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Posts tagged as “Brookings”

$360K Donation Saves Brookings Gifted Program, Orchestra, Three Jobs

This just in from a Brookings listener: Brookings Radio reports an anonymous donor has given the Brookings School District $360,000 to offset some of the $903,000 reduction in state education aid for the coming school year. Superintendent Roger DeGroot says…

SDSU Northwest Quad: Socialist Scourge or Economy Expander?

South Dakota State University is finally pushing socialism too far, at least for some Brookings capitalists. Jill Fier of the Brookings Register reports that Brookings developers John Mills and Dennis Bielfeldt want the Brookings City Council to express official opposition…

Census 2010: Madison Loses 1%, Brookings Gains 19%

The Rapid City Journal offers an interactive map of the newly released Census 2010 data for South Dakota. Our fair state's population grew 7.9% over the past decade, to 814,180. Unfortunately, Lake County didn't share in that growth: our official…

Art, Talent, Jobs: What the Daugaard Budget Really Cuts

My friend and Brookings Middle School art teacher Eileen Hall puts Governor Dennis Daugaard's proposed 10% cut state K-12 education funding (and the potential impacts on the Brookings School District that raised her so well) in personal perspective: My name…

Daugaard, Olson Want to End Brookings Extra-Curriculars, 18 Jobs

Last month I laid out cuts Madison Central could make to meet the budget shortfall Governor Dennis Daugaard and our Senator Russell Olson will create if they pass their desired 10% cut to state K-12 aid. Firing eighteen teachers would…

Brookings Downtown Developer Takes on Rapid City

Congratulations to John Seward of Brookings, who is heading to Rapid City to direct the Main Street Square project. Seward is apparently a big part of why downtown Brookings looks so busy and beautiful: he's come up with all sorts…

Sunday Potpourri: Seats, Stress, Scores….

Start a new Legislative session, and I'm bound to miss some other news. Among stories of note this week: Citizen Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is taking a seat on the governing board of the Innovation Campus in Brookings, the town she…

Teacher Rejects Technofear, Advocates Intelligent Interaction

Education expert and Facebook non-user Displaced Plainsman responds to the Brookings School District's consideration of anti-Facebook-fraternization rules with the techno-historical analogy of the week: The logic behind limiting teachers' use of social media seems akin to an effort to prevent…