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Posts tagged as “corporate welfare”

County Budget Priorities: Cut Lake Area Improvement Corporation Subsidy

Money's tight for the Lake County Commission. During Tuesday's meeting, our commissioners cut $200,000 from various budget requests. They're still looking at having to draw another $200,000 from cash reserves to pay the bills. Among items that could provide direct…

SDGOP Chair Gripes Dems Put Politics over Policy, Ignores Numbers

Pot-kettle-black! If Secretary Gant certifies the HB 1230 referral petitions he received yesterday, we'll have plenty of time to duke it out on this issue during the 2012 general election. But South Dakota Republican chairman Tim Rave, who voted for…

Democrats Submit 22,791 Signatures to Refer Corporate Welfare

Don't shout "Success!" just yet, but state Democratic Party chairman Ben Nesselhuf appears to have earned his pay for the month. A press release from the South Dakota Democratic Party announces that it and its petition partners are submitting 22,791…