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Posts tagged as “David Eliason”

Judge Sides with Smut Peddler Eliason in Sturgis Zoning Dispute

South Dakota smut peddler David Eliason wins a round in court. U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Viken says the city of Sturgis improperly denied Eliason an occupancy permit for a masturbation-aids store in 2010. Viken denied Eliason an emergency restraining order…

Smut Peddler David Eliason Chickens out of Sturgis Bar Auction

Statewide smut seller David Eliason failed to put his money where his mouth was in Sturgis yesterday. After having to move his "Dick and Jane's" masturbation-aids shop—really, let's call it what it is) due to violations of state law last…