larry Pressler for U.S. Senate. Former Senator Jim Abourezk says no way: Rick Weiland is the right man for Indian Country. Abourezk says Weiland is the only viable champion for…

Watertown Students Dress up as Indians for Homecoming

Oh, look—white kids dressed up in mock Indian garb: Not having had the pleasure of graduating from Watertown, Home of the Arrows, I can't speak to the rich local tradition behind the branding of homecoming week as a celebration of…

State Labor Supply Seems to Under-Count Available Indian Workers

I continue to try to nail down how well South Dakota includes the American Indian population in its unemployment data. Following my weekend calculation that ignoring unemployment on the reservation causes us to underreport statewide unemployment by ten percentage points,…