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Posts tagged as “campaign finance”

District 32: PACs Go Big for GOP Incumbents; Indivs Favor Dem Swanson

Here's a quick breakdown of the District 32 House money race between Republican incumbent gunbernatorial patronage beneficiaries Brian Gosch and Kristin Conzet and their sole Democratic challenger and teacher Jackie Swanson: donations Gosch Conzet Swanson small indiv $8,015.00 $425.00 $7,900.16…

Utah: Fail to File Campaign Finance, Get Booted from Ballot!

In South Dakota, if you fail to timely file your campaign finance forms, you face a $50 daily fine. In Utah, you get kicked off the ballot: The office of Utah Lt. Gov. Greg Bell says Brent L. Andrews of…

Teachers, Doctors, Nurses Contribute to Political Campaigns

A typical anonymous commenter on Dakota War College wheezes that teachers have no business spending money on political campaigns when they could make better use of that money helping kids. Really? Let's take a look at expenditures by another noble…

Hunhoff, SDDP Correlate GOP Donors and Corporate Welfare

Rep. Bernie Hunhoff (D-19/Yankton) held a press conference Thursday to spotlight big campaign contributions to South Dakota Republicans. He and the South Dakota Democratic Party found that corporate directors who donate to Republicans get a great return on their investment.…

Sec. Gant Takes PAC Donations from Vendors

Bob Mercer digs through the state campaign finance records and finds Secretary of State Jason Gant striking yet another blow against public trust in his office. This time, Gant is accepting big PAC donations from contractors with his office: Gant's…

Noem Returns Campaign Donations from Tax Dodger Picardi

I'm pleased to note that Rep. Kristi Noem has washed her hands of some dirty money. Rapid City surgeon Edward Picardi took his Tea Party philosophy a step too far by reducing his own taxes through Romneyesque offshore accounts. A…