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Posts tagged as “corporation”

Weiland Sees Big Picture of Big Money vs. Little Guys

While Republican M. Michael Rounds rides shotgun and kinda-Republican Annette Bosworth sprinkles confused policy notions atop her narcissistic references to herself as a Gen X David against Goliath (or is she the next Stace Nelson, or the next Che?), Democrat…

TransCanada Screams “Terrorist!” at American Opponents of Keystone XL

Regular readers know I don't go for conspiracy theories. But give me three instances of the powers that be portraying anti-Keystone XL activists as terrorists, and I can't help thinking we face an orchestrated corporate PR campaign. First public officials…

Change the Conversation: Improve Education by Fighting Poverty

Student learning depends twice as much on family characteristics as on anything that happens in school. Income inequality has more to do with how well our kids do in school than standardized tests or teacher evaluations. So why does the…

Dakota Rural Action Liberal… as in Fighting for Your Liberty

My response to Dakota War College's derision of Dakota Rural Action as a "liberal" activist group drew a predictable dodge in which Mr. Powers said he should call DRA "a lot worse" for opposing corporate farms and criticizing John Thune.…

StarTrib: One-Year Farm Bill Extension Favors Rich, Hurts Land

The Minneapolis Star Tribune explains how the failure of Rep. Kristi Noem to pass a real Farm Bill is just one more Republican cave-in to the rich and powerful: A truer and more alarming way to view the one-year extension…