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Posts tagged as “conservatives”

Gordon Howie Christian Conservative Scorecard Irrelevant to 2012 Primary

The Gordon Howie Potemkin blogroll is talking history today... because most of Howie's candidates are history! Gordon Howie invited everyone to a "Conservative Celebration" at Life and Liberty National Syndicate Headquarters in Rapid City. Howie said the party would run…

Fred Romkema Tunes Message to Tea Party Audience

You might think Rep. Fred Romkema would face an uphill battle for Tea Party votes in the District 31 primary. Like fellow candidate Tim Johns, Romkema has a long career in local and state government, which might trigger Tea Partiers'…

Video: Watch Spearfish Tea Party Legislative Candidates Forum!

My Tea Party neighbors, the Northern Hills Patriots, hosted a forum here in Spearfish last night for the men running for District 31 Legislature. Five of the six candidates, all Republicans, showed to field questions on keeping taxes down, stopping…

Kristi Noem D-Minus at Best on Tea Party Report Card

We saw this coming: The Tea Party is realizing Kristi Noem isn't Tea Party enough for them. The Club for Growth has rated all freshman Republican members of Congress for their fealty to "economic freedom." They find three of the…

Car Seat Program Shows Real Family Values

In a move my conservative neighbors ought to be cheering, the federal government is cutting back spending on child safety. Since 2005, South Dakota parents have benefited from the Project 8 Child Seat Program, which last year alone handed out…

Tea Party Conservatism in Two Comments: Exclusion and Mindless Waste

And in the "Stupid Neighbors" evening report, Facebook brings me everything you need to know about what's wrong with the Tea Party in just two comments. A couple nights ago, my crazy cousin Aaron shared a photo comparing President Barack…

Strong Forfeits Ballot Access Argument by Not Answering Phone

Even though Kristi Noem still refuses on specious grounds to join the Tea Party caucus, South Dakota's arch conservatives have clearly embraced our Congresswoman's mediocrity. Stephanie Strong, who could have led a primary challenge to Noem, fell just a few…