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Posts tagged as “anti-intellectualism”

View from Outside: South Dakota Inhospitable to Intellectual Enterprise

David Newquist thinks hard and writes big. His latest analysis of anti-intellectualism and the decline of progressivism in South Dakota deserves your attention. Permit me to focus on just one interesting element of his essay, an example of how our…

GOP to South Dakota Youth: Don’t Get Educated, Don’t Travel, Don’t Strive

The South Dakota Republican Party is run by a guy from Minnesota. Rep. Kristi Noem's campaign is run by a guy from Minnesota. These non-South Dakotans put together an extended video arguing that Matt Varilek isn't South Dakotan enough:…

Noem Demonstrates Insecure Anti-Intellectualism at USD Graduation

Alas, poor December 2011 USD graduates. They hit the books, each incur about $20,000 in debt to get their degrees, and whom do they get to honor them at their commencement? Congresswoman Kristi Noem, an insecure anti-intellectual who thinks they…