Holy cow! The Metrodome collapsed! Hubert H. Humphrey Metrobowl, Minneapolis. The inflatable roof collapsed due to the weight of snow from this weekend's blizzard, which had dumped 17 inches on Minneapolis by Saturday evening. Image from KARE TV via CNN.…
Posts tagged as “athletics”
In response to my post questioning the $2.9 million price tag cited by the Madison school district for its proposed new gym, I get the following comment on my KELO blog from Tim S.: As a Construction Project Manager/Estimator if…
Remember that new gym proposal Madison voters turned down back in 2007? Recall the plans for that building: 2007 New Gym Site Plan (click to enlarge) 2007 New Gym Floor Plan (click to enlarge) The new gym proposed in 2007…
When I toured my alma mater last week, Madison High School principal Sharon Knowlton said more than once that the proposed $16.9-million new gym and renovation project is the only way to accomplish all of the architectural changes the high…