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Posts tagged as “campaign finance”

Bosworth Breaks Law Again, Solicits Campaign Donations from Foreigner

...because she's run out of suckers in America? We've already caught Annette Bosworth committing perjury by swearing a false petition circulator's oath. Now comes evidence that Bosworth is violating federal campaign finance rules by soliciting donations overseas. Conrad Longmore is…

PCJ Maps 2013 Senate Campaign Contributions

Joel Ebert of the Pierre Capital Journal maps itemized campaign contributions to South Dakota's U.S. Senate candidates. The map only includes data from the 2013 year-end filing, but it's still a fun click. Ebert also lists the top ten South…

McCutcheon Ruling Removes Constitutional Check on Powerful Elites

The United States Supreme Court removed another safeguard against the influence of big money in elections. In a 5–4 ruling on McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, the Court overturned caps on the aggregate limits on how much an individual can…

Bosworth Claiming $900K in Donations, Still Not Paying Campaign Staff

A source tells me that fake U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworth claims that she has raised over $900,000 in beer money thanks to a massive grassroots campaign. We know the grassroots claim to be baloney: hiring a direct-mail company to…

Latterell Asks Donors to Buy His Vote

Michael Larson catches his District 6 Representative Isaac Latterell weaving a cynical fundraising ploy. As a response to the big special-interest money that Rep. Latterell says has too much influence in politics, Rep. Latterell wants people to tithe to him:…