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Posts tagged as “American Legislative Exchange Council”

Rosenthal Raps Republicans for Giving ALEC Taxpayer Dollars

Former South Dakota Republican Party exec Joel Rosenthal joins other prominent Republicans and a whole bunch of angry South Dakotans in saying that the new Republican-backed policy of giving taxpayer dollars to the partisan, conservative American Legislative Exchange Council is…

Citizens Protest Legislature’s Use of Tax Dollars for ALEC Dues

As of this early morning, 791 people have signed this online petition protesting our Legislature's use of tax dollars to pay dues to the crony-capitalist American Legislative Exchange Council for all 105 of its members and their travel expenses to…

Dems Focus Public Attention on GOP Funneling of Tax Dollars to ALEC

The South Dakota Democratic Party smells another winning issue in the GOP leadership's picking of your pocket on behalf of the American Legislative Exchange Council: But you don't have to take us partisans' word for it. Chairman Nesselhuf posts links…

Nelson, Schoenbeck Say No to Taxpayer Funding of ALEC Dues

As the Republican spin machine celebrates spending tax dollars on legislators' dues to a private, pro-corporate lobbying organization, Rep. Stace Nelson (R-19/Fulton) establishes his crossover conservative-independent cred by agreeing with Dems like Rep. Bernie Hunhoff that sending your tax dollars…

GOP Spends Tax Dollars on ALEC Dues, Trips; Dems Reject Koch Bros. Influence

This winter, the South Dakota Legislature decided to spend an extra half-million dollars on itself, even though its own Research Council never said they need the money. House Speaker Brian Gosch (R-32/Rapid City) and Senate Majority Leader Russell Olson (R-8/Wentworth)…

Legislative Leaders Push to Restore Funding for ALEC Trips

Remember the half-million dollars that the Legislature added to its own budget, giving themselves twelve times more money to play with than they could find for each K-12 teacher in South Dakota. The Legislative Research Council never said they needed…