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Posts tagged as “automotive”

HB 1202: Legislature All for Coasting

I just learned I've been breaking the law... and the South Dakota State Legislature wants to legalize my bad behavior. In the past year, I have derived great pleasure from getting back into manual transmission in my little red Beetle.…

Gas Mileage: Finally Converting from Ethanol-10 to Premium?

Monday before last, I drove out to Spearfish and got a job. Last Monday, I drove out to Spearfish and got an apartment. This coming Sunday, I haul family, teacher shoes, and bicycles to Spearfish. Work starts this coming Monday.…

South Dakota 15th for Dependence on Gasoline

As you commute across South Dakota's wide open spaces this morning, you probably won't be surprised to learn that we South Dakotans spend more of their income on gasoline than many other Americans. In this report from March 2010, the…