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Posts tagged as “Constitution”

PPACA Wins in Court; Founding Fathers Surely Pleased

Dakota War College toots its horn on the misses; I might as well holler for the hits. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is batting over .500 again in the courts. Judge Gladys Kessler in the D.C. Circuit Court…

Sunday Potpourri: Daugaard’s Recession, Noem’s Hair…

Even my lovely wife says I have too many tabs open on my browser (current count: 19). Time to clear the queue! Here's the South Dakota news I'm reading about: David Chicoine, president of my noble alma mater South Dakota…

Jim Bolin Wins Back My Respect

I rode herd on Rep. Jim Bolin (R-16/Canton) last week for the seemingly inconsistent and unnecessarily Tea-flavored advocacy of HB 1153, a bill that opposes the adoption of national Common Core history standards for K-12 education. The bill passed House…

SB 138: Non-Constitutional Revamp of Electoral College

Senate Bill 138 is the South Dakota incarnation of legislation promoted nationwide by the National Popular Vote movement. The bill is actually an agreement to join an interstate compact in which member states promise to appoint their delegates to the…

HB 1165: South Dakota Secedes from Union with PPACA Nullification

I was expecting Jenna Haggar, Steve Hickey, or Stace Nelson to set off my Legislative right-wingnut alarm first. However, Haggar and Hickey have kept pretty quiet (Hickey has yet to appear as prime sponsor of any bills), and Nelson is…

Russell Olson Ignores Foreigners’ Rights

State Senate Majority Leader Russell Olson (R-8/Wentworth) demonstrates his weak grasp of the Constitution, not to mention lack of South Dakota hospitality. In response to questions about an ACLU lawsuit challenging South Dakota's discriminatory restriction on non-citizens obtaining concealed weapons…

Judge Hudson Reminds Me: We Need Single-Payer!

I am not fond of the health insurance mandate included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. I agree with Michael Moore that people aren't cars. If health insurance is so important that it warrants a government intervention in…